Yoga Postures | Rishikul Yogshala Blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Wed, 20 Sep 2023 03:09:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Simple Steps to Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana Thu, 24 Aug 2017 06:29:55 +0000 Yoga for the mind, body and soul! As good as this phrase sounds; the wonders of this science are even more far-reaching when experienced in real. With over thousands of postures and asanas designed in the span of this majestic art form, the techniques and the process of every posture is highly distinct. Even though, every yoga asana comes with certain exclusives benefits and qualities, we have selected a special ‘one’ that you would love and explore just as much.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, as it is called in Sanskrit, is also eminent as the ‘Downward Facing Dog Pose’. This yoga asana is a secular pose, also performed as an integral asana of the Suryanamaskar or the Sun Salutation Series. An amazing quality about the pose is that it does not require you to be an advanced level yogi. Adho Mukha Svanasana can be performed and reached by everyone, even a beginner level yoga practitioner. Before we go into the various steps involved in performing this pose, mentally prepare yourself for it by reading some of the most stunning Adho Mukha Svanasana benefits:

6 Simple Steps to Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana

  • Helps restore body energy and revitalizes it.
  • Renders tone to the calves, back and hip muscles.
  • Improves lung capacity.
  • Reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Improves memory and enhances cognitive skills due to improved oxygen supply and blood circulation to the brain.
  • Strengthens and lengthens the spine. Relieves any discomfort or pain in the middle and lower back.
  • Stretches the entire body while strengthening arms, calves and shoulders.

Preparatory Poses: Warm up for the pose by performing Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose) or Phalakasana (Plank Pose)

Read and practice through the following six Adho Mukha Svanasana steps:

Step 1

For getting into the pose, come into table-top position. This position can be achieved by balancing the body onto your knees and wrists such that the two knees and the two wrists form the leg of a table while the rest of the body is the top.

Step 2

While keeping your toes firm into the ground, gently lift your knees upwards. Do so while exhaling.

Step 3

Stretch your arms forward so that the upper body is tilted towards the front. Keep your palms inward, while maintaining the alignment with respective shoulder.

Step 4

Move deeper into the yoga by lifting the knees as high as the hip can be. Your body should ideally form an inverted V shape. Maintain the curve on your back inwards. It should not protrude outwards at any point while performing the pose. Keep the head and neck aligned while your ears can gently graze either shoulder.

Step 5

Push the tail bone as much as you are comfortable with. This is done to provide ultimate stretch to the body, especially the back and calves. Remain in the position for duration of 15-20 breaths.

Step 6

Reach back into the table top position while gently exhaling and bending back the knees. Repeat the pose up to 8 times.

Follow up Poses: You can perform Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose) or Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose) once the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose is complete. You can rest for up to 20 seconds before commencing the follow up yoga postures.

6 Simple Steps to Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana

Precautions and Contraindications

  • In order to perform this pose, warming up the arms, wrists and calf muscles is highly recommended.
  • Do not attempt this pose if you suffer from ache or injury in the wrists, feet, shoulders or back.
  • Perform this pose on empty stomach only. Hence, 2-3 hours of gap between meals is appreciable.
  • Avoid this yoga posture completely if you suffer from cardiac problems or any kind of stomach disorder.
  • Do not fan out your palms while performing this pose. Keep your palms facing inward for balance and precision.
  • For best results, prepare for the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose with the recommended yoga positions.

The best time to perform this pose is early morning at the crack of dawn when you are about to kick start your day. With this, you also get the privilege to absorb the amazing benefits of solar energy. Practice this wonderful yoga pose for imbibing strength, harmony and balance in the body and mind.

To know about Adho Mukha Svanasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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Sarvangasana: The Mother of All Yoga Sequences Fri, 18 Aug 2017 07:53:40 +0000 Every yoga pose has its own benefits…..some for the heart, some for stomach, some for the back, etc. But, in between our tightly-packed schedule, it is hard to manage time for various asanas to regulate overall body parts. In such a scenario, if you are seeking an asana that can take care of your entire system from toes to fingers, that makes you experience a flow of new life within, new vigour and strength, that makes you feel happy and confident, then start practicing Sarvangasana!

Sarvangasana pose is all about uplifting the entire body with the support of hands and shoulders. Derived its name from different Sanskrit words: Sarva- Entire, Anga- Body Part, Asana- Yoga posture, Sarva-Anga-Asana means asana covering the whole body. Also popular as Shoulder stand pose, Sarvangasana pose is one of the best yoga postures in Hatha yoga due to its pivotal role in proper functioning of the overall body. Popular for its wonderful benefits, this pose works amazingly for various organs of the body and prevents it from a number of diseases and disorders.

