Yoga Teacher Training | Rishikul Yogshala Blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Mon, 30 Oct 2023 07:44:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Reasons to Go For Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand Thu, 28 Dec 2017 18:03:11 +0000 Taking the elemental step towards acquiring the serious education of yoga as an aspiring yoga teacher and practitioner can be quite overwhelming. From scouring through various yoga schools to freezing upon the appropriate destination that can favor a thorough absorption of the imparted teachings and training, every element plays a crucial role towards a successful conclusion of a yoga teacher training program.

When we discuss an appropriate destination for a YTTC, terms like tranquility, traditionalism, natural setting, placid ambiance, authentic sources, immediately come into the mind like a vivid dream. Thailand, of all places, fits perfectly into this imagination. Explore the reasons how a yoga teacher training in Thailand is an idyllic yogic dream come true for many:

Get Trained by Excellent Yoga Teachers and Global Practitioners

Thailand is the spiritual and yogic abode to some of the globe’s most eminent yoga teacher training schools. With a multitude of quality-oriented options and yoga forms to choose from, the country of Thailand nourishes the mind and souls of widely acclaimed Yoga Alliance certified teachers and gurus from various corners of the globe, including India. Owing to the simpleton and modest lifestyle combined with the rich cultural heritage, Thailand is home to several yogis, teachers, and aspirants. If you are looking to imbibe sincere and authentic teachings of yoga along with gaining deeper insight into the traditional heritage of the science, then a Yoga TTC in Thailand is the ideal way to go.

An Opportunity to Explore Unique Ancient Heritage and Tradition

The rich ancient heritage of Thailand has enthused several wandering souls, explorers, and enthusiasts towards it. So much so, that there are five heritage sites in Thailand that are listed under the UNESCO. Sukhothai, Ayutthaya, Ban Chiang, Udon Thani, etc. are some of the places inscribed by UNESCO, while there are many more sites already nominated. Being a land that is undivided on religious grounds, where its majority of people believe in the un-biased teachings of Lord Buddha as Theravada Buddhists, the place offers an ideal ambiance and resources to immerse in deep teachings and meditation practices among such kindred spirits. Explore the invaluable teachings of meditation at the ancient Buddhist temples and Gompas, this country is so highly blessed with.

Dwell in the Pristine Lap of Nature

Practice the science of yoga and meditation while dwelling in the embrace of nature’s bountiful treasures. Cascading waterfalls, clean, sunny beaches, mesmeric sunsets, glorious flora, Thailand is truly nature’s paradise. During the Yoga Training in Thailand, get transported into a land, far away from the distractions of a city life, a place blessed with natural treasures where you can actually pause to smell the roses and reconnect with your inner being.

Treat Yourself to Highly Nutritious and Delectable Street Food

The names could be complex, but the essence is just as delectable. Yes! The infamous Thai food has continued to intrigue the taste buds of several tourists and people who set foot on this divine land. And, why would it not? This is not the place where you have to worry about getting an upset stomach if you munch on a delicacy bought from a food cart. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The delicacies offered on the streets of Thailand are freshly prepared and sourced straight from the farms. You shall find farms and agricultural lands in plenty here. The street food served is fresh and holistic in nature. Not to mention, easy on the pocket too.

Certified Yoga Teacher Training on a Budget

Those who are looking to undergo quality yoga education without being heavy on their bill books then YTTC in Thailand shall deliver you right to it. The country offers almost everything on a budget – from comfortable and equally economic accommodation options to cheaper-than-a-penny, delicious and healthy food choices, to a much easier and economical means of transport for diversifying your learning experiences, the country of Thailand pampers the mind, body, and soul with its excellent resources and a humble deportment towards its visitors.

Of course, go for the sheer love and hospitality that Thai people are so well-known for. Experience bliss and create momentous memories during the tenure of a yoga program in Thailand.

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9 Things about Yoga Teacher Training You Might Have Gotten Wrong Tue, 26 Dec 2017 09:27:15 +0000 Yoga teacher training seems to be one hell of a commitment with a month of detention in a foreign land, living community style with strangers, and doing high standard yoga that just might get a tad bit too much, but before you show this reasons to shy away from this program that has been changing lives from its very inception, think at least twice.

Though trending high among yoga lovers of all kinds today, the concept of yoga teacher training is not free of its share of misconstruction by novices. Clear up your error in judgment as we bust these common mistakes made about yoga:

You Don’t Necessarily Have to Be a Teacher

The name of the course is the very root of the mistake people very commonly make. No, you don’t necessarily head in the direction the name suggests. Yoga Alliance registered schools around the globe produce graduates who can register with the Alliance to start a yoga teaching practice but it is only one of the multitudinous ways a YTTC can expand your possibilities and make your life better than it already is. A 200 Hour YTTC only has one segment of ‘teaching methodology’, the rest of the course is nothing but involved learning and practice of this thousand-year-old art.

It’s Just Not Asanas

Yoga is more than a physical practice—this you might have heard everywhere but wouldn’t have a clue about until taking a Yoga TTC, especially a 200 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh, India- the hallowed birth land of the practice.

At such a course, the curriculum is formulated with acute comprehension. The asana sessions emphasize two of the main veins of yoga- the Hatha and Ashtanga traditions, and back this with philosophical annotations. Besides philosophy and history of yoga, the course explores scientific relativism of yoga with ‘yoga therapy’ and ‘yoga anatomy’.

A Pretzel Body Not Required to Sign Up

No doubt, the perfect bendiness of yoga models can be a little daunting but don’t let that bar you from your YTTC aspirations. You don’t need a super bendy ballerina bearing to start your journey with a 200 hour hatha yoga teacher training. Dedication and hard work will get you there.

