5 Amazing Holidaying Gift Ideas for Friendship Day

5 Amazing Holidaying Gift Ideas for Friendship Day

Having a hard time figuring out what will be the best gift for your loved ones this friendship day? Think out of the box beyond cute cards, teddy bears and friendship-bands. Strengthen ties with your favorite people in the world by giving them memories that won’t fade...
A Day In The Life Of A Student Of Rishikul Yogshala

A Day In The Life Of A Student Of Rishikul Yogshala

5:10am and my alarm goes off, I snooze it for 10 minutes before finally rolling myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I wash the sleep out of my face with cold water, brush my teeth and put on my yoga pants. For those who want it there is ginger tea at 5:30am, for...
Yoga Day Celebration At Rishikul Yogshala

Yoga Day Celebration At Rishikul Yogshala

It’s June 21st- Summer Solstice or as it will now also be known thanks to a world wide UN based initiative from the Prime Minister of India- ‘World Yoga Day’. Being in Rishikesh, India, the ‘world capital of yoga’ there is no better a...
Yoga Is A Science Not A Religion

Yoga Is A Science Not A Religion

Rishikul Yogshala has once again been successful in its endeavour to bring an awakening among that section of the society which had a different perspective on the concept of yoga and increasing their faith in yogic science. We have recently had a batch of 28 young...
What To Do With Your Time Off In Rishikesh?

What To Do With Your Time Off In Rishikesh?

The schedule of a 200 hour yoga teacher training programme is intense but when you do get your days off you want to make the most of the wonderful location you have decided to train in.  I fell in love with Rishikesh, the intensity of the hoards of visitors, cows,...