Yoga and Ayurveda | Rishikul Yogshala Blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:20:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Useful Ayurveda Tips for a Healthy Skin during Winters Mon, 11 Dec 2017 19:34:36 +0000 The season of chilly winds and foggy environs has arrived. Like every year, along with early sunset, shivering weather, drop in temperature, bundles of holidays and vacation opportunities, the season has brought a handful of skin problems too. With Itchy, dry, flaky skin, chapped lips, and dry heels, the time to amp your skincare routine has come. Though a number of winter special cosmetics for skin are available in the market, if you are seeking natural ways to attain a healthy and beautiful skin, then opt for the ancient healing science of Ayurveda.

The age-old science of Ayurveda at present has taken the globe by storm. Apart from curing various mental and physical ailments, the traditional science works wonders for the skin. Skin problems are generally caused due to excess amount of ‘Vata’ in the body, which is often caused due to the cold climate. The healing science offers various old and effective natural remedies for healthy skin.

Here are six excellent Ayurvedic tips to get a healthy, glowing, and smooth skin during winters:

  1. Eat a good amount of oils and fats: During the dry and cold season of winters, try and increase the intake of oils and fats in your diet as they are warm, heavy, moistening, and nourishing. The winter season makes your body capable of handling these. Consume more of Vata-pacifying foods such as raw milk, butter, eggs, nuts, almonds, walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, omega-3 rich oils, etc.
  2. Stay Hydrated: During winters, it is advisable to keep drinking water throughout the day. However, the water should be lukewarm and not icy as it will aggravate the already present Vata dosha in the body. Carry boiled water in a thermos and keep sipping from it throughout the day to keep your skin warm and hydrated.
  3. Do some Meditation: Meditation and deep breathing exercises help to get a glowing and healthy skin. One of the factors contributing to the aggravation of Vata is a high level of emotional or mental stress. It sucks up all the vital juices from the skin and keeps it hydrated. Meditation exercises calm down the buzzing mind and provide instant relief from stress and anxiety. As soon as you wake up, do a couple of minutes of meditation. Breathe in the fresh air, listen to the enchanting sound of the surroundings, feel the sunlight, and stay focused. Shifting slowly from the ‘sleep’ mode to ‘awake’ mode helps the body to adjust.
  4. Massage yourself with Oils: During the shivering season of winters, a massage with a nutritious, organic oil is the best way to warm up your body and muscles and get rid of skin dryness and roughness. Various Ayurvedic oils are available in the market for massage. One can prepare Ayurvedic oil for a massage at home also using Neem and Brahmi as its ingredients.Massage on a nutritious, organic oil to warm up your body and muscles. Massage your skin daily to retain its beauty and glow. Use heavier strokes to get the blood flowing within the body.
  5. Eat Healthy and Sleep Well: Good diet and sound sleep are essential elements for a healthy, glowing, and problem-free skin. Include a variety of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and spices in your diet. Ayurvedic herbs like Amla, Triphala, Ashwagandha, etc. absorb toxins from the body and flush them out through the natural process. Eating a spoon Chyawanprash on a regular basis in winters is very good for skin and body health. The modern day lifestyle is full of stress. To cope up with the fast-paced lifestyle of today, people often work late hours, sacrificing their sleep. Unsound sleep not only deteriorates your health but affects the skin’s beauty as well. With too much stress and less sleep, skin becomes shattered and chapped. So, it is essential to take a minimum of 6-8 hours sleep every day to keep the skin fresh and rejuvenated.

This winter, follow these tips and gift yourself a healthy, beautiful and glowing skin. If you aspire to dig deeper into this wonderful healing science of Ayurveda then opt for some of the most exclusive Ayurveda Training in Kerala.

To know about Ayurveda in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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Ayurvedic Tips to Boost Immunity and Stay Healthy All Winter Long Wed, 29 Nov 2017 09:32:42 +0000 Living with a healthy lifestyle is every person’s dream. You just can’t imagine the idea of getting up on a blissful winter morning with bad health. If your immune system is strong nothing negative can touch you this winter. Unfortunately, due to our irregular lifestyle and bad work habits, we neglect to follow a good diet and exercise routine in life. In this scenario, you are advised to either join a reputed Ayurveda center for boosting your immunity or follow tips by Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala. Ayurveda’s ancient magical tips and brilliant results have helped millions to survive a long and healthy life.

