How Can Yoga Improve Mental Health?

How Can Yoga Improve Mental Health?

A mantra goes, “No health without mental health.” Indeed, a person may unveil a robust physique, glowing skin, and lustrous mane but, if the individual is not mentally sound and healthy, it does not count as a comprehensive well-being. Wellness is essential for...
The Health Benefits of Anahatasana (Heart Melting Pose)

The Health Benefits of Anahatasana (Heart Melting Pose)

                                                    “The only beauty that lasts is the beauty of the Heart” — Rumi. Heart ‘Hridaya’ is the ultimate dimension of our being. Named as Atman or supreme ‘Self’ in yogic tradition, it is a place of knowledge, pure...
7 Excellent Yoga Poses to Control Diabetes

7 Excellent Yoga Poses to Control Diabetes

Diabetes, a major risk factor for heart diseases, Alzheimer, and diabetic coma is a leading health concern today. The modern inactive lifestyle and genetic predisposition are some of the major causes of diabetes. We have no control over the genetic makeup of an...
Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Fighting Obesity

Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Fighting Obesity

The deadly disease of obesity is slowly becoming an epidemic across the globe costing many lives. Being obese endangers the physical, mental health, and is hazardous to the life of the person. Unhealthy eating habits alone are not responsible for obesity, but stress,...