How to do: Step by step guide

  1. Lie on the back and keep your hands on either side close to your body.
  2. Raise your legs, hips and back in the air and support your back with hands.
  3. Try to keep your whole body in a straight line by placing your hands on the back. Press the elbows on the floor and hands into the back to keep straightening the body. Put the entire body weight on the shoulders, not on your head and neck.
  4. Bring your feet straight over nose and keep the legs firm. If you feel any strain or stress in the neck then come back to normal state.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold this posture for 30-60 seconds.
  6. To come back to starting state, bring your knees down to the forehead, hands to the floor with palms towards the floor. Now, bring your whole body down to the floor without lifting the head.

Keep these things in mind before getting started

  • Prepare yourself for this asana by doing a few other yoga sequences in order to open up your muscles. Neck and lower back exercise can be done before doing the shoulder stand. Relieve spinal stiffness, if any, before getting into this intensive asana.
  • Always perform Sarvangasana in the supervision of a yoga expert or instructor.
  • Don’t ignore any strain or stress in the neck. If done incorrectly, you may face a severe neck injury.
  • Give ample support from your arms to back. Don’t cause any pressure or pain in your neck. Elderly people, people with high blood pressure, back or neck injuries, slipped disk, cardiovascular diseases, shouldn’t attempt this posture.
  • Don’t come out of the posture at once with a jerk. Do it gently and slowly.
  • Don’t get up immediately. Follow with Corpse pose or Savasana.
  • You can do this asana daily twice a day. Start with two minutes in the beginning and increase it to almost 30 minutes gradually.
  • Follow with Matsyasana (fish posture). Doing this, pain in the back part of the neck will be relieved and the usefulness of Sarvangasana will be intensified.

Benefits of Sarvangasana

  1. No more thyroid problems: The pose helps glands to absorb nutrients from blood by bathing them in blood and ensuring their proper functioning. Also, it ensures blood flow to neck regions and revitalizes the throat.
  2. Good for your heart: In the pose, when the body is inverted and the blood flow in heart region enhances. This leads to proper functioning of the heart.
  3. Amazing vigor and strength: Regular practice of the pose develops new vigour and strength in the practitioner and makes them joyous and confident.
  4. Relieves headache: During the inverted position, the supply of blood in the head region is increased that helps manage headache and migraine.
  5. Hypertension: People with high blood pressure, short temper, nervous breakdown and irritation should practice this pose on a regular basis as it cools down the nerves.
  6. Cures Insomnia: The pose helps treat insomnia. During the pose, when the body is in inverted position of the asana, blood circulation to the ENT region enhances. This increases nutrients supply in this region.
  7. Relieves constipation: The pose vanishes constipation completely by regulating free movement of the bowel.
  8. Relieves ulcers: The pose helps in relieving stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, chronic pains in the abdominal region and colitis, as it activates the abdominal organs and stimulates the intestinal and stomach glands.
  9. Stops hair fall: It prevents hair fall by enhancing the supply of blood in the head region.
  10. Sexual disorders: In the case of sexual disorders and problems such as frequent abortions, leucorrhoea, syphilis etc, Sarvangasana is quite beneficial.
  11. Weight Loss: It helps in burning flab by enhancing the metabolism functions in the body.
  12. Better eyesight: The pose accelerates the blood circulation in the ENT region and improves the eye vision.
  13. Takes care of Skin: Say goodbye to wrinkles and pimples. The pose helps delay ageing and makes you look young and pretty.

There are different types of Sarvangasana for you to practice on a regular basis to make up the entire body.

To Know more about Sarvangasana, join yoga teacher training in India.

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7 Ultimate Yoga Poses for Stress Management Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:26:54 +0000 7 Ultimate Yoga Poses for Stress Management

“Perhaps! Stress is the alternate definition of Life~” How many of us have undergone this persisting emotion and submitted to life’s agony? Better yet, how many of us have ‘not’ felt this emotion at any point in our lives? Probably, not many of us are deprived of this ‘gruesome’ statement. Being hit by stress is a normal occurrence in today’s tumultuous scenario. It can attack anybody, anytime and anywhere. It is best to be avoided. However, it is not ‘unavoidable’ at all times either. The key is to manage it, keep this ‘stress’ under the influence of our body, mind and soul, rather than letting it influence us.

Yoga – the greatest science ever developed with a mission directed towards holistic wellbeing of the mind, body and soul. This divine art form offers the perfect solution, both ergonomic and completely harmless – for an endless number of ailments and problems like stress, coronary disorders, body aches, etc. Hence, if you are victim of this stress too then it is time to strap up and feel better again by practicing some yoga for stress management.