Some of the most common diseases caused due to winters are:

  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Flu
  • Allergy
  • Skin Dryness
  • Frost Bite
  • Sore Throat
  • Asthma
  • Joint Pain and some more…

The Ayurveda training in Kerala has gained huge importance over these years for its bagful of magical tips on boosting immunity during chilly winters. Some of these tips may look familiar but ask yourself honestly, how many of us actually follow these? Ayurveda is science and its results are effective only when you believe in it wholeheartedly. We are sure you will agree that winters could be dreadful for children and senior citizens as their sensitive skin and weak body fail to hold the harshness of cold weather. Thus, you need to introduce Ayurveda in your child’s life early and practice it too so that you have a healthy aging process with good immunity, especially during winters.

‘Ayurveda is the gateway to boost immunity.’

Eat light and warm:

Eating light, warm, and fresh foods can make wonders during a cold day. Try to include more of pomegranates, cinnamon, kiwis, cabbage, and sweet potatoes. These sustain your skin’s glow and help in proper blood flow. Such foods can help you in strengthening your immune system to beat the unbearable chilly weather conditions. Moreover, it would be unwise to eat cold food as that kills the digestive heat in your body. Another important Ayurveda tip to consider is to avoid munching fried food. Fried and oily stuff is hard to digest during winters. Some people also follow Vata-balancing diet throughout winters.

Get a massage:

Ayurveda is incomplete without aroma massage therapy. There are innumerable massage oils available today; some of these are highly recommended in Ayurvedic discussions. Buy oils made of sesame or sunflower; the ingredients in these nourish your skin tissues and prevent it from harmful weather. You don’t have to pay at expensive massage centers; a simple 10-minute massage on yourself will work just fine. In fact, daily self-massage helps you with your body movements too. Begin your morning with gentle rub of oil on your body.

Warm baths:

Warm bath therapy is another highlight of Ayurveda. We bet it is difficult to get off from that cozy blanket unless you have a bucket of warm water waiting to give you some warmth.  Taking bath with Epsom salt and essential oils is the best therapy to avoid any skin dryness. Warm baths can be taken during evenings so that you can directly slide into your sheet and enjoy a long peaceful sleep. Preferably, use oils made of ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, juniper, basil, eucalyptus, and rosemary. These oils enjoy great importance in the science of Ayurveda.

Consume healthy and herbal spices:

Consume or include more of herbs while preparing food. Some of the herbs are warm in nature and help in balancing the immune system in cold season. If you attend any Ayurveda training in Kerala, you will be introduced to the importance of herbs like cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and carom (ajwain). Each herb has distinct qualities that ensure a healthy life. To add more light on herbs, certain other important ingredients used in majority of Ayurvedic medicines for cough and cold are honey, jaggery, basil leaves (tulsi), amla (Indian gooseberry), and mulethi.

Combine exercises: Do some Yoga

It gets difficult to hit the gym and lift weights as your body needs more warmth and rest during winter time. As an alternative, you may jog, walk, perform yoga, and hike. These are excellent exercises to keep the blood flow intact throughout the body by keeping you warm. Yoga particularly helps builds strength and increases the energy within to face harsh weather conditions.

Get some rest:

Ayurveda will never teach you to strain or stress yourself. Our body performs various activities throughout the day; some seasons may adapt to your work habits but a season like a winter may make your body tired sooner. As per the Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala, it is important that you give your body some rest. Try to be in bed by 22:00 hours and take enough sleep to keep your mind calm and clear. Early to bed and early to rise may sound repetitive, but it works wonders for a long and healthy life.

The objective of this information is to keep you healthy and fit. We hope you follow a good routine regardless of the seasons and give yourself what you deserve.

To Know more about Ayurveda, join yoga teacher training in India.

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5 Reasons to Take Ayurveda Training in Kerala Sun, 12 Nov 2017 07:39:18 +0000 As a generation of the 21st century, we are used to getting quick and easy fixes for every conceivable trouble, even if it means the remedy will not be lasting for long or be harmful. This is especially true in case of medicine. Taking prescription pills for minor discomfiture has become a way of living. The side-effects caused by such a practice are overlooked for the sake of convenience. This attitude continues solely because of a lack of better alternative and no awareness about a more sustainable method of healing.

