Getting Started as a Yoga Teacher (14 Guiding Steps)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

December 20, 2017

Congratulations on having completed your yoga teacher training course! We know you would be thrilled to get on with your next step but are equally overwhelmed and confused about what to do or where to begin. Right?

With a clear vision, the journey becomes easy. Remember why you joined the course in the first place? To find light and tranquility within and help others discover it in themselves, too. In simpler terms, you desired to be a yoga teacher, and now that you have gained significant knowledge, you can turn your dream into a reality!

How To Become A Yoga Teacher

Here are 14 steps to guide you to become a yoga teacher everyone admires.

Create Your Yoga Portfolio

After completing your Yoga Teacher Training and acquiring all the necessary documents, the next step is to prepare a professional resume. A good resume comprehensively enlists: 

  • All your education qualifications
  • Professional teaching experience
  • Work history in chronological order
  • The list of certifications you hold, and 
  • The liability insurance you’ve purchased

Your portfolio will appear richer if you include details on Yoga and Ayurveda workshops and classes you attended.

Most Yoga professionals also add a section where they flaunt their specializations, yoga style, missions, and overall objectives. It creates an impressive overview of your personality as a Yoga instructor.

These points will prepare you to present yourself confidently when seeking yoga teaching as a profession.

Register with the Yoga Alliance

Every Yoga School is registered with the Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit organization that strives to support high-quality, secure, and easily accessible teachings of yoga. Yoga instructors who fulfill the criteria set by the Yoga Alliance through their training and teaching experience are entitled to be called an RYT or a Registered Yoga Teacher.

You can easily register in the Yoga Alliance through their website portal after completing your training. The step-by-step instructions on the Yoga Alliance website will make this process easier.

Becoming a registered yoga teacher allows you to officially establish your very own registered yoga institution and provide your Yoga training services.

Move Ahead In Taking Further Education

Everyone has room for improvement, whether you have pursued a beginner course or have completed the advanced levels.

Fundamentally, there are four levels in a Yoga training program: the 100, 200, 300, and 500 hours of Teacher Training. After pursuing the initial courses, you can move further into more advanced levels or consider taking specialization courses to expand your abilities. 

Enthusiastic about getting deeper into the art of yoga and unraveling its mysteries? How about Exploring Our Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala? It is well known for the tranquil environment it provides and the variety of courses it offers with the guidance of the best yoga instructors, perfect to help you in your journey of evolving into a great Yoga trainer and towards becoming an inspiration to other Yoga admirers.

Become Certified in Yoga Adjustment and Alignment

Yoga Adjustment and Alignment is a course that teaches the proper way to enact asanas involving perfect alignment and correct transitioning through poses to enhance stability, strength, and flexibility and prevent the chances of injury during practice.

Additionally, a CPR certification is an emergency aid skill that qualifies the trainer to perform an emergency procedure in a dangerous, life-threatening event.

Getting CPR training is highly recommended to ensure your pupils are in safe hands. Having the experience and knowledge of executing the suitable protocol in a medical emergency not only upgrades your professionalism but also makes your students feel secure. They would be more relaxed and carefree in pursuing their Yoga Journey without stressing about injuries or problems that may come their way.

Together, these skills equips a yoga instructor with lifesaving abilities that hold precious value extending beyond the mat.

We at RishikulYogShala offer a 15-day Yoga Adjustment and Alignment Course In Kerala.

Our well-crafted workshops emphasize aligning your body in the pose and helping you take a firm grasp on the correct alignment so that you can shift your focus inward without worrying if your positioning is proper and safe. It will assist you in deepening your intrinsic meditations as you flow through your poses in perfect alignment.

Volunteer and Gain Experience

Once you finish your Yogic studies, gaining more experience in this field is vital by assisting in Yoga classes. Consider this a form of an internship.

No school has ever been without a need for substitute teachers. Volunteering at yoga schools is an excellent opportunity to connect with the yoga community, learn new skills, gain experience by observing experienced yoga teachers, grow your network and audience, along with earning some extra income.

Search for a notable yoga institute or studio to join as a substitute and enjoy the newness of being a volunteer.

The more experience you gain, the more confident you become in imparting your knowledge to others. 

