Hatha Yoga | Rishikul Yogshala Blog https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog Revealing the wisdom and its cause Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:48:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Know Best 6 Yoga Asanas for Enhancing Hair Growth https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/know-best-6-yoga-asanas-enhancing-hair-growth/ https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/know-best-6-yoga-asanas-enhancing-hair-growth/#respond Mon, 09 Oct 2017 08:03:50 +0000 https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/?p=4931  Is your hair dull and lifeless? Does a single swish of hand through your hair give you back a few bundled up strands in the hands? It is time to stop cursing your hair products and, take an action. Indulge in hatha yoga classes every day and, give your hair the care and nourishment it deserves.

Be it an unhealthy lifestyle or environmental change, there are several factors that can be responsible for one of the most common problems in men and women- ‘A Receding Hairline’. It only delivers additional stress and worry. Yoga is a great way to keep hair healthy by promoting strength and preventing hair loss. It stimulates blood and oxygen flow to the head and scalp region, giving them proper massage. When this happens, hair follicles are rejuvenated and nourished. Also, Yoga effectively relieves stress which is one of the main causes of hair fall.

Know Best 6 Yoga Asanas for Enhancing Hair Growth

To stop hair fall and enhance hair growth naturally, one can opt for Yoga and Ayurveda program in Kerala and imbibe the knowledge in much more detail. Here are some of the best hatha yoga poses that help prevent hair loss and, further assist in re-growth of hair:

1 Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Dog Position :

Begin on all fours in tabletop position. Straighten your knees and elbows. Now, pull your abdominal muscles inwards and push hips upward to form an inverted ‘V’ shape with the body. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and, legs hip-width apart. Press your palms to the ground and elongate the neck. Hold the posture for a few breaths.

Benefits: It improves blood circulation within the body and enables fresh blood flow into the head.


2 Vajrasana or Diamond Pose:

Bend your knees and sit on your buttocks. Keep sides of the soles as close as possible. Interlock the toes. Sit in a way that your spine and neck are straight. Now, keep your palms on the knees. Close the eyes and relax your mind and body. Hold the posture for 2-10 minutes. Breathe heavily at a steady tempo.


Benefits: Regular practice of Vajrasana cures constipation and reduces obesity. It relieves stress and brings stability to the mind.

3 Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: 

Begin in Tadasana or Mountain Pose. Stand straight with feet hip-distance apart. Lengthen the spine on inhalation and keep the palms on the hips. Hinge your hips and bend forward to reach out the floor. You can bend your knees slightly in order to avoid any strain in the lower back. Hang your arms and head freely and, bring the fingertips down to touch the floor. Put your whole weight on the balls of your feet. Stay in this pose for a few breaths and come out gently.


Benefits: It energizes the cells in the head, provides a sense of calm and relieves headaches and insomnia.

4 Sirsasana or Head Stand Pose:

Interlock the fingers and form a cup with both palms. Now, bend forward and place the head on the formed cup in a way that the crown of the head touches the palms. Now, gently raise the knees off the floor. Pull the toes towards the head and slowly raise the leg off the floor. Once the body becomes stable in this pose, slowly straighten the legs and maintain equilibrium. Do not fall backwards. Keep your spine and thighs straight and vertical to the floor. Relax from head to toe and breathe deeply. Close the eyes and hold the posture for a certain time.


Benefits: The pose instantly relieves stress and calms the mind. It increases blood flow to the scalp, develops strength in the core muscles, and provides nourishment to the brain.

5 Ustrasana or Camel Pose: 

Kneel on the mat and, place your hands on the hips. Ensure that the soles of the feet are facing the ceiling and knees are in line with the shoulders. Raise your tailbone towards the pubis on inhalation in a way that you can feel a pull at the navel. Arch the back while doing this. Place your palms on the feet and straighten the arms. Keep the neck in neutral position. Hold the posture for 30-60 seconds.


Benefits: The pose helps balance your chakras, improves body posture and relieves stress and tension. It also improves digestion.

6 Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose:

Lie on your back with arms and legs extended. Bring both knees to the chest on exhalation and, clasp your hands around them. Now, release your left knee and extend it on the floor while holding the right knee. Bring the left knee back towards the chest and, again clasp your hands around them. Now, extend the right leg while holding the left leg. Hold the pose for a few breaths.