One of the rare curative practices of the ancient world promising holistic wellbeing, Ayurveda-literally meaning “the science of life”, is adapted today as an alternate medicine. Ayurvedic treatment counts chemical-free herbal medicine with little to zero side effects, balanced diet, and yogic physical exercise and pranayama breathing. Ayurvedic knowledge not only helps relieve the sufferer from their disease beyond mere symptom-removal but also awards the patient to take complete charge of his/her body.

For those who have just begun to explore the vast pool of Ayurvedic system, the ancient healing science of holistic wellbeing could be intimidating. It is advisable to fall into steps with this amazing lifestyle with systematic training from the best. In Kerala, at the southern tropical seaside haven of India, Ayurvedic herbal treatment is still a living practice. Under the tutelage of traditional masters, the basics of this science can be studied.

The benefits of Ayurveda training in Kerala are as follows:

Following the Nature’s Way

Existing amidst the excesses of materialism, if you have ever felt that the soul truly belongs in nature, and in nature only, then Ayurveda is your call. This pro-life science roots individuals in nature with more inclusion of herbal consumptives, prescription for green living, massage and spa with nature elements, and subsequent curtail of chemicals.

Ayurveda training in Kerala will show you a way to higher living with significant modification in diet. Diagnosing your body humors according to the vata-pita-kapha balance, you will be able to measure portions of required nutrients in the diet on your own. An eating habit with better awareness can now be developed and, you will finally be free from your mad impulses of binge eating and putting up weight as consequence.

A Broader Approach to Sustainable Living

Sustainable- the modern buzzword for all things healthy will remain beyond comprehension if you do not get to actually practice it. According to Ayurveda, if the elements of usage counter the support of life, it is unsustainable. For example, constant use of chemical drugs may work towards symptom relief of one physical but may deteriorate the function of other. In the same way, high-carb fast food may quench hunger expressly, but damages digestion capacity and ups the risk of obesity in the process. Discarding all such approaches as untenably unsustainable, Ayurveda training in Kerala will inculcate a handful of sustainable ways to life, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Finding Individual Strength

Going through the rituals of Ayurvedic training, you are likely to experience a re-evaluation of yourself. The factors that had been considered as flaws would expand to new values as Ayurveda encourages a judgment-free assessment. To learn that qualities are not inherently positive or negative, Ayurveda’s personalized system of health is much required. The three major constitutional elements- vata, pita, kapha could be adjusted according to individual requirements with diet modifications, guided yogic exercise, and channelization of pranic life force through the breathing discipline of pranayama.

While, it is near impossible to change one’s constitution, a Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala can help you gain insight into your own and lead your life accordingly. Becoming the proprietor of your own health is empowering and thoroughly joyful!

Simplifying Disease Identification

Understanding one’s constitution is central to Ayurveda healing and identification of disease that follows from this approach is relatively simpler than the complex and often convoluted method of medical science. Fall in health is attributed to disruption of balance in the elements of one’s vata-pita-kapha structure and dietary modification and yoga exercise are accordingly suggested for recovery. At a combined yoga and ayurveda ttc in Kerala, students are informed to keep track of the imbalances and eliminate them voluntarily.

Finding Prevention before Cure

The take of Ayurveda on diseases is critical in its progression. It is understood that diseases happen in successive steps and it is well before time that the disease develops to an advanced chronic stage that the constitutional imbalances in the system could be found and taken care of. Through a yoga ttc in kerala with Ayurveda in the curriculum, you can recognize fearsome chronic manifestations, such as diabetes at the budding and work out it’s imbalances before the wound festers.

Ayurveda, though extremely effective in creating a sense of connectivity and grounding, is not a religion or spiritual belief system. Training in this discipline can simply aware individuals about greater consequences of actions and the more involved process of healing, not only of bodies and mind but of the planet at large.

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Yoga and Ayurveda Program in Kerala Sat, 04 Nov 2017 06:45:56 +0000 Kerala is one of the best locations in India to practice yoga. There are some well-known Ayurveda centers for people to enroll. Kerala is scattered with dense forests, lush green parks, and beautiful rivers that make yoga more blissful. Allow us to help you in choosing an effective Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala. Do not refer to sites that promote products and services, focus more on gathering information. We love to share our knowledge on ancient yoga and help to spread awareness on Ayurveda. For us, a healthy life leads to a wealthy world and that’s what we intend to do. Kerala offers you special workshops, training centers, and effective programs on yoga and Ayurveda.

