The Benefits of Yoga Poses

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

October 10, 2018

Whether you are following yoga as a way to stay physically fit or a mantra for ethical lifestyle and spiritual direction, the benefits of the discipline are undeniable. The heart of the practice remains abhyasa or practice– a steady effort in the direction you want to go.

This abhyasa is most conventionally built up through the practice of the asanas. Asanas are more than mere physical movements. It’s also a tool to bring the mind over matter and connect your body with your will, your thoughts with your actions, habits, and character.

Besides the thorough harmony that practicing of the asanas creates in an individual, which you would feel as you progress through life, some benefits of yoga poses would come to you more on the surface, like enhanced flexibility and range of motion in your joints or a better power of concentration.

Asanas Perfect Overall Posture

The way we hold ourselves speaks volumes about our health, confidence, and tenacity. In interpersonal communication, posture becomes key to how the other person will be receiving you. The more you maintain an upright frame, shoulders thrown back signifying openness and warmth, relaxed facial expressions, and a calm voice, better you will be received everywhere. Yoga helps in achieving this consistent strong but amiable demeanor.

Muscles that Look Good But Also Protect

Clean cut muscles, the beach biceps, and a torso carved out like a greek-god sculpture, these are the beckonings for many to join hard-hitting exercise classes. It’s worth noting. Not only do such muscles look grand but also hold strength for surviving the arduous tasks. You will be lesser prone to arthritis and falls due to an imbalance in your advanced age. Yoga is any day a better alternative over gyming and weight-lifting because you won’t be comprising the elasticity of your muscles to gain fortitude.

Improves Circulation

Circulation is crucial to maintaining good health as the blood reaches oxygen and essential nutrients at different areas of the body. Yoga fulfills this requirement by getting your blood flow in a churn as you twist, turn, invert, and bend to the asana instructions. An enhanced blood flow should make you feel full of life, detoxed, and visibly glowing.

Bone Health Is Improved

Weight-bearing exercises involved in yoga are clear formulations for strengthening bones. In specific poses like the Downward Dog or the Crane Pose, the weight of the upper body is made to be borne on the arms. Arm bones which are especially prone to bone-degenerative disorders like osteoporotic fractures are thus given endurance.

Lymph Drainage and Immunity

White blood cells, responsible for the body’s immunity are contained in the lymph fluid. The continuous stretching, contraction, and movement at the joints help this viscous fluid pass through the body. Lymph drainage destroys cancerous cells, clears out toxins, and restores cellular function.

Heart Rate Gets a Boost

Heart rate relates at length with relief from depression, better metabolism, and energy. Though not all asanas can be counted as aerobic and heart rate invigorating, when performed in the flow style and followed in Ashtanga classes, cardiovascular conditioning, and better heart rate can be expected.

Orient Towards A Healthy Habit

Yoga at many levels inspires to become a more conscious eater. You never necessarily have to eat less and move more to stay in shape and order. An imbalanced eating can be addressed simply by becoming more conscious.

‘Happy Hormones’ Flood

Did it ever occur to you how a ‘sad feeling’ can only be a result of a play of hormones and neurotransmitters? Yoga is found to lead to a significant increase in serotonin levels- the happiness-inducing neurotransmitter, and fall in monoamine oxidase and cortisol- responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters. Way to change your perception of life as it passes from negative to optimistic, from lethargic to joyfulness.

Relieves Back Aches

Sedentary lifestyles often get us jammed along the spinal length. Rigidity in the neck and shoulder and the spinal lack of flexibility can be a huge roadblock in staying active every day. Yoga is a great way to feel better.

Creates Inward Awareness

Awareness of your own changing emotions and instincts would give you more grip over their occurence. Many studies show chronic anger and brewing hateful sentiments cause more damage to the oncoming heart attacks, almost as much as health degrading habits like smoking or alcoholism do. You need to take a step away from the ever going-on drama of your life and make changes where it is necessary. Practicing yoga furnishes a practitioner with this sensibility and objectiveness.

To know about these wonderful Yoga Poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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