What are the health benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

October 24, 2018

The Garudasana, named after the divine creature ‘Garuda,’ the fierce bird and the vehicle of Lord Vishnu has it all– strength, balance, coordination, and harmony. As a twisting yoga posture, the practitioners of Eagle Pose twirl and stretch and wrap their hands and feet in order to untangle their body, mind, and spirit upon release of the yoga posture.

What are the health benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Through the effect of twisting, the Eagle Yoga Posture offers rewards for the immune system and chakras.

How To Practice The Eagle Posture (Garudasana):

● Stand in Tadasana. Firmly ground your right foot into the floor.
● Gently bend the right knee and cross the left leg over it.
● Tuck the left ankle behind the right calf
● Stretch the arms straight in front of you.
● Bend the elbows, keep the forearms perpendicular to the floor and drop the left arm under the right.
● Intertwine the hands so that the palms touch each other and fingers point upwards.
● Try to lengthen the spine and arise through the crown of the head while maintaining the balance.
● Relax the shoulders and gaze at a fixed point in front of you.
● To exit the pose, unwind the legs and hands and stand in the mountain pose.

Modifications and Tips:

● If balancing in the pose is difficult, cross the leg and place the foot of the folded leg on the floor
● Beginners can practice the pose against a wall for greater balance and steadiness. Stand with your back to the wall, so the wall supports your torso.
● During the practice of the pose, always bent the knees generously so as to avoid straining.
● In the pose, if you are unable to touch the palms together, hold a yoga strap in your hands and then twist your palms.
● For a deeper challenge, come into the full pose. Exhale, lean forward and press the forearms against the thigh of the top leg.
● When you lift the hands up, the elbows should be line with the shoulders.

Contraindications Of The Eagle Pose:

● Ankle and Shoulder Injury
● Low Blood Pressure
● Plantar Fasciitis

The Health Benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

1. Stimulates the Immune System: In the pose, when you twist the legs and arms, the blood flow gets constricted, and you experience a pressure similar to the one felt during a massage. The massaging effect is a key to stimulating and releasing fresh blood in the body. Good circulation is vital for boosting immunity levels. For reaping the benefits of eagle pose and higher immunity levels, practice the pose daily.

2. Aligns the Chakras: The chakras are energy points running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head within the body. Every yoga posture stimulates one or more chakras. The Eagle Pose ignites the root chakra due to the close proximity to the floor as well as the third eye chakra because of focusing on a particular point. The balanced root chakra fosters grounding, and the third eye energy point cultivates concentration. With both the chakras balanced, you gain heightened focus and a deeper sense of self.

3. Fosters Balance: Finding balance both in life and yoga, can be hard. But, with Eagle Pose one can master the physical, mental, and spiritual coordination. As you stand in a steady position during the practice of the pose, you make an attempt to balance both sides of the body by equally practicing on both the legs. The right side of the body holds masculine energy and left side feminine. By squeezing and unwinding both the sides, the pose encourages harmony of these two thus bringing balance and calm.

4. Stretches the Shoulders and Wrists: Flexible wrists and shoulders are the health benefits of Garudasana that is assured with the regular practice. As you lift your arms and hands towards the ceiling, your wrists and shoulders get the much-needed stretch helpful in loosening the knots and tensions in these areas.

5. Strengthens the Ankles: The practitioners can reap the strengthening benefits of eagle pose by paying attention to the alignment. As you balance on one leg and fold the other leg over it, you strengthened the hamstrings, ankles, and hips.

Whenever you feel physically, mentally, and spiritually unbalanced, dig into the Eagle Pose, pay attention to the details and bring your body, mind, and spirit in balance and alignment.

To know about Eagle Pose in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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