How to do Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

March 16, 2018

From your first day at the yoga class to now, downward-facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana) is probably the yoga posture you often practice and absolutely love doing it. Downward-facing dog posture is the most recognized of all the yoga asanas and it deserves all the acclaim and favor. A highly rejuvenating yoga posture effectively builds greater strength in the abdominal muscles, hamstrings, and ankles when performed with correct alignment.

Therefore, get started with the adho mukha svanasana and reap its limitless benefits. Read and understand how to do Adho Mukha Svanasana in these simple steps:

Step 1: Begin with a child posture (Balasana). Now come to a tabletop position.

Step 2: Widen your feet hip-width apart and hands shoulder-distance apart. Keep your fingers spread out on the  yoga mat.

Step 3: Tuck your toes inward and lift the knees off the floor. At first, you can keep your knees slightly bent and heels lifted few inches away from the floor.

Step 4: Push your thighs away from the ground and straighten your legs behind. Beginners can extend one leg at a time. Come into an inverted ‘V’ stance. It is the final downward-dog position. Step 5: In the final position, make sure your heels are pressed on the floor. Lengthen your spine.

Step 6: Try to rotate your forearms inward and biceps outward.

Step 7: Rotate your shoulder blades away from the ears and elevate your hips towards the ceiling.

Step 8: Gaze at the navel and hold this posture for 60 seconds or more.

Step 9: Take a deep breath, slowly come back to the tabletop position. Bring your knees to the floor, lower your posterior on the knee. Finally, rest in Balasana.

Contradictions and Cautions:

People suffering from these conditions should avoid the practice of downward-facing dog pose:

  • Those who have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Suffering from Diarrhea or other stomach disorders.
  • Suffering from conditions of High Blood pressure and Headache. If at all, then practice the modified version by supporting the head with a bolster.
  • Pregnant women should practice this asana after consulting a doctor only in order to avoid any risk.

Modifications and Props:

  • Yoga practitioners can also practice the modified Adho Mukha Svanasana for restoration with the help of straps and blocks.
  • Place a yoga bolster under your head to release all the neck tension.
  • Loop and secure a strap around your arms above the elbows and feel the strap tightening, pressing the outer arms against the bones.
  • Place a block in between the inner thighs to learn the technique of inward rotation.
  • Once you become comfortable in the downward-facing dog posture, you can play it through different variations. Lift one leg in the air and create a three-legged dog pose. Or, bend one leg at a time, bearing more weight on the opposite leg and then switch the leg.

Deepen the Pose:

  • To intensify the stretch in the back of the legs, raise your heels slightly above the yoga mat. Straighten your spine as you press your chest a little closer towards the thighs. Finally, lower your heels back to the ground.

Expand your mind with these healing benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana:

Physical Benefits of Downward-Facing Dog Pose:

Downward facing dog pose is a revitalizing yoga asana that provides a good stretch to the hamstrings, calves, spine, and shoulders. The correct alignment of the hands helps in strengthening the arms and wrists. It is a great posture that relieves pain in the balls of the feet, helps with calcaneal spurs, and nourishes the entire body.

Mental Benefits:

Adho Mukha Svanasana is an excellent pose for centering the brain, neutralizing the negative effects, and fostering peace. As the head is positioned downwards, this yoga posture effectively calms the brain, reduces mild depression, and helps the mind focus on the present moment.

Practice downward-facing dog posture regularly and fall in love with the totally wondrous and unique self.

To know about Adho Mukha Svanasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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