Yoga and Meditation are Not that Different

Yoga and meditation are not split into two different categories in a YTT. The two are often concurrent and that is a great feeling. To be meditative and be in harmony within and outside is yoga.

The Cerebral-looking Tomes of Yoga Actually Gives a Simple Message

The embellished language and girth of seminal books such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali could initially be a bummer but if you let things sink in and have the patience to hear out your YTT instructors at the philosophy classes, everything will narrow down to simple humanitarian and spiritual messages.

At any reputed Hatha and Ashtanga yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you will find teachers well versed in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language of the scriptures and interpretation by an authentic Indian teacher who understands the fundamentals of the language will always have an extra edge.

Living with Strangers Can be Great Fun Too

YTTs can actually be a great way for introverts to come out of the shell. Communing with each other every day amidst the resonances of yoga can be a great ice-breaker, and what’s more, there is a one hundred percent chance of finding a best friend among such wonderful and like-minded yoga souls.

You Can Totally Merge Vacationing with Yoga

200 Hour YTTC from selected yoga schools in India slots in a number of cultural trips, nature explorations, and adventure opportunities in the general schedule to break the monotony and stress of a rigorously continuing yoga discipline. Rest assured, weekends and off days will be well spent vacationing around town. Choose an exquisite place to yoga!

Ayurvedic Food Doesn’t Taste Like Dung

Whoever tells you Ayurvedic food is bland and gross is taste-blind. You will know this when tasting the supremely appetizing food works that the Ayurvedic Indian cookbook offers. At a Yoga TTC in India, you will be served three Ayurvedic meals a day. Welcome to spice heaven!

Yoga Can be Funned Up with Dance and Much Else

At a teacher training of yoga, you can actually let your fun side take flight. There is yoga dance to dance and laughter yoga to laugh. At the end of the course you will need to do a demo of your way of teaching yoga and you can fun it up as much as you please!

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Getting Started as a Yoga Teacher (14 Guiding Steps) Wed, 20 Dec 2017 10:48:16 +0000

Congratulations on having completed your yoga teacher training course! We know you would be thrilled to get on with your next step but are equally overwhelmed and confused about what to do or where to begin. Right?

With a clear vision, the journey becomes easy. Remember why you joined the course in the first place? To find light and tranquility within and help others discover it in themselves, too. In simpler terms, you desired to be a yoga teacher, and now that you have gained significant knowledge, you can turn your dream into a reality!

How To Become A Yoga Teacher

Here are 14 steps to guide you to become a yoga teacher everyone admires.

Create Your Yoga Portfolio

After completing your Yoga Teacher Training and acquiring all the necessary documents, the next step is to prepare a professional resume. A good resume comprehensively enlists: 

  • All your education qualifications
  • Professional teaching experience
  • Work history in chronological order
  • The list of certifications you hold, and 
  • The liability insurance you’ve purchased

Your portfolio will appear richer if you include details on Yoga and Ayurveda workshops and classes you attended.

Most Yoga professionals also add a section where they flaunt their specializations, yoga style, missions, and overall objectives. It creates an impressive overview of your personality as a Yoga instructor.

These points will prepare you to present yourself confidently when seeking yoga teaching as a profession.

Register with the Yoga Alliance

Every Yoga School is registered with the Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit organization that strives to support high-quality, secure, and easily accessible teachings of yoga. Yoga instructors who fulfill the criteria set by the Yoga Alliance through their training and teaching experience are entitled to be called an RYT or a Registered Yoga Teacher.

You can easily register in the Yoga Alliance through their website portal after completing your training. The step-by-step instructions on the Yoga Alliance website will make this process easier.

Becoming a registered yoga teacher allows you to officially establish your very own registered yoga institution and provide your Yoga training services.

Move Ahead In Taking Further Education

Everyone has room for improvement, whether you have pursued a beginner course or have completed the advanced levels.

Fundamentally, there are four levels in a Yoga training program: the 100, 200, 300, and 500 hours of Teacher Training. After pursuing the initial courses, you can move further into more advanced levels or consider taking specialization courses to expand your abilities. 

Enthusiastic about getting deeper into the art of yoga and unraveling its mysteries? How about Exploring Our Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala? It is well known for the tranquil environment it provides and the variety of courses it offers with the guidance of the best yoga instructors, perfect to help you in your journey of evolving into a great Yoga trainer and towards becoming an inspiration to other Yoga admirers.

Become Certified in Yoga Adjustment and Alignment

Yoga Adjustment and Alignment is a course that teaches the proper way to enact asanas involving perfect alignment and correct transitioning through poses to enhance stability, strength, and flexibility and prevent the chances of injury during practice.

Additionally, a CPR certification is an emergency aid skill that qualifies the trainer to perform an emergency procedure in a dangerous, life-threatening event.

Getting CPR training is highly recommended to ensure your pupils are in safe hands. Having the experience and knowledge of executing the suitable protocol in a medical emergency not only upgrades your professionalism but also makes your students feel secure. They would be more relaxed and carefree in pursuing their Yoga Journey without stressing about injuries or problems that may come their way.

Together, these skills equips a yoga instructor with lifesaving abilities that hold precious value extending beyond the mat.

We at RishikulYogShala offer a 15-day Yoga Adjustment and Alignment Course In Kerala.

Our well-crafted workshops emphasize aligning your body in the pose and helping you take a firm grasp on the correct alignment so that you can shift your focus inward without worrying if your positioning is proper and safe. It will assist you in deepening your intrinsic meditations as you flow through your poses in perfect alignment.

Volunteer and Gain Experience

Once you finish your Yogic studies, gaining more experience in this field is vital by assisting in Yoga classes. Consider this a form of an internship.

