Top 10 health benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

April 23, 2018

It’s a proven fact the more you nurture your body, the healthier your mind is. Physical fitness increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, enhances the production of feel-good endorphins in the mind, and promotes healthy organs. For this very reason, it is no surprise that people with robust physical body enjoy a higher level of mental agility and calmness.

The miraculous science of yoga endows the human race with strong, lean body, and a peaceful, healthy mind. The techniques of meditation and pranayama balance the body and soul and free the mind from all the mental chatter.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) is one of the yoga postures avowed to be beneficial for the whole being. Bow pose is a favorite yoga asana of many religious yoga practitioners as it amazingly builds strength, enhances flexibility, opens the heart, and massages the internal organs. Dhanurasana is a must-try yoga posture.

Top 10 health benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Here is a list of top 10 healing benefits of bow pose. Patiently read on the rewards:

1. Massages the Digestive System: When you delve and breathe in a bow pose, you encourage gentle massaging of the internal organs, especially the digestive system. It facilitates digestion, removes stuck material through the digestive tract and makes you feel light and robust in the gut. Gently relax downwards while exhaling and move in the curve while inhaling for the best self- massaging technique.

2. Strengthens the Back: We hunch all day long that gives rise to tight chest muscles and a weak upper back. The practice of bow pose with attention to details and care strengthens the upper back mitigating a backache and neck pain. Try to balance the dhanurasana between your engaged legs and engaged upper back to correct hyper-openness in your back.

3. Opens Hips: The performance of bow pose to open up the hip-flexors is a great choice. A regular practice of this posture opens up both the hips and creates an energetic shift. The yogic lore holds that the hips are a storing ground of negative feelings and pent-up emotions. The opening of hips creates space for new ideas, unique expression, and freedom to explore our own body.

4. Stretches the Chest: Several complain about tight chest along with tight shoulders. Thankfully, we have bow pose. The dhanurasana opens the body all the way from the tips of the shoulder down to the hips benefiting the chest. As your chest reaps the rewards of this opening posture, you shall notice an ease in breathing.

5. Relaxes the Shoulders: If you are struggling with tense shoulders then make bow pose your favorite exercise to do. Bow pose effectively reverses the negative effects of a forward movement and slouched stance. It powerfully relaxes and opens the shoulders.

6. Stress Reliever: Toss the pills and perform bow pose to reduce stress, worries, and tensions. Dhanurasana is the best stress reliever that calms the mind and helps you live moments of peace and serenity.

7. Effective in Weight Loss: Dhanurasana is a potent tool for losing weight in a natural manner. Practice this yoga asana regularly and grant yourself the ideal body weight and shape. The dhanurasana stretches the abdominal muscles and help shed extra fat from the body.

8. Energizes the Body: Bow pose is an effective technique to fight lethargy and to energize the body. It directly works on the solar plexus at the navel region and stimulates the functioning of vital internal organs.

9. Treats Diabetes: The Dhanurasana tones the pancreas and stimulates their functioning helping them produce the correct amount of glucagon and insulin that controls the blood sugar levels. In this way, Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes is benefited.

10. Enhances Blood Circulation: The bow pose purifies the blood and enhances the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the organs of the body. The increased supply of blood bathes the organs in nutrients and help them function properly resulting in good health.

In addition to these ten health benefits of dhanurasana, bow pose is highly beneficial for the whole being. So, make it a regular habit to perform bow posture and keep your health in good shape.

To Know more about Dhanurasana, join yoga teacher training in India.

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