9 Key Difference between Indian Yoga Vs Western Yoga

9 Key Difference between Indian Yoga Vs Western Yoga

Yoga cannot be characterized as Western Yoga or Indian Yoga. Just call it Yoga! It is true that over the years, many modifications and innovative practices have reformed Yoga, but that does not erase the fact that Yoga wasn’t born in different countries. The mother of...
Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Yoga has certainly taken the modern world by storm, owing to the fact that Yoga retreats and Yoga TTC are among the most popular holiday options in the 21st century. With the passage of time, like all other things, Yoga has also altered its form according to the needs...
Karma Yoga: The Path of Spiritual Deliverance

Karma Yoga: The Path of Spiritual Deliverance

Summary: Explore in depth the concept of karma yoga: the path of spiritual deliverance through this blog. “The Best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi This quote by one of the greatest minds in the country surely...