No school has ever been without a need for substitute teachers. Volunteering at yoga schools is an excellent opportunity to connect with the yoga community, learn new skills, gain experience by observing experienced yoga teachers, grow your network and audience, along with earning some extra income.

Search for a notable yoga institute or studio to join as a substitute and enjoy the newness of being a volunteer.

The more experience you gain, the more confident you become in imparting your knowledge to others. 

Obtain Liability Insurance

Most yoga studios pay for your liability insurance when you are hired. If not, buying one is essential, especially if you intend to establish a business or a home yoga studio. Liability insurance is a small but eventually worthwhile investment that protects you from any possible damage.

Keep Up Your Day Job

Do not immediately leave your day job after beginning your yoga teaching career. Your yoga studio needs money to thrive. Without a stable income, you won’t be able to continue your yoga teaching. Having financial support through your job will help you keep running your studio and even let you continue your further studies.

Once you become more skilled, experienced, and well-qualified and your studio begins to gain momentum, you can decide to do yoga teaching full-time and focus solely on making your yoga teaching career grow.

Fix Your Pricing

You must choose an affordable price range when starting up with limited experience. However, as you gain more yoga teaching experience and expertise, you can gradually increase your pricing. With advancement in your services through an upgraded yoga studio and equipment, you can raise your prices to meet your growing needs as a yoga teacher.

Be Seen

Setting up a website or a social media account like Facebook is a great way to express your insightful ideas and observations about your yoga training and experience, helping you develop an authentic persona online. It will help you reach a wider audience and be seen, making you prosper as a yoga teacher.

You can start in simple ways, such as creating instructional yoga videos, providing helpful yoga tips and techniques through blogs, and designing promotional banners for your yoga services. All these methods will help you market yourself and become visible in your yoga community.

Connect Within The Yoga Community

Get going and become active! Participate in as many yoga events as you can. Join yoga clubs, visit other yoga institutions, and enroll in yoga programs and workshops. Find ways to connect with your yoga community.

You never know what you can gain or who you come across with. It could even be your role model who inspired you to get into yoga! Nevertheless, you will learn something new each time, meet amazing people, and make new friends.

Establish a Home Studio

Graduating from your studies and establishing your own yoga home studio, however small, is like having your own home, a safe space to rely on. Owning a home studio in your initial days as a yoga teacher is like bearing an infant that needs immense care to help it grow and flourish. It marks your beginning as a real yoga teacher. Therefore, you should take good care of it.

Never Retire From Teaching

Remember your origins, your love of teaching. Training is an essential component of learning the art of yoga. However, you must go beyond just training your students and enlighten them about the history and origins of yoga as an ancient art form. Teach them the philosophical foundations of yoga to help them become knowledgeable yoga teachers like you.

Welcome Constructive Criticism

Stay with a beginner mindset and know that you may not know everything. Wisdom can come from anywhere, be it your teacher, a wise old yogi, or even your own pupil.

Ask for genuine feedback about your teaching and classroom experience from your students and embrace any criticism that comes. It will help you grow personally as well as professionally. With a sincere interest in learning and encouraging honest responses, you will create an enriching yoga experience. 

It will refine your teaching methods and deepen your connection with your students, fostering a growth environment for teachers and students alike.

Keep Practicing, Learning, and Exploring

Got some free time out of your yoga teaching schedule? Why not invest in growing your yoga teaching skills? Or how about learning a new yoga style? 

Even if we become professionals at a particular skill, something is always left to learn. Discover your weak points in training or teaching yoga, and keep improvising. Keep greasing your mind and physical muscles, and refine your practice by doing yoga regularly and exploring new yoga styles and techniques.

Check out our blog on 11 Yoga Teaching Tips, a helpful guide to upgrade your teaching skills within minutes.

We at RishikulYogShala offer a wide range of specialized courses in Kerala that you can choose from to uplevel your yoga teaching skills, be it Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kalaripayattu, Meditation, or even Adjustment and Alignment course.

Wrapping Up

Becoming a yoga teacher is just the same as starting any other career. It’s no easy task. You will be challenged over time and might even feel like giving up. But that is when you must keep up your strength and hopes high. Success isn’t linear or immediate. Everything needs dedication and commitment.

Hence, be patient and persistent with your yoga journey. Initially, there will be more lows than highs. Do not get discouraged by your failures. Learn the lesson, and celebrate your small wins in your yoga journey. You must learn to enjoy the process instead of fretting about the end goal. Keep taking small steps at a time, and you will find your destination.

Still in doubt or overwhelmed on which next step to choose? We can help! At RishikulYogShala, we provide complete and wholesome education in Yoga Teacher Training Courses from the best Yoga Instructors. You can find answers and guidance to all your queries from the convenience of your home through WhatsApp or call +91 8433225327.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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Reasons Why You Must Attend an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Program Even If Teaching is Not Your Forte Fri, 24 Nov 2017 17:48:36 +0000 At a crossroads in your yoga life, not knowing whether to advance with self-practice or go for a yoga teacher training? You are not the only one.

With a dozen types of yoga courses mushrooming at hundreds of exquisite locations on the planet, it is difficult to understand what such courses are truly worth and how to choose. While you will never be at a dearth for options, deep introspection is needed to decide which one will better work for your yogic advancement—teacher training with all the nuances of a professional yoga career covered or deeper self-practice with minimal outside intervention.

