The Best Yoga Workout for Beginners

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

October 6, 2018

Yoga, the science that makes its practitioners fall in love with its every aspect. Be it the health-giving yoga postures or the mind-stimulating meditation or the breath-enhancing pranayama, yoga has been the natural method of magnifying the physical, mental, and spiritual health for an eternity.

Since its origin about 5000-years ago, the discipline of yoga has been an incredible body-mind workout for all levels and categories of people. The morning yoga workout for beginners is great to set up for a fruitful, healthy, creative, and positive day.

Devoting time to daily yoga workout is an excellent way to get a strong, flexible, and an energy-focused body, mind, and spirit. Here is a list of seven important yoga asanas for beginners that they can include in their yoga workout. Take a look at the benefits and steps of the poses:

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana):
The foundational standing yoga posture, Mountain Pose provides a sense of grounding and healthy posture.

Steps: Stand tall on a yoga mat with feet together and arms by your side. Evenly distribute the weight across both the balls of the feet. Ground the feet firmly into the floor, rotate the thighs, and elongate the torso. Keeping the collarbones broad and shoulders relaxed, raise the arms up parallel to the floor, palms facing each other.

2. Downward-Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): As the popular saying goes “A downward dog a day keeps the doctor away.” This pose stretches and strengthens the entire body.

Steps: Come on your fours with your wrists and knees in correct alignment and position. Curl the toes under and draw the legs back and elevate the hips towards the ceiling. Keep the arms long and strong in the front. Look at the navel and take 5-6 deep breaths.

3. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana): A great pose to learn the art of balancing and for strengthening the abdominal muscles. Synchronize the plank yoga movement with the breath in order to hold this pose for a longer duration.

Steps: From Adho Mukha Svanasana, draw your torso forward until the arms are perpendicular to the floor, the torso is parallel, and the shoulders are directly above the wrists. Spread the collarbones and lift the skull from the base of the neck to look down straight at the floor. Soften the throat and gaze.

4. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana): Warrior Poses are great to begin the morning. The poses give the courage and strength to spend the day with confidence and zeal.

Steps: Start in Urdhva Hastasana. Step the left foot back and lunge the right knee forward. The right knee should be pointed at a 90-degree angle. Hoist the arms up towards the ceiling. Look straight ahead. Hold the pose for 60 seconds.

5. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): This is an amazing standing balancing yoga pose to include in yoga workout for beginners. It helps in enhancing focus and clarity.

Steps: Stand upright on a yoga mat with your feet together. Shift the weight to your left foot and place the right foot on the inner left thigh. Try to balance yourself in the pose while taking smooth breaths. Press your hands together in front of the heart center. Find a point in the front direction to hold a steady gaze.

6. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): Forward bend poses make for a good yoga workout as they stretch the hamstrings, lower and upper back, and open up the body.

Steps: Begin in a sitting posture with legs extended in front, back straight, and palms on the floor. Flex the feet and raise your arms up. Exhale, begin to bend forward from the hips and finally rest your stomach on top of your thighs. Breathe in the pose for 5-10 seconds and release the posture.

7. Child Pose (Balasana): Incorporate child pose in your daily yoga workout and between the poses to relax your body and to get a mental break from stress.

Steps: Kneel on a yoga mat. Sit back in a manner that your hips rest on the heels. Fold forward and let your body release. Stretch the arms in front, place the forehead on the ground, and close your eyes. Rest in the pose as long as comfortable.

Indulge in daily yoga workout incorporating these seven beginner yoga poses in order to spend your life with a feeling of centeredness, awareness, and wellness.

To Know more about Yoga Workout for Beginners, explore yoga teacher training in India.

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