Yoga is a cornerstone of various poses and breathing techniques that are highly beneficial in providing instant relief from any kind of strain you might be undergoing. And so, let us discuss the seven most amazing yoga poses for managing stress that can be practiced at all levels anywhere with ease:

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)


Start with Sukhasana, or the Easy Pose. As the name suggests, it is one of the easiest and completely revitalizing poses in yoga. The pose does not just calm you down, it also opens your hip muscles and strengthens your spine while relaxing the back muscles. Concentrate for up to a minute on your breath while sitting in this pose with a straight spine.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose)


The next pose you can undertake is Garudasana, also known as the Eagle pose. This yoga asana exercises the ability of a human mind to focus on a single point, akin to the sharp eyed focus of an eagle. The focal point could be anything — an object that makes you feel pleasant and happy. This yoga pose is excellent for relieving stress in shoulders and hips – two of the most common stress points.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) Variation


When stress attacks a body and is carried in it persistently, it begins to affect its internal organs, like heart, stomach, etc. This is the ideal yoga posture for managing higher levels of stress. The pose calms the body and mind while it also improves its digestive system. Perform it during bedtime for a good night’s sleep.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)


This is a ‘magic’ yoga posture for the entire body and mind. Just try it and you would know that we are not kidding here. This awesome yoga pose helps relax groin area, inner thighs and hips muscles as well. In other words, it opens all those major spots in the body where you primarily hold stress.  For a much enhanced effect on the mind, you can remain in this pose while playing a nice soothing music or murmuring soothing messages.

Viparita Karani (Leg up the wall pose)


Viparita Karani is a widely unique yoga pose for relieving stress and anxiety from the brain and the entire body. This pose is carried out with legs straight up the wall while rest of the body remains in perpendicular position on the ground. This pose regulates blood flow in the entire body and directs it from your feet to the brain. The pose builds your ability to concentrate on breathing movement and relaxes your heart muscle as it does not have to pump blood into the lower body.

Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)


This pose is highly effective for women undergoing menstrual discomfort. It helps relieve stress in the spine and abdomen as well. This is also an excellent yoga asana for eliminating stomach disorders. For best results, combine this pose with Cow Pose or Bitilasana.

Savasana (Corpse Pose) 


The last one, but definitely not the least, Shavasana or the Corpse Pose is the perfect ending yoga asana for relieving stress. One of the most rejuvenating and calming postures, a yoga session remains incomplete if this pose is not practiced. This pose is highly crucial for complete restoration of the body, mind and soul. It is also beneficial for promoting deeper sleep, improving cardiac muscles and for relieving the entire nervous system. Remain in this pose for 10-20 minutes at the end of your yoga session for an absolutely stress-free body.

So, the next time you feel stressed – grab some quiet space and get on with some yoga. Reward yourself a rehabilitated spirit.

To know more about these yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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Why Yoga Has Become a Byword for Health and Cure: Treatment of 4 Malfunctions Wed, 21 Jun 2017 08:23:12 +0000 Yes, you heard it right, yoga has the power to heal and restore health in ailing bodies and ailing minds. More than mere movements, yoga is designed to revive to the core physical systems that have fallen to weaknesses. Be it a malfunction of the internals or a fracture on the surface, by practicing yoga with effective thrusts on the problem area, it is possible to overcome limitations to a great extent. The only difference between healing through yoga and recovery with medicine is in the invasiveness.

While modern medicine is trusted for quick fixes, the side effects of drugs come as a liability. The recovery is not thorough and chances of recurrence loom in the distance. Yoga on the other hand, addresses problems from a holistic viewpoint and though carried out over a longer period of time, it keeps the patient free from drug dependency.

Let us see how healing of common malfunctions adds to the list of diverse benefits of yoga:


Stiffening chronic pain does not only make living difficult, it poses a practical challenge in practicing yoga. Often misdiagnosed, sufferers of fibromyalgia are near constantly subjected to fatigue and pain, or become dependent upon daily dosage of painkillers.

To come out of this miserable state, one must take to exercise to channelize prana or life energy back into those unused muscles. Thankfully, one of the advantages of yoga is that yoga poses can be introduced according to suitability-

  • Child’s Pose

Blotting out external stimuli, bend over on your mat slowly without triggering the sharp jabs of pain. Concentrate all your thoughts and energies on your breath and stretch the shoulders, unfailingly experiencing relaxation in your affected muscles.


  • Legs on the Wall

Another movement of ease will be to stretch out your legs on the wall and experience the thrust on your lower abdomen. This is a reverse of the “downward dog” with almost the exact same benefits of yoga in the standing posture.


