5 Excellent Health Benefits of Tadasana

5 Excellent Health Benefits of Tadasana

Tadasana is said to be the fountain from where other yoga asanas have emerged. It is Sankrit word where ‘Tada’ means mountain and ‘asana’ means pose. In most of the standing yoga poses your body or joints emerge and other body parts remain in a neutral position. It’s...
Benefits of Residential Yoga Courses in Rishikesh

Benefits of Residential Yoga Courses in Rishikesh

In case you are living in a bubble, and still unaware of the yogic trend that the Yoga Capital- Rishikesh has set all over the world, then the incredible health and wellness benefits of Yoga are something you need to read about, first. Open yourself to the awakened...
Benefits of Residential Yoga Courses in India

Benefits of Residential Yoga Courses in India

The original or authentic form of Yoga can only be found in India. All the renowned yoga teachers, practitioners have learned the traditional art of Yoga from the experienced yoga gurus of India. This is how the practice has been taken forward to reach the other parts...