Ways to Handle Negative People and Their Energy

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

December 9, 2015

In the modern times when stress and tension have engulfed us, we are surrounded by negative thoughts wherever we go. As it is said, that your thoughts make you who you are, when we think negative thoughts we become a negative person or to be more precise, start emitting these vibrations. On an everyday basis we deal with negativity and people who are suffering from this issue. What should be done in such a scenario, where in negativity and toxic people surround you at home, work, or even when you are out, enjoying.


So what is that one can do to combat such people or situations or thoughts? Here are some simple and easy tips that you can incorporate in your daily life to overcome this hurdle:


When people criticize you and you feel bad or angry with them or yourself for behaving in a certain manner, it is best to practice compassion on yourself. Go inward and ask yourself how are you feeling about the whole situation? Trust what response you get from yourself and work on it. After sometime send yourself a lot of love, i.e. by telling yourself how much you love yourself, the feeling of negativity can be reduced.

Discuss with others

Talking about the negative feelings with other who are positive and would help you lighten the burden can actually lead to removing the negativity to a large extent. Pouring your heart out with your best friend or a colleague who understands you, can pacify you and distract you from the problem. Also give a you a new perspective altogether.

Talk to the toxic person

If there is some specific person who is leading to the stressful situation or towards negativity, it is best if you address them directly. A boss, a friend, a family member, just talk them with compassion and try to understand their point of view. Generally when you would understand their point of view, it would be easier to deal with the problem and relate to them. A peaceful discussion and solution to the same is definitely a great way to overcome the negativity created by a toxic person.

Be what you want to see

The most effective step is to be the person you want others to be with you. When you emit vibration of positivity, you are bound to attract more positivity. Be calm, peaceful and an easy going person and you will meet such people everywhere you go. So rather than reacting to someone else’s anger or stress, try to maintain a positive stance and reason out your way.

Surround yourself with positive people

When all of the above does not seem to apply to your situation, the only way is to cut yourself from the negative people around you and befriend more positive people. People who are happy self-sufficient, excited about things, and positive in attitude, are the ones you want to be with. This way, the possibility to get into a situation that leads to negativity is bound to go down manifolds.

To be a negative or a positive person completely depends on your outlook towards life. If you want to be a positive person, all you have to do is consciously think that you are a positive person and you will be one.

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