  • Mountain-Pose

As simple and strong as the mountain standing against the wind, root yourself firmly to the ground in the mountain pose. Feel all the stress ebb away from the affected muscles as you stand with your shoulders stretched out and the spine straightened.



Constipation could be a symptom for a number of anomalies, most commonly pelvic diseases and stomach disorders. An annoying condition that may upset everyday functionality to no ends, constipation should not be neglected.

In addition to a corrected diet, yoga for constipation can help regularizing bowel movements, restoring normalcy.

  • Mayurasana or the Peacock Pose

Through an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, this pose will help in the breaking down of unwholesome food.


  • Halasana or the Plough Pose

This inverted posture is good for circulating blood to the pelvic area and thus confirming a healthy bowel movement.


  • Baddha Konasana or the Butterfly Pose

Effective for relieving cramps in the abdomen, this pose will cure bloating of the stomach, bringing down stress in other areas of the body.



The inability to conceive is a depressing thought but before coming to that conclusion every woman battling for motherhood should give yoga a try. To boost fertility naturally, there are several postures to try.

  • Paschimottasana or the Seated Forward Bend

A stress relieving posture that effectively massages the uterus and ovaries, continuing the practice of this posture will work as a push for fertility.


  • Hastapadasana or the Standing Forward Bend

A variation on the seated bend, this fertility yoga posture too works in stimulating the ovaries and improves blood circulation in the pelvic region.



A malfunction of the endocrine glands, thyroid is medically incurable. However, by keeping a check on your lifestyle and diet alongside practicing yoga, you can minimize the effects of this malfunction with the benefits of yoga to zero!

  • Marjariasana or Cat Stretch

Thoroughly effective for Hypothyroidism, the cat stretch, strengthens and straightens out hips, abdomen, and back. The thyroid gland placed in the throat too receives a comforting push.


  • Shoulder Stand

Another promising posture in yoga for thyroid, this does not only stimulates the gland in question but also energized other glands in the head region. This has a positive effect on the condition.


The significance of yoga in therapy is thus rising and justifiably so. Be a part of this drive to welcome a future in non-invasive therapy.

To know more about these wonderful yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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Starting Each Beautiful Day with Yoga: Indexing 4 Postures Wed, 31 May 2017 15:02:37 +0000 Having difficulty getting over early morning tardiness every day and hot beverages are hardly any help? It is time you seriously yoga to energize. Even if your morning yoga session is as brief as fifteen minutes, the effect of jolting up to a new day with full awareness and the feeling of refreshment will resonate through the day. This lasting energy is more than what a high dose of caffeine can produce. All you have to do is strengthen your will power and come up on the mat right after your morning alarm goes off.

Here is a sequence of yoga recommended for all those struggling with the early morning laze syndrome:

The Glorious Surya Namaskar


Sidle away all the lethargy from your body by assuming a posture of prayer to the power greater than the earthly. The Surya Namaskar asana sequence is a comprehensive morning routine which does not require any equipment but nourishes and empowers from within. Considering the sun to be the source of all life on this planet, this yoga commands one to bow down in reverence and humility.

Starting every day with the Surya Namaskar will help individuals get over the margins of your body and mind, working on the main seven chakras. The natural outcome of this yoga sequence is lightening up of the body with its slow and soothing rhythmic movement.

Relaxing Chair with Utkatasana

This relaxing chair pose is an amazing yogic stance to generate heat and energy in the body when in the slump. It is not more complicated than folding the body, forming it into a chair. Tension is created in the thigh muscles this way, building up strength. This results in activating of the core. The challenge is to keep seated with a little bit of imagination in that chair which is not there. Perfect the curvatures and degree of tension at your waistline. Sit with awareness, lengthening your spine and breathe steady but rhythmically. With a little practice, after mastering the awareness level you can integrate your other morning activities in the routine. Keep the newspaper open before you on a stand or tune in to a radio channel while you do the posture.

Bringing a Twist with the Revolved Chair


This is another imaginary chair routine to be performed with a sideways twist. Creating pressure at the abdomen and back muscles, this posture will help bowel movements. There are ways to modify the chair posture to open shoulder, chest, and upper back. In addition, as you cross one leg over when twisting, it would result in strengthening of the calf muscles. The only word of caution that goes here is, don’t get into the posture, right after getting up from bed. Without a little warm up, you are likely to flex the wrong way, hurting and spraining you still sleeping muscles.

Get Ready with Warrior-Like Resistance


When you get up in the morning with that exhausted feeling expect half the day to waste. Immune yourself to negativity and stress with the warrior stance of yoga. Performing the sequence of two postures in the warrior way first thing in the morning will open up your hips and chest, and will also bring a certain stretch in the arms and legs. This will generate the much required fighting spirit to dela with the many hardships to come in the day. Do this every day to develop concentration, balance, and the ease of staying grounded.

