The Best Yoga Poses for Abdominal Disorders

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

June 12, 2018

A human body is a physical manifestation of the spiritual energies. Our body represents the deepest secrets of the inner ego (man-made) and thoughts in action. The various organs of the human system is a working communication between ourselves and the universe.

The abdominal cavity of a being is composed of vital organs: liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, and adrenal glands, each with a respective symbology. The lungs symbolize the spiritual assimilation and cleansing through which we receive the breath of life. The digestive system represents the utilization of materials, designed to take the foods in and break them in building blocks for the formation of healthy cells that make up the body. The stomach is associated with digesting thoughts and emotions; we digest food for the nourishment of the body and mind. Spleen aids the digestive organs and the pancreas regulates the amount of insulin to control sugar levels.

Unhealthy food, polluted environment, and other tangible factors are not only to be blamed for the diverse abdominal disorders like indigestion, constipation, congestion, etc.  But, vulnerable emotional state, unstable psychological health,  and impaired spiritual wellness are equally responsible for a poor abdominal health.

The traditional science of yoga strongly views the internal organs as a representative of our emotional and spiritual health. It offers the tools in the form of yoga postures that are remarkable in regulating our emotional health and nourishing the health of the abdominal organs for the manifestation of the healthy and happy energies.

Have a look at the best five yoga poses for abdominal disorders that take into account the comprehensive functioning of the internal organs.

1. Boat Pose (Navasana): Sit on the floor with bent knees and hands behind the hips. Lift the feet in a manner that brings the thighs into the stomach. Extend the legs, raise them up, higher, and bring the toes above the eye level. Stabilize the body on the sitting bones. After finding the balance, stretch the arms in front and look ahead. Hold this pose anywhere between 20-30 seconds.

2. Reclined Supine Twist Pose ( Supta Matsyendrasana): Lie on the floor and rest the arms to your side. Exhale, perform knee-to-chest pose and extend the left leg back to the ground. Stretch the right arm to the side at shoulder-height, palms down. Release the knee to your left side and place the left hand over it. Gaze at the fingertips of the right hand. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.

the-best-yoga-poses-for-abdominal-disorders-Reclined Supine-twist-pose

3. Bharadvaja’s twist: Sit on top of a yoga mat with unfolded legs in front. Fold the left leg at the knees and place the foot outside the right hip. The right ankle should rest in the left foot arch. Keep the spine and torso elongated towards the left side. Locate the left hand behind you in line with the spine and right hand beside the left knee. Stay in Bharadvaja’s twist for 60 seconds and repeat on the other side.


4. Half Frog Pose ( Ardha Mandukasana): Lie on the floor with your stomach and face towards the ground. Compress the forearms to raise the head and upper torso up from the yoga mat. Bend the right knee, bring it up to the right hip and grab the foot with the right hand. Support yourself on the left forearm. Practice this pose on each side for the same length of time approximately 30 seconds.


5. Sage Marichi Pose ( Marichyasana): Begin in a staff pose. Bend the left knee and place the foot on top of the floor. Ensure the left thigh is against the left side of the torso. Keep the right leg long and strong. Rotate the upper body to the right side and elongate the torso. Sweep the left forearm over the left thigh and right forearm above the right leg. Grab the right wrist in the left hand. Lower the torso to the right leg and stay in this pose for 30 seconds.


Perform these yoga postures once a day early in the morning to maintain a vibrant abdominal health.

To know about these wonderful asanas in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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