Top 5 Health Benefits of Savasana (Corpse Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

April 5, 2019

Ever stumbled upon something which could be for anyone and everyone? This Yoga pose is a fun way to get along with people and yourself!

Savasana is a Sanskrit word, where ‘sava’ means corpse, and ‘asana’ means pose. It is famously known as the “sleeping pose”. Yes! Even a chicken won’t chicken-out of this pose. It is not humanly possible to make an excuse for this one unless you are actually a corpse! 

This Ashtanga pose is very simple yet the most important, and the beneficial one. It is usually practiced after an active Yoga session, but can also be done after work or at any time of the day. The purpose of this pose is to completely relax your mind and body, not to make you fall asleep.

How to do Savasana (Steps)

  1. On a hard surface, lie flat on your back (without pillow support), with your feet apart.
  2. Arms should be slightly away from your stomach, and let your palms face upward.
  3. Close your eyes and focus only on yourself.
  4. Keep yourself aware of the surroundings, but don’t let it distract you.
  5. Centralize on each and every cell of your body, from head to toe, to let it lose the compressed tension.
  6. Breathe in deeply the placid energy repeatedly for at least 10-15 minutes.
  7. Exhale the stress, anxiety, depression.

You have to keep all your senses activated in this position, only to withdraw from them eventually. Now, focus on your inner-state since concentration is the key factor in Savasana. With no pressure of physical exertion, this asana is about restoration and cooling down.

Let’s go through the Health benefits of Savasana to recover different layers of your spirit by surrendering into the present moment.

Top 5 health benefits of Savasana

This pose has many mental, physical and spiritual advantages.

Humans have a way of dealing with emotions and it may not be the cleverest way to move forward but Yoga gives you that sense of belonging, it becomes the helping hand when nobody else notices the tiny damages you may have caused to your health by not paying attention to yourself.

  • 1. First, get rid of insomnia, stress, fatigue, anxiety, anger or any other negative trait you want to eliminate from your personality. This asana also helps you get out of depression and worldly tensions.

In order to be mentally stable, a doctor or a psychologist can try their best but not until you are not willing to work upon yourself. The problems of bloating, indigestion, heartburn has multiplied the numbers over the years in different countries like the USA.

  • 2. Breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system i.e. your resting and digestive response.

Not many people talk about the things they need to, for example, we cannot ignore the fact that new generations have made drug abuse a joke. The basic potential of teenagers or adults is shooting down over the last decade. So, in order to balance out the consequences of it, Yoga helps a great deal. You will meet people from across the world who have pulled themselves together and with great pride made a better version of themselves.

  • 3. This asana helps you improve your memory and develop concentrating ability to a whole another level.

Restoring your energy is as important as eating breakfast! The hard work you do, your hobbies, reactions, and activities define who you are as a person. Everybody is unique in their own way yet alike when it comes to sharing their differences. Yogic lifestyle can water your soul to keep your true self alive within you.

  • 4. Health benefits of Corpse Pose will relax your body muscles, and it reduces blood pressure.

Save your aura by nurturing thyself.

  • 5. Helpful to enter an intense meditative state of mind. It also repairs your tissues, which further helps your body function properly.

Your workout is complete if you end it with Savasana. Sometimes, the simplest of things can give you the greatest of pleasures as applicable to this pose. When there is a possibility to outdo your daily performance whether at work or at home, why not try what you think is stupid?

  • 6. The features of increased levels of positive energy will lush out the hindrances in your daily life. Boost up your productive side with this amazingly profitable asana. Reenergize yourself with some fresh thoughts.

Tie your Yoga practice together with Savasana. Name of this asana might freak you out, but trust me it’s not a rehearsal for your coffin, rather a simplistic way to keep yourself out of the circle of doom. Agenda is to keep you motivated enough to not live the life of a dead man.

Enjoy the comforts of this asana, try it out and let us know if you could keep yourself awake!

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