To know more about these wonderful Postures in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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5 Ways Chair Yoga Benefits Us (Along With Five Poses for seniors) Tue, 23 May 2017 11:11:20 +0000 “Yoga is for all” – how many times have we heard this or read this? But, is it true and practical? Those of you screaming “yes” are probably young and/or physically fit to undergo such a training, but those who just rolled your eyes comprises the majority – those who are elderly, have physical limitations, or even be in lack of time.

Let us tell you a secret – “Yoga is for all.” There, we said it, just like a million other websites and yoga practitioners and believers. What’s stopping you? Age, inflexibility, injury?

Yoga, as we know it, was found 5,000 years ago and has come a long way and has undergone several modifications and innovations. ‘Chair Yoga’ is one such modification or innovation which, even though influenced completely by the practices of yoga studies’ is a slight deviation from your everyday yoga. Chair Yoga, also known as seated yoga, is a form of yoga which is practiced using chair as an important prop. It is a gentle, less demanding, form of yoga which is practiced sitting on a chair or standing and using chair as a support. This form of yoga is best suited for those with limitation as mentioned above, especially for the elderly.

Let us tell you five (and there are many more) chair yoga poses which can be practiced by anybody and everybody effortlessly.

  1. Seated Mountain Pose

    Also known as the Tadasana (mountain pose), this modified posture requires you to calmly sit on a chair with your spine straight and extending. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, roll your shoulders down your back, pull your navel in towards your spine, and relax your arms down at your sides. Engross your legs by levitating your toes and pressing firmly into all four corners of your feet.


Benefit: This simple seated yoga posture helps you engage your core, focus on your breath, and check in with your body posture.

  1. Eagle Arms

    One of the easiest chair yoga poses, to practice this posture, sit relaxed on your chair, and take a couple of deep breaths. As you inhale, stretch your arms straight on the sides, and as you exhale, bring them in front of you, take your right arm under your left, grabbing yourself, and give yourself a hug. Inhale again and as you do, life your elbows a bit higher and you exhale, roll your shoulders down and away from your ear.


Benefit: This seated yoga pose helps you stretch your wrists and the space in between the shoulder blades, two of the most difficult areas of your body to stretch.

  1. Chair Cat-Cow Stretch

    Another key posture while practicing yoga in a chair, the chair cat-cow stretch required you to be seated in the seated mountain pose but with the palms of your hand resting on your knees or the top of your thighs. When you inhale, arch your spine and roll your shoulders up, down, and back. When you exhale, round your spine and drop your chin to your chest, letting the shoulder and head come forward.


Benefit: By practicing this form of yoga in a chair, you expanse your entire spine and improve spinal mobility.

  1. Seated Forward Bend

    After the stretches, comes the seated forward bend. Seated is the mountain pose, inhale deeply and bend your upper body all the way down so your torso rests on your thighs and the palms of your hands rests on the top of your feet. Stay like that for 5-6 breaths or 30 seconds, and inhale again as you bring your body back to the mountain pose.


Benefit: This chair yoga pose helps you relieve stress and calm your mind at the same time stretching the spine and the back muscles along with massaging your intestine for a stronger digestion.

  1. Simple Seated Twist

    The last in the series of yoga postures considered safe and logical as yoga for seniors is the simple seated twist. Before trying this pose, know not to force your back or body to twist more than its natural stopping point. Forcing such a twist can cause serious injuries. Having said that, inhale deeply and raise your hands to your sides and up. As you exhale, gently and slowly twist your body to your right while lowering your arms. While you twist your upper body to your right, your left hand should rest on the right arm rest and the left right hand should gently rest on the back of the chair helping you with the twist but not deepen it.


Benefit: This simple seated twist yoga in a chair posture helps you particularly if you suffer from lower back pain, indigestion, or circulation. This pose is also one amongst the ‘detox’ poses.

Please keep in mind that the above-mentioned asanas or postures are a modification of the regular yoga postures keeping in mind that we wanted to address the topic of yoga for seniors and for people who, due to an injury or any such physical limitation, refrain from practicing yoga. Yoga is for everybody and all of us can benefit some way or the other from it which is why millions of people around the world vouch for this amazing science and art. So, stop giving yourself excuses and sit on that chair already!

