9 Key Difference between Indian Yoga Vs Western Yoga

9 Key Difference between Indian Yoga Vs Western Yoga

Yoga cannot be characterized as Western Yoga or Indian Yoga. Just call it Yoga! It is true that over the years, many modifications and innovative practices have reformed Yoga, but that does not erase the fact that Yoga wasn’t born in different countries. The mother of...
Yoga Sequences To Heal Your Bladder And Kidney

Yoga Sequences To Heal Your Bladder And Kidney

If you look at the human body and its functioning closely, you’d see what a marvel it is. Everything is so well-knit together that the body is able to function efficiently. One of the most spectacular things about the systems present in the body is that we are endowed...
Yoga Sequences For Strong Feet And Better Balance

Yoga Sequences For Strong Feet And Better Balance

Some twelve million years ago, as the process of evolution began to dawn upon the human species, upright, bipedal humans came into being. Anthropologists, historians and scientists have invested years and years of time to study the evolution of humans and there has...
Meditation Techniques And Hatha Yoga Benefits

Meditation Techniques And Hatha Yoga Benefits

The modern, contemporary world is a home to confused minds and souls. The rush of surviving, meeting the bare minimum is so high that we forget that life is meant to be lived.  We forget our own selves, trying to be what isn’t even our true form of existence....