Top 5 Yoga Meditation Positions (Poses)

Top 5 Yoga Meditation Positions (Poses)

The notion of the perfect body varies from a person to person. Some like it sculpted while others admire the slim and slender form.  However, what unanimously appeals to us is Mental poise. And, the universal method of embracing the peace of the mind in amalgamation...
Top 10 Sitting Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Top 10 Sitting Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Yoga, the science of union embraces diverse styles like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, etc.,  that embodies variegated asanas assisting the practitioners to achieve sound physical, mental, and emotional health. From the basic to...
Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Yoga is the practice of the body and mind that bestows a treasure of good health and happy living. There are many who confuse yoga with religion, or a practice reserved for women and the flexible ones only while others think that yoga is only about performing complex...
The Health Benefits of Hamsasana (Swan Pose)

The Health Benefits of Hamsasana (Swan Pose)

Some love the hip openers while others dislike it, but hip opener yoga poses are damn good for your health–physical, mental, and energetical. The wide assortment of hip-opening yoga poses help release the trapped emotions in the posterior and other areas, easing...