To know about these Chair Yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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8 Perfect Yoga Postures for a Glowing Skin Mon, 22 May 2017 06:57:00 +0000 One day, you walk past a mirror and, out of a usual habit pause to look at yourself—see if your make–up is intact, your eyebrows still in shape. Fear strikes you when you notice a couple of fine lines forming on the otherwise quite beautiful surface of the skin. Panic stricken, you iron your face a little with your fingertips. But, the lines remain the same.  You notice the beautiful glow you once used to have is now lost. And, you blame it on the season, even though you internally know that it is not just the season – it is your lifestyle, your habits, and the lost work-life balance. In this moment, you decide to pull up your socks and take charge of your beauty, bring it back to life again.

Some of us may feel a connection with the above situation, while the rest of us could look at it as a warning bell. In today’s scenario, where a person struggles to keep up with the demands of personal and professional life, using a mac blush-on, instead of working towards maintaining the natural beauty of the skin just comes as more feasible option. However, a ‘natural’ beauty and a ‘cakey’ beauty are incomparable. And, you know it too.

Hence, it is not too late. Right time is when we set our mind on doing something about it.

In order to aid you foster natural radiance into your skin and to help you get rid of those fine lines, we advise you to keep 20 minutes aside for yourself and try these yoga asanas for benefit of your skin:

Bhujangasana (or Cobra Pose)


This yoga pose opens up chest muscle and improves oxygen flow to the entire body. It helps in releasing tension from the body, detoxifies it, while aiding in rejuvenating skin cells. This pose simultaneously works on your facial muscles and makes it smoother.

Ustrasana (or Camel Pose)


This yoga asana provides an intense bend to your back which results in opening up of rib cage that improves lung capacity. Your body improves its ability to inhale more oxygen. And, the back bend also facilitates blood flow into the facial muscles and the head. As a result, sensory organs are stimulated in a person’s body which lead to restoration of skin, hair and the whole body.

Matsyasana (or Fish Pose)


This is a perfect yoga posture for toning neck muscles and facial muscles. The excellent neck bend of this yoga asana stretches, smoothens and tones the skin. This pose is also known as a proven remedy used in the treatment of various diseases like thyroid, pineal gland, etc. the root cause of several skin ailments. Matsyasana helps regulate these which results in a healthy, glowing, ailment free skin.

Shishuasana (or Child Pose)


This miraculous yoga posture is known to provide instant relief from severe stress and anxiety – two major enemies of healthy, glowing skin. Along with eliminating physical and mental stress, this pose also improves blood circulation in facial muscles, thereby contributing to a glowing skin.

Trikonasana (or Triangle Pose)


Trikonasana is an excellent yoga asana for promoting blood circulation and also promoting oxygen flow through the entire body – from hands to arms, towards the chest and to the head. It further helps in restoring balance and equilibrium of the whole body, which results in heightened concentration and improved flexibility of the skin.

Vajrasana (or Kneeling Pose)


Poor digestive system often results in a variety of skin ailments like acne, dryness, etc. Hence, it is imperative that a person’s digestive system stays healthy and strong in order to maintain healthy glow of their skin. Vajrasana is an excellent yoga posture for improving digestion and getting rid of harmful toxins.

Dhanurasana (or Bow Pose)


For a super smooth and glowing skin, try the amazing dhanurasana. This yoga position not only regulates oxygen supply to the entire body but also instantly revitalizes skin cells. It is one of the best yoga poses for getting rid of fine lines and harmful radicals from the body.

Halasana (or Plow Pose)

This is an ideal yoga asana for providing instant natural blush and glow to your skin. It instantly improves blood circulation to the core, lungs, face and head.

It is not the age factor that defines the beauty of your skin, your fitness level does. So, practice these yoga asanas everyday to stay fit and, to possess a healthy, radiant and supple skin.

To know about these wonderful asanas in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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5 Ways Yoga Can Be Effective for Heart Blockage Sun, 07 May 2017 09:24:18 +0000 If you find something wrong with the rhythm of your heart and your heartbeats are slowing down, then don’t mistake it with the side effects of “LOVE”. The interconnection of heart and love is beyond understanding but practically if you find your heartbeats abnormal, definitely you are in a serious problem!

Heart Blockage is a problem occurring in the heart’s electrical system that controls the rate and rhythm of the heart beats. Each heartbeat causes an electrical signal to spread across and while traveling; these signals cause the heart to contract and pump blood.  Any problem or disruption in these signals tends to slow down heart beats, and hence causes heart blockage.

5 Ways Yoga Can Be Effective for Heart Blockage

Heart blockage is such a severe problem that it often results in fatality. So, it’s very important that people suffering from such condition get treatment at the earliest.

If you are one of those poor spirits who has been hunted by this life-threatening disease, don’t invite another disease called Depression to yourself by over-thinking.  Build your faith in the magical and mysterious powers of YOGA. The age-old practice has a lot of curative powers hidden in it.

