Embrace Yoga this International Men’s Day and Reap from its Plethora of Benefits

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

November 19, 2018

Every year, the 19th of November is celebrated as the International Men’s Day which acknowledges the positive values that men bring to this world. Another main highlight of this celebration is to shed light upon the different issues faced by men and raise awareness about them. This year’s spotlight is on men role models to raise awareness about well-being and health. And, when it comes to achieving overall wellness and health, what better way to celebrate than to embrace the thousands of years old holistic practice of yoga. Yoga is an ascetic and spiritual discipline that brings tremendous benefits to the body and mind equally. So, embark on a path of good health, self-realization and emotional well being and rejoice in the goodness of yoga.

Relieve Stress

One of the biggest concerning factors in today’s world is stress. It may stem from many things – office work, tensions at home, financial troubles and more. Stress affects both the body and the mind creating an overall negative energy inside you. With yoga, however, you’ll be able to alleviate stress as well as train the mind to remain calm at all times. The various types of breathing techniques involved in yoga helps the nervous system to create a flexibility and balance with itself. This in turn, creates a positive effect inside you helping you to remain stress free and happy at all times.

Build Muscles

There is a strong belief especially among men that if you don’t hit the gym, you’re never going to get those muscles that girls drool over. But, this isn’t actually true. While you start practicing yoga, slowly you get to understand that this can also be a way to build and tone those muscles of yours. The use of body weight involved in different yoga poses helps you to build muscles as well as maintain proper blood flow to different parts of the body. This results in a strong, fit body that you have always aspired for.

Push the Boundaries

One of the major reasons why men stay away from yoga is the fear of not being able to perform those complicated yoga asanas to perfection. But, with gradual and regular practice of yoga you begin to push the boundaries and achieve your maximum potential. Yoga actually is a great teacher when it comes to pushing yourself to the limits. After all, it’s all in the head and yoga helps you to clear all those doubts and challenge yourself. By maintaining your calm, you delve into each asana with a strong focus and determination helping you to achieve it with grace and perfection.

Get Good Sleep

Sleepless nights wreak havoc on your health and make you feel stressed out at all times. Since, yoga is an overall wellness practice; it regulates the nervous system, reduces stress, keeps you focused and helps to maintain a regular routine. All these factors contribute towards a healthy lifestyle and improve your sleep to a great extent. Studies have shown that people who suffer from chronic insomnia have benefitted a lot once they adopted yoga in their lifestyles.

Enhance Flexibility

When you are a regular performer of yoga, your body becomes physically active and the energy levels rise. Also, the daily practice ensures that your joints and muscles get a good degree of motion resulting in increased flexibility. Another major aspect of yoga is that it promotes faster recovery of the muscles and prevents soreness. When you perform a yoga asana, the tight muscles of the body are loosened releasing trapped lactic acid into the bloodstream.

Shed those Extra Kilos

Research has already shown that men who are daily practitioners of yoga along with the breathing exercises, lost more pounds in a week than those who don’t practice yoga. Yoga poses are Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) and others are quite effective when it comes to losing those fat rolls. Apart from burning the calories, yoga results in increased body awareness, mindful eating and effective stress management all of which contribute to reducing body weight and maintain a healthy self.

So, make yoga a part of your daily routine and transform yourself with the blessings of this ancient science like a true yogi.

To Know more about the benefits of yoga, join yoga teacher training in India.

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