Kalaripayattu | Rishikul Yogshala Blog https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Sat, 28 Oct 2023 04:10:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Kalaripayattu Martial Art – The Craft of Warriors https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/kalaripayattu-martial-art/ https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/kalaripayattu-martial-art/#respond Tue, 07 Nov 2017 23:58:22 +0000 https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/?p=5300


Yoga has a connection to both developing inner strength as well as physical strength in your body. As a result, this broad discipline includes various types of martial arts training that provide practitioners with all they want from their bodies.

The historic fighting technique known as Kalaripayattu comes under one of these distinctive branches of yoga.

Kalaripayattu is an art that embodies the spirit of warriors. Discovering its captivating history and rich ancient heritage might ignite your desire to become a master of this esteemed skill. With our specialized program Kalaripayattu and Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala, we’re here to help you become a true warrior.

What is Kalaripayattu?

Kalaripayattu, a martial art from India, has its roots in Kerala, a state on the country’s southwest coast.

Kalaripayattu is derived from two words in the Malayalam language, “Kalari,” which means “battlefield,” and “Payattu,” which stands for “to become trained” or “to practice.” When these words come together, they signify “trained for the battlefield.”

Like most Indian martial arts, Kalaripayattu draws on Hindu ceremonies and ideologies, combining the wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga.

The Kalaripayattu martial art follows the ancient Indian Guru-Shishya system to teach this art form. The skillful maneuvering and fierce yet graceful combat styles of animals inspire the heroic stunts of Kalaripayattu. It explains how this type of martial arts varies from every other training you might ever receive.

The Practice Of Kalaripayattu Martial Art

A specialized training ground known as ‘Kalari‘ is where this martial art is taught.

A competing opponent might teach a Kalari learner fresh fighting moves. The Kalari trainee must learn to develop the ability to recognize, adjust to, and counteract these novel approaches.

The tradition of continuously learning, modifying, and perfecting the techniques by looking at what is workable and efficient is where the Kalaripayattu martial art excels. While adhering to tradition is important, the gurukuls of Kalaripayattu have helped the art form evolve by using their knowledge and logic.

It is particularly evident in the Southern style of Kalaripayattu training, which is thought to have undergone adaptations and modifications during battles with Tamil kingdoms to combat fighting styles like Silambam, which was one of the main fighting styles used by Tamil warriors in the ancient times.

Kalaripayattu integrates hand gestures from nata dances and components from the yoga tradition. Even several South Asian combat techniques are firmly tied to yoga, dance, and the performing arts to this day.

The History Of Kalaripayattu

One of the oldest still practiced combat arts in the world, Kalaripayattu is renowned for its lengthy history in Indian martial arts.

Kalaripayattu dates back to the 3rd Century BC when saint Parshuram – believed to be Lord Vishnu’s embodiment – founded it, to teach this martial art to the warrior class of Kerala to protect their land.

In the 19th Century, as the British government declared Kalaripayattu illegal to be performed, out of fear of revolt, this practice saw its abrupt decline throughout the state.

However, in the late 20th Century, it revived again as traditional art forms slowly began to find their significance in South India.

In present times, Kalaripayattu is renowned as a majestic ancient martial art form and is well-known among people who think that building internal strength should come before making physical strength.

The Kalaripayattu Martial Art Is Performed In 2 Major Styles:

The Vadakkan Kalari or Northern Style: Kalaripayattu training in Kerala in the Malabar region is highly prevalent; it builds on graceful and agile moves, defenses, leaps, and weapon training.

The Thekken Kalari or Southern Style: Mainly found in Kerala’s southern areas, it focuses on tough, forceful techniques with a solid grappling strategy and pressure point blows.

Benefits of Kalaripayattu Martial Art

Kalaripayattu is gradually evolving from an art of warfare and finding its way into a creative and more subtle source of self-expression in theatre, dance, and fitness.

This art is so influential that it strengthens the muscles and tendons while enhancing flexibility and agility without ever needing any equipment.

It has proved beneficial in:

  • Enhancing flexibility and improving strength: Kalaripayattu training requires extensive practice, which involves a variety of body moves such as tackling, striking, and attacking, along with healing techniques that altogether enhance strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall physical fitness.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The aerobic moves, powerful attacks, and movements elevate heart rate and improve blood circulation, keeping the heart healthy and increasing lung capacity.
  • Quick Reflexes and Better Coordination: The detailed and rapid motions in Kalaripayattu training refine reflexes, eye-hand integration, and fundamental motor skills. It keeps your body and mind alert and active, developing body control, stability, and agility.


“Kalari is about becoming a weapon without violence.”—Sadhguru.

Kalaripayattu includes tackling, attacking, striking, and healing techniques to improve coordination, flexibility, endurance, agility, strength, and overall physical capability.

If you struggle with self-discipline, deteriorating health, and lack of mental clarity and need inspiration or calling from life to embark on an adventure to provide you a sense of purpose for your being, this is your sign to learn kalaripayattu. It holds the power to transport you to a new mental space and project you toward an entirely different realm of life.

Kalaripayattu training increases your self-confidence and significantly improves the quality of your life and how you view yourself.

You become more mentally alert and patient as you acquire new combat techniques.

It will carve you into a dedicated and determined individual.

Explore our Kalaripayattu and Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala to learn Kalaripayattu extensively and master this art of warriors.

If you find yourself stuck or have any doubts, feel free to reach us on WhatsApp or Call +91 8433225327. We will do our best to guide you and answer all your queries.

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