Let’s dig deeper into how this not-so-scientific traditional science of yoga can help us in getting rid of this deadly ailment:

1. Nadi Sodha Pranayam (Alternate Nostrils Breathing): This yoga posture fills up your lungs with fresh oxygen and clears the mind. It detoxifies your body and reduces your stress, which is one of the major causes of heart block.


Technique: Sit comfortably cross-legged, Shut your left nostril with the middle finger of the right hand, and inhale deeply with right nostril. Repeat the same with left nostril. Perform this exercise every day for at least 15-20 minutes.

2. Brhamari Pranayam (Bee Breathing Technique): As we already know that mental disturbance, stress, and tensions are the major causes of heart problems. This pranayama plays a significant role in the treatment of heart blockage as it relaxes the cerebrum and relieves mental torments.


Technique: Sit comfortably cross-legged on the floor and close your eardrums from the index finger. Take a deep breath and make a loud humming sound like a bee and then exhale. Keep your eardrums closed, while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this process for 3-4 times.

3. Ardha Matysendrasana (Half King of the Fish Pose): This yoga asana has a lot of benefits. It helps in increasing oxygen supply to lungs, aids in the cure of back problems, diabetes, constipation, menstrual problems in women and stimulates your spine and nervous system and more.


Technique: Sit cross-legged, place your left leg over right and make sure that your left ankle should be touching your right thigh. Now, take your left hand through the gap between your left leg and torso. Hold your left ankle with it. Turn your torso to the right and hold this pose for few minutes.

4. Sukh Purvak Pranayam (Joy of Breathing Pose): As the name suggest, it’s a pose that provides “Sukh” (Happiness) while performing it.  This is a breathing exercise that calms and cools your mind and gives you a sense of joy.


Technique:  Sit cross-legged, close your right nostril with right thumb and inhale deeply from the left one. Hold your breath according to your suitability and exhale from the left nostril. Repeat the process on the other side.

5. Salambha Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose): This yoga pose lets your chest open out, and hence stimulates the blood circulation in the heart region.


Technique:  Lie down on your abdomen, stretch your legs straight at the back and keep them slightly apart. Place your arms in the front and make sure your forearms are parallel to each other. Relax in the pose for few minutes.

With these simple yoga postures, you can easily escape away from this fatal heart blockage problem. So, start performing these yoga poses from today itself and let your heart beat on the full rhythm.


To know about Yoga in further details, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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A Yogic Approach to Manage Arthritis Sat, 08 Apr 2017 09:02:38 +0000 Its morning again! Time to rise and shine!

You wake up to climb out of the bed when a sudden cringe escapes your lips and stops you mid-way through, “Oucchh!” or, “Hey Ram!”, “Oh! Lord” or perhaps “What the Crappp!”

Your body is stiff and you can experience flaming agony in almost every joint in your body.

This pain and this stiffness, both are unbiased. They attack anyone and everyone whoever is prone to their effects, irrespective of our religion, sex, color, ethnicity or even ‘age’.

A Yogic Approach to Manage Arthritis

For a few moments, till the blood begins to circulate again, you are immovable. You either begin to move like a robot, or you decide to remain in bed (for the time being), stuck in agony as you compress one of the joints in your body – the knee, the wrist, or the lower back in an attempt for the pain to subside just a little so you could kick start your day. And so, the mornings continue to stride by – day after day, night after night.

You try to dismiss this pain, this inflammation as you go about your day until the day you are unable to dismiss it any further and no amount of hot water bag, or painkillers prove to be sufficient in dealing with this pain.

That’s when the bell in your head rings and you decide to seek medical consultation. After series of expensive tests, the reports and the doctor mercilessly announce, “You have arthritis!”

And for the next few moments, as you absorb those words of brutality, you begin to speak – in a futile attempt to convince the doctor that the report has to be wrong. “Am I not too young to have this? Isn’t this genetic? It is just some pain, maybe because I slept in a wrong position.”

 The doctor prescribes a stronger pain killer and recommends a few exercises that can help you manage this recently announced ailment in your body. This is when the healing power of yoga therapy grazes your ears and your mind for the first time and so, the journey of ‘Arthritis Management’ begins.

These exercises drawn from yoga science indeed work as a miracle on the joints of arthritis sufferers. However, it is always beneficial to start sooner rather than waiting for the reports and the doctors to announce this condition.

Yoga therapy has been long since known as the most prescribed form of exercise for all forms of arthritis. And so, here is a selection of a few prescribed yoga asanas that can help you not only manage this ailment but also makes your body fit:

  • SURYANAMASKAR OR THE SUN SALUTATION SERIES: Begin your day with a “Suryanamaskar” to instantly revive blood circulation in your body and to stretch your spine for maximum flexibility and comfort.


