7 Excellent Yoga Poses to Control Diabetes

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

May 19, 2018

Diabetes, a major risk factor for heart diseases, Alzheimer, and diabetic coma is a leading health concern today. The modern inactive lifestyle and genetic predisposition are some of the major causes of diabetes. We have no control over the genetic makeup of an organism, but we can certainly regulate and alter our ways of living.

Every possible technological revolution is making our lives easier and lazier. Physical exercises are being replaced by technological inactiveness and we are relentlessly falling for unhealthy and junk food. Add to this the daily stress and the recipe for diabetes is ready. What’s the way out? Below lies the answer.

Grow into a robust and effervescent being by taking a step ahead and embracing the science of yoga. Yoga is a systematic practice of yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation that helps in effective weight loss, stress reduction, and harmonizing of the energies that keep the practitioners safe and secure from the deadly clutches of Diabetes.

Practice these seven excellent yoga poses for diabetes  and make your living most healthy and vibrant:

1. Seated Forward Fold Pose (Paschimottanasana): Begin in Staff Pose. As you breathe in, extend your arms upward towards the ceiling. With an exhalation, hinge forward at the hips and rest your nose over the thighs and forehead on the legs wherever your flexibility permits. Stretch your arms in front and try to grab the toes of the feet if possible. Ensure that your spine is erect. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.



2. Half Moon Pose ( Ardha Chakrasana): Start in an extended triangle pose. Rest the left hand on left hip and reach down with your right hand placing the palm on the floor beyond the right foot. Exhale, straighten your right leg and simultaneously lift your left leg up above the floor. Turn the upper torso to the left side and gaze in a forward direction. Stay in this pose for up to 60 seconds.


3.  Bow Pose ( Dhanurasana): Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat. Fold the knees and raise the legs upward. Grasp feet tightly with your hands. Widen legs and lift the thighs up above the yoga mat. Simultaneously, lift the upper body and head off the floor. Look in a front direction and remain in this posture for 20-25 seconds.


4. Boat Pose (Navasana): Sit straight on the ground. Bend your knees and place the feet on top of the mat. Exhale, lift the feet off the mat and position thighs about a 45-degree angle to the floor. Straighten your tailbone, flex your toes, and stretch your legs as high as possible. Balance your body on your sitting bones. Elongate your hands in front equidistant to the ground. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.


5. Wheel Pose (Chakrasana): Lie supine on the floor. Fold the knees and bring your heels close to your posterior. Bend the elbows and rest your palms beside the head with fingers pointing towards the shoulders. Deeply press the feet and hands into the yoga mat and lift your body off the floor. Keep the thighs and arms parallel to the floor. Hang your head down. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.


6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Lie prone on a yoga mat. Keeps your legs straight and elbows bent to your sides, palms down and fingers spread. Press the hands down to lift the chest and head off the floor while resting the lower body on the ground. Lift your upper body higher and look in front. Stay in this pose for 10-20 breaths.


7. Camel Pose (Ustrasana): Come on your fours with legs hip-width apart and thighs vertical to the floor. Rotate the thighs inward and expand your ribcage. Place the hands on the pelvic region. Lean backward and stretch your arms behind to hold the heels. Tilt your head backward and look at the tip of the nose. Hold this pose for 60 seconds.


Take a step ahead, transform your lifestyle for better, and infuse your life with the colors of health and verdure with these incredible yoga poses for diabetes.

To know about these yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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