How to Stay Cool and Calm with Yoga Practices?

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

March 18, 2019

“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.”

– Dalai Lama

Calmness is power. When we are calm, our mind is in harmony and our senses work in the perfect manner. But, when we lose the calm, we lose our sense of perception of things. We commit to dangerous acts which cause more harm to us than others. Which is why, it is important to maintain calm and cool even when it seems impossible. But how is the question?

With yoga is the answer. We can take over the control of inner chaos and maintain our composure with the regular practice of yoga.

Yoga is the mystical science of life with a holistic approach which regulates the well being of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The enchanting ancient practice has quickly embedded into our mainstream culture becoming the one guided solution for everything related to our body.

We all surely need calmness in our lives to stay grounded and find our center. Yoga surely instills calmness and performing certain yogic practices help us with the same.

Here are the yogic ways to stay cool and calm:

Meditate to Bring Inner Peace

It is easy to feel overwhelmed and aggressive over certain things and amidst various situations. Meditation is an inseparable practice of yoga, a magical wand that helps us to go within every day to find the true self and inner strength. It is one of the best calming techniques that unwind the body, relax the mind and soul peacefully. Meditation practice helps us rekindle our consciousness and awareness about feeling, emotions and spiritual being. There are certain calming meditation techniques to feel cool and composed.

  • Mantra Meditation: One of the best calming meditation method, the chanting of the mantras replaces the restlessness and shuts the outside chaos to tune into inner-self.
  • Mindful Meditation: The technique calms and cools us down while increasing your awareness of the present. During the practice, we focus only on what we are experiencing in that particular moment and keep the thoughts from wandering.
  • Guided Meditation: This way we listen to someone’s instruction and go slowly into a meditative state and a Mediation app or video are excellent sources of the practice.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Provides great calming benefits, the technique relaxes the muscles either starting from the feet to head or the reverse way.
  • Visualization: In this method, we make our imagination a powerful tool and create what we want; this technique calms us down and eases stress. It bestows positive energy and improves overall health and living.

Asanas help to cool down

The practice of yoga has several stages that guide us towards the ultimate goal of enlightenment.. Asana being one is the first step we take towards this transformative journey. The practice helps in curing and preventing a lot of ailments, and soothes the mind; likewise yoga poses help in calming and cooling down.

Surrender to the practice by performing asanas including – Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, UTTanasana, Viparti Karani, Balasana, Bhujangasana, Ashwasanchalasana, Simhasana, Marjariasana, Bitilasana, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana, Ananda Balasana, Savasana.

Pranayama regulates the mind and body

In today’s hustled up world it feels like that we don’t even have a moment for ourselves. But in reality it takes just a few moments to pause, unwind and reset for a quieter mind, fresh outlook, relaxed body and a calmer self. When thoughts keep bantering and infuriating the mind, spare few seconds and take some deep breaths to relax and cool down.

Yoga breathing technique or pranayama practice is one sought after solution to keep cool and calm. The practice controls the flow of the prana or vital energy to the brain providing a calming and balancing affect.  The practice enlightens us, provides elation and purifies the body while imparting inner stillness.

Breathe to calm your mind and heal the body with techniques like Sheetali Pranayama, Sahita Kumbhaka, Ujjayi and Anulom Vilom.

Imbibe a Yogic Lifestyle

With these amazing three practices change life and health bringing harmony. It is also important to maintain a proper lifestyle. Start the day by getting up from sleep early and end it early on time. After waking up, follow with yogic rituals and practices that allow setting a positive intention for the day. Visualise the day, practice yoga, meditation and pranayama, and allow the mind to resonate with the goals for the day.

Quit chatter of the mind and let go of the worries with the restorative and rejuvenating practice of yoga to stay calm and cool.

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