Even if you are sure you will never be teaching yoga professionally and can’t care less about the certificate, the following reasons for taking a Yoga TTC in India cannot be ruled out:

Brings Organization and Consistency in Practice

All of us know the best formula to have success in a pursuit- to dedicate more time and energy into it. But as goes reality versus ideal, a lot of factors come into play, derailing our dedication and commitment. It could be general busyness, lack of energy, or lack of motivation. So, even if your heart is in place about intensifying your yoga journey, in actuality the failure could be frustrating.

At such a juncture, if you have made up your mind to sign up for a Yoga and Ayurveda combined internationally certified yoga teacher training in Kerala, the rewards will come in plenty your way. Kerala is not only a place of heavenly beauty and peace but also a great place to learn Ayurveda- the ancient medicine and cure practice of India which still thrives among the traditional practitioners of Kerala. There will be a whole class of dedicated yogis to learn with, sparking enough motivation. The class structures will allow you enough leeway for relaxation in between rigorous training sessions. The food at the house will be according to Ayurvedic prescription—balanced and full of nourishment. It will be just the perfect plan to keep you nourished and inspired throughout your strife.

Philosophy Takes Center Stage

Before you are attending classes at training of yoga in India, you wouldn’t know what you had been missing. While the world follows yoga as a physical exercise fad, much is compromised of its philosophical bearings. Yoga, rooted in the Vedanta belief system of holism and soul’s freedom is only reflective of the same in its asanas.

At a yoga teacher training, you will get the opportunity to acquaint with the philosophy at its roots. The course module of philosophy includes the history and evolution of yoga, symbology and idea of holism imbibed in each and every posture, the notion of unity or yuj that dominates the spirit of yoga, and several allegories from the Vedas and Upanishad to illustrate yoga teachings profoundly.

While to be present at drop-in yoga sessions only allows you to have a sprinkling of philosophy here and there, completing an internationally certified yoga teacher training in India will open up new avenues of thought in your philosophical understanding of yoga.

Intellectual Stimulation with Textual Studies

Unlike a skin deep engagement with yoga in short term courses, yoga teacher training of a month-long commitment will allow you to explore a number of texts from the ancient canon. As long as you are attending an internationally certified yoga teacher training in Kerala, where lies the ancient seat of this traditional learning, you will have the most respected of Indian teachers to learn from.

Unlike in other parts of the world, where Sanskrit- the language of canonical yoga texts is a lost knowledge, the learned masters who are well versed in the language will convey the message of the ancient texts most lucidly.

The great sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and modern commentaries upon the same is a primary textual reading to look forward to. The library, digital sources, and pre-course reading list will give you enough to start your intellectual absorption.

A Community of Yogic Minded People

We wish you a happy yoga journey with people of the same wave length.  At any 200 or 300 hour yoga teacher training in India, you are likely to find more focused people than in any hourly joint. While in short time classes, people sign in only for some fun and taste of the subject, teacher training courses attract more serious learners.

As you learn and grow with these yogic minded people, you will become a part of the larger community of true yoga enthusiasts. It is not surprising that opportunities to teach and explore yoga in collaboration open up after attending training like that.

To earn lifelong friendships that make your days more meaningful is the greater reason to attend a 500 hour YTTC in Kerala.

Now you know why yoga teaching as a profession could not be the only ticket to a comprehensive YTTC. Go for it if the joys of structuring and enriching your practice are your primary motivation.

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How to Select Top Rated Schools for YTTC in India Thu, 23 Nov 2017 04:18:18 +0000 India is a great place to undergo yoga teacher training, this no informed yoga enthusiast can deny.

The land has a golden heritage of yoga since time immemorial. Imbibed with the great philosophy of Vedantic holism, every aspect of life in India has a spiritual vein. That is how, yoga certifications in India can teach you more about this 5000 year old discipline of mind, body, and spirit connection than your regular yoga studio offering hourly classes.

To begin with, India fosters a cultural landscape where understanding spirituality becomes natural. Characteristic of taking a course in India is the daily rituals and religious practices that recognize divinity in one and all, observance of a diet that promotes non-violence and wholesomeness, and  tutelage under yogis who not only posses great asana skills but also exemplify a certain kind of lifestyle which is essentially non-material. Only at the best yoga ttc school in India will you find true sanyasi or renunciates presiding over your courses. 

To learn about yoga from exceptional minds, in a milieu of spiritual vibrations in the birth land of yoga is a motivation in itself. In addition, India is incredibly inexpensive. Your horizon of affordability can double up and practically open many avenues for exploring yoga and culture to the maximum.

Pick the right schools and have a gala time in India using the following benchmarks:

A Good Time Frame and Curriculum

Except exceptionally privileged people, life hardly lets up time for things you want to do. There is a good chance that you will feel torn between your yoga course and other demanding responsibilities eating into your time. It’s extremely important to weigh and understand how much time can you spare for this persuasion and look for a course that is suitable to your prerequisite. Consider yourself lucky if you can catch at least a month’s break from regular life, and hop onto one of the conveniently scheduled courses in India. A proper institute of yoga teacher training in India will give you a number of time frame choices—a week, month, and two-month. 

Judge whether the time is worth it by the comprehensiveness of the course in question. An inclusive Hatha-Ashtanga detailed curriculum for a month is more appropriate than a singular yoga style oriented course, any day!

Not a New School on the Block

Look up history, heritage, and teaching faculty of institutes when shortlisting. If you are going to dedicate a month’s time in yoga at India, it better be in an institute holding true to traditions. 4-5 years standing of a school will guarantee the hallmark of systematic teaching and association of the experienced teachers.

When checking the faculty, keep an eye for the aged and experienced of teachers. The best stake would be a bench of mixed-age teachers. That will ensure a good deal of youthful frolic, with deep and impactful classes. Especially, for the more intellectual strands of the course like yoga philosophy and history, you would prefer the stoic serious approach of experienced teachers.