  • SHISHUASANA OR THE CHILD’S POSE: This pose helps with stretching and improving flexibility in lower back. Additionally, this pose helps to flex butt muscles as well.


  • VRIKSHA ASANA OR THE TREE POSE: This pose helps increase blood circulation in thighs, hips and ankles. It especially helps in strengthening and toning the area around legs, feet, ankle and abdomen.


  • JASTIASANA OR THE STICK POSE: This pose helps in healing inflammation in the knee and ankle. Also, it improves blood circulation and helps ease the pain.


  • UTAKATASANA OR THE CHAIR POSE: This is primarily beneficial for strengthening and improving the flexibility of the spine, knee and wrists.


  • DANDASANA OR THE STAFF POSE: The miracle pose for knee arthritis, this asana is done when you have advanced arthritis and you need instant relief from it.


  • PARVATASANA OR THE MOUNTAIN POSE: This pose is ideal for treating osteoporosis and is the most recommended of all poses, especially among women who suffer from this excruciating disorder.


  • SETUBANDHASANA OR THE PELVIC TILT POSE: This pose exclusively works on flexing the lower back muscles and is also ideal for strengthening of the spine.


Apart from practicing the above asanas on a regular basis, it is recommended that you follow an organic diet plan and refrain from eating any kind of processed food for optimum benefit. Along with this, include foods that are non-acidic in nature. Acidic foods contribute to an increase in uric acid which in turn, leads to ‘arthritis’.

Please take care not to practice these asanas like you are competing for a fitness pageant. Each one of us has different levels of endurance and flexibility, and the degree of this ailment differs as well. Hence, the movements involved in accomplishing these poses must be controlled and should only be done to the extent our respective bodies allow.

To avoid any further adverse effects, these asanas must be practiced under the guidance of a trained practitioner only.

To Know more about How to Manage Arthritis, join yoga teacher training in India.

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Yoga for Reinvigorating Mobility in Sedentary Lifestyle Fri, 16 Dec 2016 14:27:24 +0000 Yoga in the new age can conjure up an image of incredibly flexible young bohemians bent in sensuous postures, but that is not the only reality of this age old discipline of health and spiritual wellbeing. Yoga is a path to freedom which can be taken by anyone and everyone, even those whose mobility is challenged either due to physical inability or circumstance. Yes, we are addressing the problem of those bound to the chair, by a sedentary job or physical handicap.

Yoga can be a very effective solution to stiff backs and painful rusted joints resulting from lack of movements. Try a few easy postures you can add to your daily practice, and all you need for a prop is a strong, stable chair!

Here goes—

The Shoulder Shrug:


Sit upright on a chair with a fairly solid seat to maintain firmness along your spine. Place your hands lightly on your thighs and inhale as you raise your shoulders to your ears. Hold the breath for some time and feel the tension spreading from your spine to the two sides of your back. Now, exhale and release. Let your back muscles soften again. Breathe normally 3 to 4 times and repeat if it feels good.

The Seated Fan Posture:


Sit at the edge of a hard backed chair and twist your arms backwards to clasp it at the back. This might be extremely hard for those already suffering from a stiff back in which case asking someone to help you perform the movement is advisable. After you achieve this posture, lean forward as your shoulders are gently pushed back. Don’t pressurize yourself to the point it becomes pain but let the tension work on your muscles.

The Sea Horse:

In this posture you need to turn to your side keeping one arm to the chair back and the other along the front side. Let the leg coordinated to the arm in the front be bent on the ground in a kneeling position. The other leg can be placed in the front with foot on the floor and bent so that the thigh is supported on the chair settee. In this posture, keep yourself seated tall and rock in the front and in the back, creating movement in the hips. With improved agility you can fasten the rocking motion and make the bends deeper.

The Wide-Legged Bending:


Seat at the edge of your chair with your legs parted wide and bend forward slowly. Synchronize your breath to your movements by bending down while letting out an exhalation. Your head and arms must hang low and loose. Relax your mind from all the hang-ups that bring painful memories or surge of negativity. After this purgation, slowly come back to the upright seated posture and you draw in fresh breath.

The Seated Nidra:

In the sequence of yoga on the chair, this comes last just as the nidra or yogic sleep wraps up a sequence of asanas on the mat. In this stage, you do not have to bind your body to a particular posture. Relapse on the chair just as you are, just the way your body falls and relax. Close your eyes and put to sleep every muscle in your body as you consciously can. Breathe slowly and focus your mind on a good thought. Let peace overtake your consciousness.

Now that you know how a chair can replace the mat, start yoga right away wherever you are, bidding adieu to stiffness from sitting still.

To know about these yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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