Top 10 Health Benefits of Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

July 18, 2018

Sitting all day long comes with the set of health problems like back pain, hunched shoulders, spinal problems, and so much more that negatively influences the physical and mental health.

Physical movements and stretching are effective counteragents to a sedentary lifestyle. The yoga posture of Extend Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana) is a timeless science of invigorating, stretching, and strengthening the body while calming the mind for navigating through the day in a seamless manner.

The ‘V’ stance created by extending the leg and hand is symbolic of peace. So, dwell in the practice of Extended hand-to-big-toe pose and realize profound serenity. Here are the steps to performing the pose along with a few modifications.

1. Begin in Tadasana (mountain pose). Bend the right knee into your stomach.

2. Reach with your right arm inside the right thigh. Cross it over the ankle and hold the outside of the right foot.

3. Firm the left foot on the ground.

4. Upon an inhalation, straighten the right leg as much as possible.

5. Breathe steadily and balance yourself in this pose for 30 seconds.


1. Use a Strap: Practitioners with tight hamstrings or hips can loop a strap around the foot and hold it in your hand. The strap naturally extends the arm so that you don’t have to lift the leg high.

2. Practice with a Bent Knee: Beginners can practice the pose with a bent knee without leaning forward or to either side.

3. Perform the pose against the wall: Gain balance in the pose by a wall. Stand with your left side on the wall with your left hand resting on the wall surface and right hand and foot in extended position.

Whether you practice the utthita hasta padangusthasana with or without modification, you are sure to reap the health benefits of extended Hand to Big Toe Pose.

1. Gives a stretch to Hamstrings and Hips: Facing difficulty in bending the knee, walking, etc. Tight hamstrings and hips are the underlying cause of this problem. And, extended hand to big toe pose is the solution to the problem. The pose stretches the hamstrings and hips resulting in greater flexibility and less injury to these body areas. Stretching facilitates movement.

2. Good for adductors: The adductors are responsible for the rotation and flexion of the femur at the hip joint, adduction of the thigh, and rotation of the knee. The practice of Utthita Hasta Padangustasana stretches the adductors leading it to function at optimal level.

3. Improves Focus: Focus is regarded as the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory, learning, decision making, and problem-solving. One of the natural methods to improve focus and concentration levels is to perform extended hand to big toe pose along with reaping the many other benefits of utthita hasta padangustasana.

4. Builds strength in Back: Inactive lifestyle majorly affects the back and the spinal system of a human body. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana is a physical exercise that strengthens the back, thereby protecting it from the hazardous effects of modern sedentary living.

5. Relieves Indigestion: The zero nutrition food that we put inside our belly, the weather conditions, and the lethargic life that we lead, everything contributes toward indigestion and digestive problems. Stand in extended hand to big toe pose and experience your digestive system moving and feeling happy.

6. Revitalizes the Nervous System: Practice the utthita hasta padangustasana on a regular basis and manifest a parasympathetic state of a nervous system. The pose revitalizes the nervous system and fosters happy chemicals and hormones.

7. Boosts Metabolism: Maintain a healthy life through a heightened metabolic process. The extended hand to big toe pose effectively boosts the metabolism of the practitioners. Slow metabolism is also the primary cause of excessive weight gain.

8. Healthy Legs and Feet: Strength in feet and legs is important for many reasons like standing, balancing, walking, etc. Standing in utthita hasta padangustasana for a period of 20-30 seconds can do wonders for your legs and feet. Strengthen the legs and feet in an extended hand to big toe pose.

9. Aids in detoxification: Like all the other yoga postures, the extended hand to big toe pose aids in detoxification. The pose purifies the body-mind from toxins and rejuvenates it to the fullest. Practice this pose for natural detoxification.

10. Tones the Abdomens: Try the subtle yoga practice of utthita hasta padangustasana for toning the abdominal muscles in a safe manner. Strong abdominal muscles serve a variety of purposes in relation to health and appearance.

Become grounded and balanced in life with the extended hand to big toe pose.

To know about Utthita Hasta Padangustasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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