Not an Overwhelming Class Size

Check for a class size of 30 to 40, not too small not too large. Here, two things are important. It is important for you to ensure minimum distraction in the class, therefore, not too large a number of students. Secondly, if the class strength is just a handful, you are going to miss out on the joys of community living and learning experiences. The best yoga ttc school in India will allow you the best of both—the invaluable company of like-minded pupils and a peaceful environment.

Accreditation from Yoga Alliance Helps

Ask yourself the critical question, would you take yoga teaching as a vocation ever? If the answer is yes, or maybe, then perhaps, you should look for a school accredited with Yoga Alliance. After receiving teacher training certificate from an Alliance approved institute, you can register with the YA and be a registered yoga teacher.

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Best Time to Visit Kerala for Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Retreats Tue, 12 Sep 2017 06:41:35 +0000 If you are thinking to delve deeper in the soul-healing world of yoga and make your life more meaningful by serving people as a certified yoga teacher, then set onto the path of a yoga teacher training program. There are numerous destinations in the world to choose for this wonderful journey, but Kerala stands apart because it is full of nature, culture, yoga gurus and Ayurveda.

Known as God’s own country and the motherland of Ayurveda, Kerala is a paradisal coastal state located in the south corner of India. Surrounded by the azure waters of the Arabian Sea and leafy coconut trees, Kerala has been honored as one of the “Ten Paradises of the World” and “50 Places of a lifetime” by the National Geographic Traveler. Stunning sandy beaches, amazing backwaters, swaying palm trees, meandering rivers and canals, frothy waterfalls, rich wildlife, luscious landscapes, spice and tea gardens, the mesmerizing beauty of Kerala can make anyone speechless. However, the weather in Kerala changes dramatically with the season and thus, it is advisable to know the best seasons to visit Kerala to enjoy Yoga and Ayurveda Retreats or Instructor Trainings.

Monsoon (May to September):

Best Time to Visit Kerala for Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Retreats

During this period, the state of Kerala the most lush green and alluring. Heavy rain, drizzling water adds a fresh look to the entire state. Lush green countryside, flowing rivers, breathtaking views of hills and mountains, Monsoon is certainly one of the best seasons to explore and enjoy the pristine natural beauty of Kerala. Attending a yoga ttc or Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala during this span can be a lifetime experience. Get the opportunity to deepen yoga practise or immerse in deep meditative practises in a refreshing environment while enjoying the true magnificence of nature. During free time, you can do a lot to things in Kerala. Enjoy sightseeing at places with astonishing natural beauty like Idukki, Kovalam, and Wayanad. The state has something for everyone. If you are a nature person, Kerala is a bliss to visit during Monsoon.

Kerala has some of the most popular national parks of India such as Periyar National park that remains open during the whole monsoon season. If you are more into culture then do not miss the colorful and vibrant festivals and events conducted during this season that best represent the age-old customs and folk art of Kerala. Witness the celebration of very famous Onam festival and Theyyam festival.

Enjoy the amazing dance performances including the prominent folk dance of Kerala-Kathakali. Also, you can be a part of various games and boat races. Monsoon season is the best time to take Ayurveda classes in Kerala. It is said that during the rainy season, the pores of the skin open and the atmosphere remains dust free and cool, hence Ayurvedic treatment, therapies and its study can be conducted at their best during this season.

Mesmerizing weather, rejuvenating environment, salubrious atmosphere, and beautiful surroundings, attending yoga classes in Kerala during this season is bound to be one of the most blissful experiences of your life.

Winter (November to March)

Best Time to Visit Kerala for Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Retreats

Another ideal season for taking a yoga teacher training in Kerala or Yoga Retreats is the Winter season. It is also the peak season because of its pleasant and cool weather. Tourists and travellers come during this season to spend their holidays and quality time.

From the enthralling hill stations and mountains to the fascinating beaches, waterfalls, lakes and dazzling backwaters, exploring the beauty of Kerala during the winters is truly a spell-binding experience. A yoga teacher training program in India is intensive. You will sweat a lot while practising the challenging postures. So, it is advisable to do a yoga teacher training in Kerala during winters.

The cool breeze and pleasant temperature of the state during this season will make your yoga practice more delightful. Besides deepening your practice at sandy beaches or meditating in the foggy hills, there are lot of activities one can do on their yoga teacher training during winters. Enjoy the breathtaking views from the famous view points at hill stations. Take a stroll at the crystal clear beaches, lay back along the fascinating sands.

Play with water and dance to the rhythm of falling water in the waterfalls. Enjoy cruising in the dream like houseboats along the backwaters or just simply watch and observe the wonders of nature by paying a visit to destinations like Kottayam, Alleppey, Varkala, Kozhikode, Thekkady and more.

You can find attractive travel packages for Kerala in winters which is undoubtedly an ideal time to head for an ideal holiday or yoga retreats in Kerala.

So, plan a yoga teacher training in Kerala or a yoga retreat in Kerala or any wellness holiday during these wonderful seasons and gift yourself a holistic and splendid yogic experience in India.

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5 Things about the Best Yoga TTC School in India Fri, 11 Aug 2017 06:06:36 +0000 When commencing a new expedition, we often aspire to learn from the best, experience the best, so we can be the best. Why should yoga journey be any different?

A science so limitless that it takes a lifetime of learning and exploration in peeling its layers entirely — is definitely not something which anyone can rightfully deliver. It requires right blend of knowledge, discipline, dedication, training and perseverance for a yogi to be successful at acquiring and further preaching it. These building blocks need to be delivered by the ideal sources for quality and authenticity. And, so enrolling in the best yoga teacher training schools is just as imperative as picking up the heavenly idea of becoming a yogi or a yoga teacher.

