Yoga Poses That Can Help Manage Diabetes

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

November 18, 2017

Living with diabetes can be stressful. It leads to the development of various unhealthy emotions and outcomes. Experiencing emotions of anger, frustration, hopelessness, isolation, and fear are common. Many of the patients encounter episodes of nervousness about getting shots and medical tests scared how diabetes shall affect their overall health in future. After being diagnosed with diabetes, most of them ask ‘why me?’ Getting used to living with the disease of diabetes can be challenging. Overcome this challenge with the science of yoga.

Diabetes is a complex disease. On the surface, it seems to be about ‘sugar’ this sugar feeds the brain and the body. Several other factors, such as insulin resistance, overeating, obesity, physical inactivity, family history also contribute towards diabetes. Additionally, modern lifestyle, constant stress only aggravates the challenge. Adding yogic practices comprising yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation to your daily regimen can help you tackle the problem of diabetes with ease. Of course, there are no restrictions on daily walks.

Daily practice of yoga asanas helps lower the blood sugar levels in the blood, thus reducing high blood pressure, keeping a check on weight, significantly slowing the progression of diabetes, and lessening the severity of further complications. Stress forms the core of many lifestyle problems and, is one of the major reasons for diabetes. It increases the discharge of a hormone called ‘glucagon’ in the body, thereby increasing the blood sugar levels. The committed practice of pranayama, yoga asanas, daily meditation practice can reduce stress in mind, resulting in fewer glucagon hormones in the body and improving insulin action. Following daily yoga exercise can help a body respond to the insulin produced as diabetes can also happen if blood cells are unresponsive to insulin in the body. Consistent practice of yoga asanas is extremely beneficial for older diabetic patients, as lack of physical activity may be the cause of diabetes in their case.

Here are top five yoga poses that can help you manage diabetes:

  1. Bridge Pose or SetuBandhasana: Lie on your back with bent knees, flat feet hip-width apart on a yoga mat. Rest your arms by your side with palms facing in a downward position. Press your feet and palms into the floor. Exhale, and lift your hips up off the mat. Roll your shoulder blades back and try to raise your chest and hips higher as much as possible. Clasp both your hands underneath your pelvic bone. Ensure your thighs and feet are parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for about 60 seconds.
  2. Child Pose or Balasana: Kneel on the floor with knees spread wider than your hips. Rest your hips on your heels. Upon exhalation, bow forward, draping your torso between your thighs. Rest your chest and head on top of the thighs. Bring your forehead on the floor. Keep your arms extended with palms close to your hips. Keep your eyes closed and retain the pose for around one minute.
  3. Thunderbolt pose or Vajrasana: Kneel on the floor. Sit back such that your spine is straight and your hips rest on your heels. Place your hands on your knees. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths and remain in this pose for as long as possible. For added support, you can also place a folded towel or bolster in between your thighs and calves.
  4. Shoulder Stand Pose or Sarvangasana: Lie on your back with arms resting by your side. Inhale, bend your knees and bring your legs close to your chest. Slowly, lift your hips up off the mat and extend your legs up towards the sky. Support your back with your hands. Try to straighten your knees and bring your chest close to your chin. Your entire body should be in one straight line. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Bow Pose or Dhanurasana: Lie flat on your stomach with arms at your side. Bend your knees and raise your legs towards your posterior. Grab your heels with your hands behind you. Lift your thighs off the mat and feet away from the hips. Raise your chest and head up and above the floor. Keep your gaze fixed at a point in front of you. Retain the pose for 15-30 seconds.

If you are a diabetic, remember these three golden rules: Good food, regular brisk walks, and daily yoga practice to manage this harmful disease in the best possible manner.

For gaining deeper information into the various yoga poses and their benefits, it is strongly advisable to enroll into a yoga teacher training program with some of the best yoga ttc schools in India.

To know more about these wonderful yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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