Yoga Scholarship | Rishikul Yogshala Blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Wed, 20 Sep 2023 05:33:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Ways to Win a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Tue, 09 Jan 2018 10:37:14 +0000 Know about applying successfully for scholarship yoga programs conducted in the birth land of yoga, in India.

“It’s not your history but your presence on your mat that matters.”
K. Pattabhi Jois

Thus spoke one of the greatest yoga masters on earth!

If yoga is in your heart, never must you need to back out from attempting to experience its magnificence, not even if the most substantial courses seem to be costing sky high. Because, did you know there are scholarship programs making yoga available to those who want to truly learn, completely free of course fee? The greatest yoga institutes in India- the birth land of the Vedic sciences of which yoga is a part are aligned with the art ideologically.

As a result, you will find here a great initiative to welcome students of all backgrounds, ranks, and experience levels, irrespective of their financial affordability. If you are a practitioner well aware of the importance of yoga, you can definitely find a scholarship teacher training course in a reputable yoga institute that’s going to sustain you through your learning, and sustain you very well!

Here are five pointers that can land you a great yoga teacher training in India with scholarship—

A Committed Practice for a Substantial Time

To be eligible for a scholarship yoga teacher training, you need to have at least two years of undisputable and progressive practice. While forwarding your application, you can submit the participation certificates in hourly classes, workshops, or feats related to yoga.

To prove your worth to the administrative yoga faculty, tender photographs, video recordings, and yoga journals showcasing your achievements in the art from the last few years.

Willingness to Keep 90% Attendance

As it is the case with many yoga institutes based in India, the courses on offer include a comfortable month-long stay and ancillary scopes of enjoyment in the vicinity. If you browse by 200 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, a good many options to stay and experience the original yoga town side by side following systematic yoga course will come up.

Most of the reputed institutes give the participants the liberty to use their time according to their own discretion. This can mean more time given to activities outside class hours. As a scholarship applicant, you must ensure 90% attendance, if possible, to be tendered in written to the authority.

Charitable Work and Motivation to Participate in Karma Yoga

For a pursuer of the yoga path, it is extremely essential to be predisposed to charity. The ethics of yoga teaches us to perform karma without expectation of its rewards. To be charitable and become a true karma yogi, you must have a calm and composed temperament with the willingness to participate in functions for the welfare of society with detachment from personal gains.

Scholarship yoga teacher training in India comes with different slots for karma yoga which you must be ready to perform with dedication. It could be a community cleaning of the school premises, or teaching at classes for underprivileged children for the course time, you must be joyful in performing the activities assigned.

A Winning Letter of Intent

Articulate your thoughts and write a genuine letter of interest stating why you think attending a particular yoga course or Yoga and Ayurveda program in India can enhance your existing skills and bring about development in your understanding of yoga. Make your appeal to the faculty of the institution you are writing to, by giving them an account of the kind of service you can dedicate yourself to after obtaining the teacher’s training certificate.

Obstacle of a Financial Nature that You are Working to Overcome

Lastly, as you can presume, the biggest determining factor for handing out a scholarship to a student rests upon the student’s financial need. It is less likely for you to be selected for a yoga scholarship if you are better off financially than the rest of the applicants.

The faculty of a reputed yoga teaching organization will take it as a greater responsibility to help out one who has lesser chances of taking up a yoga course due to financial restraints than you. The question here is predominantly of an ethic rather than favoritism. If there is a cause on your part for applying in a scholarship program rather than its regular counterpart, you must convince the authorities of your limitations for doing so. Be particular to present affidavits of your income and related monetary liabilities when you apply for the scholarship.

Thanks to the availability of different scholarship programs in India, that now you don’t have to compromise the bigger vision of your yoga goals!

To know about the Scholarship in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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5 Tips to Score a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Mon, 12 Jun 2017 08:14:04 +0000 We meet a number of people who share their dreams and aspirations with us. And, then they speak about the reasons that kept them away from fulfilling some of their most cherished dreams. These reasons or hindering factors usually revolve around lack of familial support, financial difficulties, etc. As a result, most of us just end up saying ‘It probably was just not meant to be.’

Some of us yogis might feel the same way too. We dream of becoming well grained yoga practitioners, but some of us might not have the required money to chase this tremendous dream of ours.

A few great men and women once said, “If you have a dream, you must fight for it. Fight to strive and survive.”

So, if you aspire to become a yoga practitioner one day and bring a change to this world through the art of yoga, then do not let money stand in your way.  Instead, apply for Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship program and turn your dream of becoming a yogi into reality.

Those who hail from a humble background and are looking to attain yoga teacher training on a budget can benefit greatly from these Yoga Scholarship programs.

5 Tips to Score a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship

After careful research on various yoga schools in India that come under the RYS (Registered Yoga School) category, we have shortlisted the key pointers of consideration when applying for a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship program in India:

  • RYS category Yoga schools usually prefer an applicant to be a basic level yoga practitioner with a track record of one to two years of yoga practice.
  • Additionally, you may enter a ‘letter of reference’ in your application file from an ex-student of the yoga school you are applying at.
  • Dedication and discipline are key factors and these shall be taken seriously into account. Hence, try your best to maintain an attendance record of 85% at least in order to avoid the risk of getting your scholarship cancelled. So, whenever you apply, make sure you have a clear schedule and a focused mind for undergoing their rigorous yoga teacher training program.
  • The concept of Karma yoga is not only preached, but also strictly practiced in most of the RYS category yoga schools all over India. Hence, participate actively in Karma Yoga projects. Similarly, if you have participated in any kind of Karma Yoga projects before then mention their details along with supportive evidence in your YTTC Scholarship application to make a stronger impression.
  • Additionally, you can include pictures, written experiences expressing your passion for yoga.
  • The most important point to consider is whether you actually require financial assistance or not. In order to prove the same, you shall be asked to produce documents in support of your financial status stating you are not financially capable of affording the YTTC program on your own.
  • During the entire course, you shall be expected to display moral conduct. Any form of misconduct shall result in dismissal of your status as a scholarship student in the respective yoga school.

5 Tips to Score a Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship

Once you are selected for a yoga teacher training scholarship, whether 200 hour yoga teacher training or Hatha Yoga classes or 500 hour Yoga TTC, you shall be provided with the same schedule, classes and treated the same way as other students.

A standard YTTC scholarship package includes:

  • Double Occupancy Accommodation
  • Ayurveda Meals thrice a day
  • Yoga Classes (Same as non-scholarship students)
  • Course Curriculum Delivery (Same as non-scholarship students)
  • Certification on Successful Completion of the Program

So, if you think you have it in you, then it is time to put your passion for yoga to test. Register for a yoga scholarship test today and bring yourself closer to your dream of being an established yogi.

To Know more about the Scholarship, join yoga teacher training in India.

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