Read and learn about the five crucial pointers that account for the best yoga ttc schools in India:

Recognition Status and Courses

Check if the school is Yoga Alliance certified or not? If yes, then this clears the first and most crucial step of the process of acknowledging the top yoga schools in India and the globe. From here, rest of the process is quite promising. With a certificate recognized by Yoga Alliance, you shall be at liberty to teach and preach yoga anywhere in the globe. By virtue of Yoga Alliance, you also receive the utmost quality of yoga curriculum and delivery as it sets the highest standards of yogic education in the globe. Getting rewarded with a certificate from Yoga Alliance is priceless. Yoga Alliance certified yoga schools also offer the best yoga training programs in India that come under RYT certifications namely – RYT 200, RYT 300 and RYT 500.  If you are beginner level yogi then you can start with Hatha Yoga Training or Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, Rishikesh, Kerala, Mysuru, Karnataka or Tamil Nadu, depending upon the feasibility of these locations.

Accommodation and Food

A place to rest the head cannot just be bed and bricks – it should be equally neat, cozy and inspiring. And, the best yoga schools in India definitely offer a lot more than just a room with mattress. They ensure the students have a comfortable and healthy stay during the tenure of their training program. And for that, they provide all the basic amenities required to ensure a homely stay at the school premise. Those who undertake yoga ttc program in Rishikesh, or yoga teacher training in Kerala can enjoy breath taking views and inspiring locations for their practice. Food at these schools is 100% Ayurveda and prepared from fresh, seasonal sources. Additionally, the chefs are also given diet plans to prepare the food in accordance with the well-being of attending students.

Teachers and Gurus

The teachers and gurus are another and the most vital factor behind the placard of best yoga teacher training schools in India. All the top most yoga schools have internationally recognized yoga teachers and gurus – highly experienced for ensuring appropriate delivery of the program and, also provide students with the opportunity to interact with some of the legendary minds in yoga and spirituality.

Location and Environment

Picturesque, Meditative, Clean and Hygienic – these are the four binding qualities of an excellent yoga ttc school in India when it comes to ambiance. To ensure the presence of these, nearly 90% of the best yoga schools in India are established in some of the most beautiful locations in the country like Rishikesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Dharamshala, etc. These naturally divine places offer the perfect ambiance and environment for a successful yoga training program. Additionally, special care is taken by these schools in the upkeep and hygiene of the premises, along with imbibing discipline inside the class rooms and a friendly environment outside it. Students and staff members also undertake various Karma projects related to keeping the surroundings neat and clean, or engage in volunteer work to support humane causes which leave behind inspiring and momentous traces in the heart of students.

Extra Curriculums

Even though yoga is not just a demanding but also a highly rejuvenating art form, yet everyone sure needs a little break from all the serious teaching and practice. Extra-Curricular activities are just as crucial as any other module of a sincere training program. Hence, all the best yttc schools in India schedule timely excursions and visits for a variegated exposure so the students do not feel clogged within the demands of rigorous learning and practice of yoga. If you are an adventure lover, an art lover or a spiritualist, these schools arrange for various kinds of fun activities and festivities for a frolic time out.

It is not just these factors that constitute an excellent yoga teacher training school; it is also the people, the culture and the sheer hospitability of these schools that places them a world apart from the rest. So, take the ideal leap by enrolling in to the best yoga training school in India and fulfill your dream with perfection.

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6 Reasons to Take Your Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala Tue, 01 Aug 2017 17:26:21 +0000 Practising yoga for several years but bored of the daily repetitive sequences? Doesn’t your yoga mat lure you anymore? Are you willing to do something new with it? Are you willing to go further in your yogic journey? Do you wish to master this art of yoga just as your instructor, then a Yoga Teacher Training program might help in turning these thoughts into reality.

A yoga teacher training program is a life-transformative experience for all yoga devotees. It is designed to deepen yogic knowledge and practice. It gives you insights into various aspects of yoga and rewards you with a reputed and outstanding yogic career by enabling you to become a certified yoga teacher.

Learning yoga is itself a splendid experience and to learn this art at a place with serene atmosphere and splendid views can make your experience even more delightful. When we think of such destinations, Kerala can be a perfect choice. Situated on the tropical Malabar Coast of southwestern India, Kerala has been declared as one of the ten paradises of the world by National Geographic Traveler.

6 Reasons to Take Your Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala

Let’s make a note of the facts why it is advisable to take a yoga teacher training program in Kerala:

