Diwali-Illuminate the Inner Light and Health with Yoga

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

November 6, 2018

Diwali, the joyous festival of lights from the Hindu Mythology is celebrated on the New Moon day with zeal and vigor every year for centuries. India’s epic festival Diwali celebrates the return of virtuous Lord Rama with his idealized wife Sita, the victory of good over the evil, the triumph of light over darkness and hope over despair.

From the month of October-November, the preparations of Diwali commence with full vigor and enthusiasm in every household. The families and friends gather in brightly lit homes to exchange good wishes and present amid gleeful family reunions. The colorful intricate rangoli designs, flower decorated doorways, an assortment of sweets and butter-soaked delicacies and fireworks display represents the spirit of Diwali, in which the entire community is soaked.

In the Hindu Mythology, Deepawali signifies a row of light. Whereas in spiritual traditions, Diwali is the time to illuminate one’s inner light, health, compassion and so forth. So, this year, let’s celebrate Diwali of health, wellness, and awareness with the science of yoga. Let there be more fun and illumination all around.

1. Awaken the Health and Well-Being with Yoga Practices: It is hard to give away the temptation of not savoring the Indian sweets and dishes. With this, we fall prey to digestive issues that make us feel lethargic. When we feel bloated, our flame of awareness is dull. The key is to prepare the body for the Diwali festivity with the ‘Yoga Therapy.’ The practice of specific yoga asanas like Seated Forward Fold Pose (Paschimottanasana), Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (ArdhaMatsyendrasana), Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), Child Pose (Balasana) and more help keep your digestive system strong. And, as you hold the yoga poses, you let your flame of awareness shine brightly. Hold this elevated flame peacefully and steady throughout your life.

2. Enkindle Spirituality in the Gleam of Diyas: Envelop every nook and corner of the house in the magnificence of flickering oil lamps and candles. Diwali which is also known as the ‘Celebration of Lights’ isn’t just about decorating the house with lights but also about awakening the ‘inner light’ and spreading the light to others. So, let there be light and brightness all around as well as within you to embrace the festival in its true sense. In yogic traditions, candles and lamps have been the primal elements of focus during the meditation practices. In the soulful gleam of Diyas, find time to meditate and let your heart radiate love, compassion, gratitude and mind illuminated with abundance wisdom. With the sparkling light of the Diyas, open your heart to peace, love, and new possibilities.

3. Arouse Wellness with Yogic Refreshments: It is not unusual for you to skip your regular diet routine. Cravings for sweet, spicy delicacies, fried foods come naturally to all of you. In addition to this, the month-long Diwali preparations and greeting and meeting family, friends can make us feel exhausted. To embrace health and vitality at the time of Diwali, it is highly recommended to hydrate your body with herbal drinks and nurture it with yogic refreshments. The nutrient-rich snacks internally replenish your body and very well satiates mini hunger pangs that instigate you towards consuming finger licking calorie foods. And, gorge on sweets low on sugar content to dispel the bitterness of the past and to embrace the mellowness of the health and future.

4. Burn Negativity with Pranayama: Firecrackers are the symbolic representation of banishing anger, frustration, and negativity. Just like firecrackers, burn your pent-up emotions with the practice of Pranayama. Find some quiet time to sit, relax and practice Pranayama that clears the mind from pessimist thoughts expels tamas (darkness) and clarity dawns. With the science of Pranayama, let serenity, clarity, and creativity explode like firecrackers.

5. Uplift the Soul with Mantra Chanting and Satsang: Mantras are sacred sounds with boundless spiritual significance that brings peace of mind and happiness. Owing to the hustle-bustle of Diwali preparations, you can feel uneasy. So, chant Siddhi mantra for making your desire come true this Diwali, hum OM Shreem Shree-aeeNamaha for true happiness and Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra for spiritual growth and well-being. Satsang where spiritual people assemble together to listen to a religious discourse or take part in spiritual or religious activities like devotional singing, meditation, dancing, etc.is also a good idea to get cleanse, purify and inspire the inner soul. Create a harmonious union with the inner-self this Diwali by being part of a Satsang.

6. Engage in A Humble Cause: The festival of Diwali is all about embracing goodness, welcoming the rays of prosperity, and carousing in the throes of merriment. So, this Diwali, make a humble effort of being in harmony with the self through the science of yoga and spread love and happiness to the unfortunate ones. On this holy festival of lights, illuminate the lives of several with your good deeds.

Make this Diwali more fun-filled and sacred with the wisdom of Yoga.

Wishing you a very happy, healthy, and safe Diwali!

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