Obtain Liability Insurance

Most yoga studios pay for your liability insurance when you are hired. If not, buying one is essential, especially if you intend to establish a business or a home yoga studio. Liability insurance is a small but eventually worthwhile investment that protects you from any possible damage.

Keep Up Your Day Job

Do not immediately leave your day job after beginning your yoga teaching career. Your yoga studio needs money to thrive. Without a stable income, you won’t be able to continue your yoga teaching. Having financial support through your job will help you keep running your studio and even let you continue your further studies.

Once you become more skilled, experienced, and well-qualified and your studio begins to gain momentum, you can decide to do yoga teaching full-time and focus solely on making your yoga teaching career grow.

Fix Your Pricing

You must choose an affordable price range when starting up with limited experience. However, as you gain more yoga teaching experience and expertise, you can gradually increase your pricing. With advancement in your services through an upgraded yoga studio and equipment, you can raise your prices to meet your growing needs as a yoga teacher.

Be Seen

Setting up a website or a social media account like Facebook is a great way to express your insightful ideas and observations about your yoga training and experience, helping you develop an authentic persona online. It will help you reach a wider audience and be seen, making you prosper as a yoga teacher.

You can start in simple ways, such as creating instructional yoga videos, providing helpful yoga tips and techniques through blogs, and designing promotional banners for your yoga services. All these methods will help you market yourself and become visible in your yoga community.

Connect Within The Yoga Community

Get going and become active! Participate in as many yoga events as you can. Join yoga clubs, visit other yoga institutions, and enroll in yoga programs and workshops. Find ways to connect with your yoga community.

You never know what you can gain or who you come across with. It could even be your role model who inspired you to get into yoga! Nevertheless, you will learn something new each time, meet amazing people, and make new friends.

Establish a Home Studio

Graduating from your studies and establishing your own yoga home studio, however small, is like having your own home, a safe space to rely on. Owning a home studio in your initial days as a yoga teacher is like bearing an infant that needs immense care to help it grow and flourish. It marks your beginning as a real yoga teacher. Therefore, you should take good care of it.

Never Retire From Teaching

Remember your origins, your love of teaching. Training is an essential component of learning the art of yoga. However, you must go beyond just training your students and enlighten them about the history and origins of yoga as an ancient art form. Teach them the philosophical foundations of yoga to help them become knowledgeable yoga teachers like you.

Welcome Constructive Criticism

Stay with a beginner mindset and know that you may not know everything. Wisdom can come from anywhere, be it your teacher, a wise old yogi, or even your own pupil.

Ask for genuine feedback about your teaching and classroom experience from your students and embrace any criticism that comes. It will help you grow personally as well as professionally. With a sincere interest in learning and encouraging honest responses, you will create an enriching yoga experience. 

It will refine your teaching methods and deepen your connection with your students, fostering a growth environment for teachers and students alike.

Keep Practicing, Learning, and Exploring

Got some free time out of your yoga teaching schedule? Why not invest in growing your yoga teaching skills? Or how about learning a new yoga style? 

Even if we become professionals at a particular skill, something is always left to learn. Discover your weak points in training or teaching yoga, and keep improvising. Keep greasing your mind and physical muscles, and refine your practice by doing yoga regularly and exploring new yoga styles and techniques.

Check out our blog on 11 Yoga Teaching Tips, a helpful guide to upgrade your teaching skills within minutes.

We at RishikulYogShala offer a wide range of specialized courses in Kerala that you can choose from to uplevel your yoga teaching skills, be it Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kalaripayattu, Meditation, or even Adjustment and Alignment course.

Wrapping Up

Becoming a yoga teacher is just the same as starting any other career. It’s no easy task. You will be challenged over time and might even feel like giving up. But that is when you must keep up your strength and hopes high. Success isn’t linear or immediate. Everything needs dedication and commitment.

Hence, be patient and persistent with your yoga journey. Initially, there will be more lows than highs. Do not get discouraged by your failures. Learn the lesson, and celebrate your small wins in your yoga journey. You must learn to enjoy the process instead of fretting about the end goal. Keep taking small steps at a time, and you will find your destination.

Still in doubt or overwhelmed on which next step to choose? We can help! At RishikulYogShala, we provide complete and wholesome education in Yoga Teacher Training Courses from the best Yoga Instructors. You can find answers and guidance to all your queries from the convenience of your home through WhatsApp or call +91 8433225327.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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