Why should join yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala?

One of the advantages of enrolling yourself for a fitness program in this state is that most centers permit you to customize your training. You will experience workshops on Ayurveda and Panchakarma under highly trained therapists and professionals. Kerala has emerged as the pioneer state in Yoga and Ayurveda. Moreover, you are seated in the lap of bountiful nature. The centers in the state have various programs from beginner to advanced level. Before you step further to understand the benefits of joining a Yoga or Ayurveda program in Kerala, it is important to know what these mean and how they impact our lives?

Importance of yoga:

Yoga is connecting with self by communicating through mind, body, and soul

Shruti Sharma

Yoga is a routine; it is the entire system of your body from breathing, to bending and stretching. It is one of the most effective treatments that help your body to support you even in times of difficulty. Unlike other fitness programs, yoga is a prolonged therapy. It would be difficult to describe this vast four letter word in detail as there is so much to learn about it. On one side in yoga you have kundalini, pranayamas, chakra balancing, meditation, whereas on the other side you have stretching, hatha, vinyasa, and more…

Importance of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is your lifestyle; it helps you to find a routine purpose of life.

Shruti Sharma

Ayurveda is the gateway to live life to the core. A special space is dedicated to conduct Ayurveda therapies and courses. Many centers also design their setup as per vastu. The science of Ayurveda is based on three main elements; Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. The results of Ayurveda lead to good health and happy life. As you learn the science behind this magical form, you would realize the relation of Ayurveda with herbs. With a combination of these two, life prepares you to fight back all challenges related to any illness. Ayurveda has gained immense popularity and acceptance globally for its zero side effects. Being its birthplace, Kerala is the best place to learn the magical secrets of this science.

Why is Kerala an ideal location for Yoga and Ayurveda?

Kerala has unique locations that are ideal for practicing yoga and Ayurveda. Some are located on the banks of gorgeous rivers like Kabani. People who are frustrated from the noisy city life and need to rejuvenate can come to Kerala.

Peaceful location:

Most of the magical herbs are easily available in the organic farms of Kerala. It makes it easier for the yoga centers to combine Ayurveda training. With the help of ancient herbs and modern techniques, the Ayurvedic culture in Kerala transforms you completely.

Breathtaking sceneries:

As mentioned earlier, Kerala is a den of lush green forests and landscapes. Its breathtaking sceneries are simply ideal for meditation. Yoga involves sadhana and asana together thus, you need a location that allows you to dedicate sometime for yourself every day.

Great infrastructure:

The yoga centers in Kerala offer splendid infrastructure. Some even take care of your meals and morning tea. The cleanliness is commendable at selected reputed yoga and Ayurveda centers. We bet you may not have experienced a tastier vegetarian meal at any other place, like in Kerala. Moreover, the hospitality is simply the best!


A good number of tourists enroll every year for yoga programs in Kerala. It is because the state is safer for tourism. The centers follow strict guidelines on consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, non-veg, and use of plastic. Expect a tight security for the tourists and participants.

Warm hospitality:

People in Kerala approach you with a warm attitude. The hospitality and their serving standards are at par with excellence. You must not miss an opportunity to experience the way the yoga teachers train here.  They have patience and understanding towards you. The staff is efficient and simple with like-mindedness.

There are oodles of yoga centers in Kerala; however, choose as per your requirement and plan. Make Kerala your healthy holiday trip. Find centers that provide you customized workshops on yoga and free lectures on the benefits of Ayurveda. It would be great to take recommendations from your friends who have visited here.

Prepare yourself to lay in the lap of nature and mystic landscapes that care for you. One thing we bet you about this place is that it has a remarkable atmosphere that offers peace and calm. Today, Kerala has become one of the ideal locations for spiritual healing, meditational therapies, and training center of highly acclaimed saints and masters.

To Know more about the Yoga and Ayurveda Program in Kerala, join yoga teacher training in India.

