How to Find Best Yoga Retreats in India

How to Find Best Yoga Retreats in India

Is your health suffering from the ill effects of mundane life? Do you find yourself low on vigor and spirit? If yes then you need to choose a way of living that leads you on the path of well-being and happiness. A getaway that re-ignites your passion for this...
Top 10 Excellent Benefits of Sun Salutations

Top 10 Excellent Benefits of Sun Salutations

What is a Sun Salutation? It is that one singular yoga sequence that alone can do you a world of good in terms of strength, flexibility, and overall wellness, is the classic Sun Salutation. In a spirit of oblation and worship, this twelve-fold sequence is performed in...
5 Factors that Make the Ashtanga Yoga Poses Unique

5 Factors that Make the Ashtanga Yoga Poses Unique

What really is Ashtanga Yoga- an esoteric practice meant for a cult, prescription for morally scrupulous living, or the most challenging segment that one can find in a yoga course book? This is the spirit of inquiry that drives most yoga enthusiasts to Ashtanga- a...
What are the benefits of Yoga for Women?

What are the benefits of Yoga for Women?

Women are competent, adaptable and multi-talented — successful at work and doting at home. They are the ones who hold many relationships together. Females work in multiple capacities all around the clock. Women hold a special place in our hearts and societies....
How to do Breathing Yoga Exercises

How to do Breathing Yoga Exercises

Almost all of us have come through phases of overwork and mental strain when relapsing into exhaustion and negative thinking every once in a while gets common and we can’t for the love of god understand what it is that is missing from life. Why it could just be...