Benefits: The pose eases tension in the lower back, strengthens abdominal muscles, and reduces belly fat. It increases blood flow to the organs and massages them.

To know about this wonderful asana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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5 Most Famous Sitting Postures of Hatha Yoga Asanas https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/5-famous-sitting-postures-hatha-yoga-asanas/ https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/blog/5-famous-sitting-postures-hatha-yoga-asanas/#respond Tue, 15 Aug 2017 05:07:52 +0000 https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/?p=4498 An upper body workout does not always imply running on the treadmill or lifting a bar bell. There can be an alternative that can be practiced while reaping its benefits without the inclusion of huffing or puffing. And, that alternative therapy is ‘Hatha Yoga’.

An art form that combines Ha or ‘the sun’ and Tha or ‘the moon’ signifying the ultimate balance of earth and human life, Hatha Yoga exercises the internal force of a human body in order to reform the mind, body and soul. This is one of the most traditional styles of yoga that has given rise to several other styles of contemporary art forms since its birth. The primary series of this art form is categorized into seven sub-categories – Surya Namaskara, Standing Asanas, Kneeling Asanas, Sitting Asanas, Prone Position Asanas, Supine Position Asanas, and Inverted Asanas.

Those who wish to indulge in sculpting of upper body and working their lower body without straining it, while gaining the desired balance of each and every limb can benefit greatly from the Sitting Hatha Yoga Asanas.

5 Most Famous Sitting Postures of Hatha Yoga Asanas

To elaborate further, let us discuss the five highly beneficial Hatha Yoga poses from the Sitting Sequence:

 Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Also known as the warm up yoga pose, Dandasana or the Staff pose primarily targets the shoulders and thorax muscles. The pose strengthens hip flexors, abdominal muscles, and chest muscles as well. While the benefits of this Hatha Asana are many more, here are some of the primary highlights:

  • Regular practice of this Hatha pose helps in body posture improvement.
  • The pose also lengthens and extends the spine along with strengthening back muscles.
  • Improves body’s resistance and strength towards back and hip injuries.
  • Relaxes the mind and emphasizes body awareness.
  • Improves digestive system

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

One of the major thigh blasting poses while also highly beneficial for stimulating abdominal organs; Baddha Konasana has a list of several more benefits:

  • Highly beneficial for strengthening and toning of inner thighs, and groin area.
  • Enhances flexibility of the hips and prepares the muscles for exerting meditative postures that require prolonged hours of seating.
  • Helps ease menstrual cramps.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Eases pain in the lower back and relieves sciatica.
  • Helps strengthening of mind and infuses positive thoughts.


Matsayasana (Fish Pose)

One of the major yoga poses for restoration of the body and mind, Matsayasana or Fish pose is eminent for the following benefits:

  • This Hatha yoga pose is highly beneficial for stretching the chest muscles and deep hip flexor muscles.
  • Tones and stretches the abdomen and improves digestion as well.
  • Helps get rid of double chin by eliminating fat from the neck.
  • Specifically improves back posture and relieves frustration.
  • Clears air tract and helps get rid of respiratory disorders.

Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend Pose)

As the astounding benefits of hatha yoga go on, Paschimottanasana takes another leap in the list of advantages of performing hatha yoga asanas on a regular basis. Some of the most vouched for advantages being:

  • Stimulates the core and helps in getting rid of belly fat.
  • Strengthens and stretches the ham strings, torso and spine.
  • Simulates pelvic region
  • Tones the shoulders and deltoids.

Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)

This particular yoga pose serves two purposes – it helps in warm up while it also helps in body restoration. Due to its dual capability, a yogi can open their sitting Hatha yoga series with this pose and also conclude the series with the same. Following are the primary benefits of this Hatha yoga asana:

  • An amazing posture to relieve stress and anxiety on both physical and mental levels.
  • Improves renal functions of the body and helps manage the repercussions of diabetes.
  • With regular practice of this pose, you can manage or get rid of sciatica.
  • Flexes and stretches the shoulders, sides, arms and thorax muscles.


Imbibe these sitting Hatha Yoga asanas as an integral part of yoga routine and get introduced to a more refined version of you while remaining in the comfort zone of your feet.

Supervision of a yoga instructor is highly recommended for beginners.

To know about Hatha Yoga in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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