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Top 5 Reasons to Do a Yoga and Ayurveda Program in Kerala Mon, 21 Aug 2017 04:56:32 +0000 Waking up early, leaping out the bed forcefully, and then reaching the workplace to begin the stress, this modern day-to-day lifestyle has made our lives confined within the 9-5 routine. With tasks, deadlines, responsibilities, stress, pressure all over the mind, our busy and hectic schedule leaves no scope to live the life the way we want. Certain points come in life when we feel the need to simply get away from the manifestations of materialistic world for self-healing at all levels. If you are looking for the same, then head for a yoga and Ayurveda program. Heal, rejuvenate, and experience self-transformation with the best of ancient Indian traditions- Yoga and Ayurveda.

Yoga and Ayurveda programs are for people willing to experience a healthier and happier side in a stunning natural environment. Ayurveda -the science of life and Yoga- the harmony of mind, body, and soul are the best natural ways to heal and rejuvenate. Whether you are looking for rejuvenation, beauty enhancement, specific mental or physical treatment, or simply want to disconnect from busy life and reconnect with your true self, a yoga and Ayurveda program can offer the best wellness experience for all your needs.

Abundant choices are there all around the globe offering yoga and Ayurveda programs. The most obvious choice when it comes to Yoga and Ayurveda is definitely India, being the mother land of both traditions. Premium yoga and Ayurveda programs are offered all over India. But to get unique Yoga Ayurveda experience, Kerala is a must-visit. The one-of-a-kind place has so much to offer to lure thousands of tourists.

Let’s have a look at the reasons that compel us to attend a Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala:

  1. Beauty that takes the breath away: Nestled in South India, the paradisal coastal state is quite popular among travellers. With sublime beauty, luscious landscapes, sprawling forests, pristine beaches, quaint hills, enchanting waterfalls, and rich flora and fauna, Kerala is often called as ‘God’s own country’. There are a number of strikingly beautiful yet unspoiled places to bask in the beauty of nature. It is an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation, peace, and quiet. Attending a Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala provides the opportunity to experience spellbinding natural beauty.
  2. Home of Ayurveda: One of the oldest healthcare systems in the world, Ayurveda has always been an integral part of Kerala traditions. It originated on the spiritual lands of India almost 5000 years ago. Kerala has become the hub of Ayurveda because of its appropriate weather and feasibility of medicinal herbs and plants. The state is crowded with ashrams and Ayurveda hospitals that offer treatments, rejuvenation or relaxation therapies by the traditional Ayurveda techniques. Kerala often tops the list of people looking for natural remedies and medical treatment, herbal diets, yoga and meditation sessions, relaxing ayurvedic massages.
  3. Hub of Yoga and Ayurveda programs: Plenty of choices are waiting, if you are considering for yoga or Ayurveda. There are number of ashrams and centers that offer Yoga Alliance Approved Yoga teacher training and Ayurveda training in Kerala. They offer high standards of training by entrenching students with in-depth knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda. These schools are led by skilled and highly experienced teachers who put all their efforts to ensure students are clear of all the concepts and polish them to become qualified and reputed yoga teacher. Attending a yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala gives the opportunity to also get acquainted with the art of massage, spa treatment, Panchakarma techniques and explore the rich heritage and culture of India.
  4. Heaven for spice lovers: If spice is something that turns your mood on, then Kerala is a must-visit. Famous for its large spice plantations, Kerala can relish your taste buds with its yummy, hot and spicy cuisines. Visiting Notable Spice farms in places like Wayanad, Attappadi, Siruvani, Vagamon, Vandiperiyar and Erumeli can delight the soul.
  5. So much to do: Planning a trip to Kerala, your to-do list can be quite long. No matter you are a beach person or a mountain one, wildlife lover or waterfalls admirer, more into art or adventure, Kerala exceed expectations at all levels. Enjoy walk along the world’s fantastic sandy beaches and let those crystal clear azure water touch your feet. Experience wilderness while enjoying sights of rare creatures like lion-tailed macaque, Asian elephant, leopard, giant squirrel, Bengal tiger, Indian grey hornbill and more in the famous wildlife sanctuaries like Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Periyar National Park, Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Silent Valley and Eravikulam National Park. Do road trips to picturesque waterfalls like Meenmutty and Kombaikani. Spend time at picture postcard destinations amidst lush green surrounding, misty hills, pristine forests and enticing wildlife. Have an unparalleled experience by visiting sprawling tea plantations. Cruise in the houseboats along the backwaters while enjoying views of lush green trees, rice fields and more.

So, go on a yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala for a lifetime experience.

To know more about the Yoga and Ayurveda Program in further details, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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