  1. Mesmerizing Weather: Sitting at a quaint place with scenic nature views and digging deeper into your soul in a refreshing and blissful atmosphere, what better one can imagine of? The weather of Kerala is moody. Don’t be surprised if suddenly it starts raining because Monsoon here is very irresponsible and when rest of the Indians shiver in winters, Kerala will make you sweaty. If you plan yoga teacher training in the months of January and February, you will experience the best behaviour of the weather that time. Perch the cold hills and watch the cotton clouds wafting by while deepening your yoga practice. Meditate on the coasts while enjoying the enchanting sound of the waves coming towards you.
  2. The serenity of the backwaters: After a long intensive day of training, relax at an exquisite location where earth, sea and sky unite. Witness the scenic views of the backwaters of Kerala that is comprised of interconnected lakes, water bodies, inlets and channels. Don’t miss the heavenly feeling of riding through the placid waters of Kerala in a houseboat while enjoying dazzling views of beautiful countryside, swinging palm trees, lush green rice fields, and the naughty children rejoicing at the banks of the backwaters. Cherish your training moments even more with the glorious backwaters of Kerala.
  3. Stunning beaches: Make yoga teacher training experience unforgettable on the charming beaches of Kerala. Take a stroll on these paradisal beaches. Rejuvenate and relax on the golden sands surrounded by lovely palm trees, coconut groves, natural harbors, meandering lagoon and sheltered coves and enjoy the view of deep-blue sea. During free time you can enjoy an array of adrenaline water sports like, parasailing, swimming, boating and more. Experience sheer yogic ambience on the majestic beaches of Kerala.
  4. Ayurveda: Popular as the home of Ayurveda, Kerala hosts the greatest number of Ayurveda colleges and practitioners that offer Ayurvedic training programs in Kerala. Sprouted in India almost 5000 years ago, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to a person’s mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. One of the oldest healthcare systems in the world, this treatment uses oil, herbs, milk, and special diet to cure all kind of ailments. It is the mainstream treatment method in Kerala. Yoga, meditation, diet, massages and oil treatments are the primary ayurvedic techniques. Whether you are the victim of a fatal disease, or you just need a massage to revive your body, trying Ayurveda is a not-to-miss opportunity.
  5. Delicious food: All those foodies who crave for spicy and tangy cuisine, Kerala can turn your mood on. Prepared from fresh veggies, fruits and locally-produced aromatic spices, the hot and savory delicacies with a great taste and vigor give your tummy a bliss. One of the reasons why Kerala is one of the most popular attractions is its delicious cuisine.
  6. Popular yoga teacher training schools: From serene locations, alluring surroundings, and restoring ambience to numerous Ayurveda, yoga and meditation centers, Kerala offers everything that lures thousands of yoga enthusiasts and other nature-lovers. Because it is one of the most popular tourist destinations, there are a number of internationally accredited yoga teacher training schools and yoga retreat centers.

So, head for Kerala to make yoga teacher training journey more enticing and blissful.

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Yoga Teacher Training Programs (All You Need To Know) Mon, 31 Jul 2017 11:38:47 +0000

4 Best Yoga Teacher Training Programs in India

The first step to a positive change starts with a thought. 

A thought as exquisite as dedicating your life to the divine practice of yoga is a cue to your first step toward inner transformation and enlightenment. Yoga is a spiritual journey that brings you closer to your intrinsic self, discover peace, and reach enlightenment. 

Like any other path, choosing yoga will surely bring some uncertainties and doubts, such as where to begin. But don’t lose faith. Trust your intuition, and let us do the rest. 

This article will bring light into one of the most confusing topics when it comes to pursuing Yoga. 

The difference between the 200, 300, and 500 Yoga Teacher Training Programs

Having researched a bit about the different courses offered in a yoga teaching journey, you may get confused about what precisely these 200, 300, and 500 YTT programs are and how they differ.

Hold tight, and be patient. At the end of this blog, you will get all your answers.

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program

The 200-hour course serves as the threshold that welcomes you into the realm of yoga. It is the most fundamental beginner’s course in yoga teacher training, deemed a minimum requirement to practice teaching or receive further education. 

This course is designed specifically for aspiring practitioners, with an introduction to this ancient art form involving asana practice, teaching techniques, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy and physiology. 

Completing this course and registering with the Yoga Alliance will make you eligible to teach yoga professionally and confidently.

Different Yoga schools may have varying curricula. However, the primary highlights you shall attain in your 200-hour yoga teacher training journey from any yoga school involve: 

  • Yoga Philosophy and History
  • Asana Practice
  • Pranayama and Meditation
  • Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Teaching Methods

Explore our 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Kerala, an extensive program covering an array of yogic lessons that will shape you from a beginner to a confident professional. 

The 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Keep in mind that you can only enroll in the 300 hour yoga teacher training course if you specialize in the 200 hour TTC course.

This course is for individuals who desire to seek advanced skills and improve in their yogic endeavors.

The advanced curriculum is replete with more challenging and advanced asana practice, yoga anatomy and philosophy, as well as intricate teaching techniques. This program will equip you with practical, theoretical, and philosophical yoga approaches, guiding you to advance as a proficient yoga teacher. 

A typical 300 hour program covers: 

  • In-depth yoga philosophy and teachings
  • Detailed Asanas Theory and Practice
  • Exercising various Pranayama or breath control practices
  • Comprehensive Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
  • Chakra Meditation and Cleansing Practices
  • Advanced Teaching Methodology 
  • Practical Yoga Teaching Experience

Our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Kerala is a wholesome program designed to bring the best out of you as a yoga teaching professional. Through our elaborate yoga lessons, you will master the intricacies of this art form, making you a highly skilled yoga practitioner.

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The highest peak of yoga teacher training journey, the 500-hour YTT course, is an amalgamation of the 200-hour YTT and 300-hour YTT. It is the most advanced level of yoga teacher training that will conclude your yoga journey, making you the master of this art. 

If yoga is your reason to live and gives meaning to your existence, this program shall help you reach your destination and become a highly qualified yogi. 

It is a highly advanced course that involves a complex curriculum:

  • Study of classical yoga texts such as the Upanishads, Vedas, and Patanjali Yog Sutras
  • Detailed study of yoga anatomy and physiology
  • Alignment and adjustment practice 
  • Elaborate study and practice of asanas
  • Intense pranayama, chanting, and meditation practice
  • Extensive Teaching Methods and Experience
  • In-depth understanding of yogic ethics and lifestyle
  • Thorough healing and preventive care yoga practices

The 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course will pave your way toward transformation. It will mark the conclusion of your yoga journey, entitling you as an expertised yogi. Our 500 Hour Teacher Training Program In Kerala can help you achieve your resolve for this highest peak.


Yoga is a road less traveled but a journey worthwhile to walk on. It needs a brave heart to dedicate your entire life to a vulnerable path like yoga. Yoga is something that, once you offer your entire soul to, will shower back a whole ocean of serenity over you to cherish for a lifetime.

Now that the clouds of confusion have vanished, you are all set to embark on your yoga teacher training path suited to your level of expertise.

Analyze and understand each program in detail as you prepare for a life-transforming voyage ahead.

We at RishikulYogshala offer diverse yoga programs from the basic and advanced YTTC to several specialized yoga programs, including meditation, adjustment and alignment, kalaripayattu, hatha and ashtanga yoga, pre and post-natal yoga, and kids yoga making it one of the best yoga teacher training courses in the world. 

A promising yoga journey awaits you. What are you waiting for? 

Connect with us on WhatsApp or call +91 8433225327 for any further doubts troubling you. We will guide you to a perfect solution that suits you best.

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5 Reasons to Commence Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal Sat, 29 Jul 2017 17:23:26 +0000 It’s a usual working day. You’ve got a long list of tasks which you might not enjoy so much. Still, you convince yourself thinking of the handsome salary you receive and repeat these words within, ‘Don’t worry…Friday is on its way’. With this, you start working again. All of a sudden, your boss calls you and rewards you with a lecture. After this meeting, you feel so exhausted that ….you feel like running away…!

Amidst the stress, tension, worry, and disturbance in a busy and hectic schedule, you feel the need of a temporary escape where you can find something more meaning and purposeful. You want to revitalize your mind-body-soul and achieve the required balance in life by adopting a spiritual outlook.

You google “how to become happy, peaceful, and calm”. And, you find thousands of results saying, “Yoga makes you feel lighter… happier… stronger. It keeps your mind fresh and clear etc.” Suddenly, you come by a term ‘Yoga Teacher Training’ and you feel curious to browse more about it.

Go ahead… you are in the right direction!

Earning a yoga teacher certification gives you the opportunity to deepen yogic knowledge and the ability to spread it on a global platform. Embarking upon a yoga teacher training program is, however, a tough row to hoe, simply because it requires a lot of commitment and dedication at both, mental and spiritual level. Once you decide, this is indeed what you desire from life….the next task is to choose a location. Where should you go? What school should you attend? When it comes to yoga teacher training, there are plenty of choices so don’t be surprised if you feel overwhelmed.

If you want to make this challenging art more challenging and adventurous, then Nepal is the place that can turn the dream of becoming a yoga teacher a reality. From the beautiful natural settings to a soul-stirring ambience, the country offers everything that allows yogis to delve and immerse completely in the mysterious world of yoga.

Let’s find out why a yoga teacher training in Nepal is highly advisable:

  1. Scenery and Serenity: One of the most beautiful places in the world, Nepal is a perfect example of heaven on earth. Settled in South Asia, the country is blessed with natural beauty and lures millions of tourists every year. Come for yoga teacher training in Nepal and witness the uninhibited form of exemplified nature. From Terai region to hills and mountains, this country offers a diverse variety of beautiful and wonderful scenery. Lush green forests, enthralling waterfalls, snow-capped mountain peaks, artistic temple, monuments, and architecture, simmering rivers, magnificent flora and fauna, the country has a lot to offer to nature lovers. Cities like Pokhara and Kathmandu are the perfect example of urbanisation in the lap of nature. Deemed as ‘Jewel-of-the-midwest’, Pokhara can blow your mind instantly. You can easily access what you need. Attending meeting on Skype sitting by the side of a mesmerising waterfall, what else one can dream of? Many of the renowned yoga teacher training centres are settled amidst the natural beauty of Pokhara.
  2. Goes Easy on Your Budget: The cost of yoga teacher training programs in Nepal is amazingly affordable. Aside from that, whether it’s about travelling, trying and enjoying delicious cuisines, staying in the best hotel of the town, trekking to fascinating hills and mountains, shopping wool, cashmere, pashmina textiles, and more, this country is amazingly inexpensive for backpackers. Just remember one secret before planning your shopping outing, the more you bargain the more you gain. Even if you own a little sum of money like 100 rupees, you can take a sigh of relief because with this you can easily afford some of the basic things like a full meal, a bus ticket, a tuk-tuk ride, a freshly prepared hot ginger tea and much more.
  3. A Paradise for Adventure fanatics: Whether you are a never-did-before kind of or a hardcore adventurer, Nepal embraces all the daredevils with a wide variety of adventure activities like trekking, caving, biking, rafting, paragliding and more. During a yoga teacher training in Nepal, you can start trekking to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) and end with trekking to world-famous Everest Base Camp (EBC). If you love riding, then visit this country in Monsoon for a bumpy and an adventurous journey in the difficult terrains of the country. Just sit tight and enjoy the adventure. Travelling Nepal is an adventure itself.
  4. A deeply spiritual place: Even a month is not enough if you plan to discover the spirituality of Nepal. Sight of Tibetan monks, nuns, and people spinning their prayer wheels moving in a clockwise direction around Bhootnath stupa, one can easily realise in one just one glance that this country offers a heavy dose of Spiritualism. A yoga teacher training in Nepal will provide an opportunity to witness magnificent Hindu and Buddhist temples, such as famous Pashupatinath, Budhanilkantha, Manakamana and more. Even a month is not enough to soak in the spiritual aura of the city.
  5. It’s Easy to make an entry here: Unlike other countries, you don’t have to go through a lot of tussles to enter this country. You can get the visa easily at the International airport in Kathmandu and, at all land-border crossings. All you need is pay the Visa fees. You can easily stay for 150 days on tourist visa.

So, book yoga teacher training in Nepal and reward yourself with an amazing yogic experience.

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