5 Best meditation exercises (techniques) for beginners

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

October 4, 2018

We are blessed to be endowed with the art and science of meditation, a technique that hushes the chatter of a busy mind and brings the entire being into equilibrium. When the brain is silent, awareness, creativity, and productivity soar high. Sitting down to meditate without a prior knowledge of the basic tenets of meditation– relaxation and breathing, the apt environment and more can make meditation and experience of discouragement rather than relaxation.

Feel a quieter mind, open the heart, and feel a sense of freedom with these tips of meditation for beginners.

1. Meditate in a Comfortable Place: In order to make your mind calm, you need a place that is free from distractions and secluded. Select a peaceful location with proper ventilation and a soothing ambiance that gives time and space to be comfortable with sitting for longer durations.

2. Focus on Breathing: Breathing is essential to remain focused and keep the mind peaceful. Feel the sensations of your breath as it moves from your lungs and out through your nostril and mouth. Bring back the attention to the breath every time the mind wanders. Slowly, you will gain a focused and serene brain. There are a lot of meditation breathing exercises that you can incorporate into your practice.

3. Choose a Mantra: While in meditation, repeat the mantra “OM” or any other syllable you like to purify the surrounding and invite positive vibes. Mantra chanting affects the psychological behavior to assist in healing.

4. Observe the Thoughts: When you are meditating, the distractions and the mind-wandering are surely going to happen. In order to embrace tranquility, observe the thoughts, and focus on your breath. With dedication, you can master a single-pointed attention.

Now, keeping in mind these helpful tips, practice the five best meditation techniques for embracing a mind that is serene and healthy.

1. Breathing Meditation: As we know, breathing holds much significance in meditation. Therefore, starting with the Buddhist practice of mindful breathing seems to be the ideal way.

● Sit in a relaxed place in seated meditative yoga pose like Padmasana
● Notice your body and try to relax it through breathing exercises.
● Feel the natural flow of the breath. Focus on the inhalations and exhalations.
● Keep your focus on the breathing and never let it go.
● Deeply relax in mindful breathing meditation.

2. Mantra Meditation: Practice mantra meditation for protecting the mind against unwelcoming thoughts and distracting emotions. Reciting a sacred syllable–the mantra serves a deeper spiritual purpose. It helps keep the mind focused and facilitates a connection with the divine.

● Sit in an upright manner and focus your attention on breathing
● Choose a mantra that you resonate with. Learn about your purpose of mantra meditation. Is it to reduce anxiety or become more spiritual? Choose accordingly.
● Remember your intention throughout the practice and it will guide you towards the goal
● Reiterate your intention and chant the mantra.

3. Walking Meditation: If sitting for long periods makes you squirm, practice walking meditation. Pleasing and nature-abound surroundings are highly conducive for walking meditation technique. As the body is moving, it is easier to be mindful to the body sensations

● Choose a calm and health stimulating ambiance for walking meditation
● Keep your pace slow and steady. Sense each movement and take note of it
● Try to focus on the movements and breathing and observe the sensation of walking
● Practice it for 15 minutes

4. Empty Mind Meditation: Empty mind meditation is the technique of achieving a heightened attention without any focus. This is one of the best meditation for beginners to start with.

● Sit in a meditative posture and be comfortable
● Close the eyes and breathe.
● Let the thoughts move freely through the mind.
● Notice them as they come and go without judgment
● Practice meditation breathing techniques to maintain focus until the mind is serene

5. Mindfulness Meditation: This meditation exercise allows you to be fully present at the moment by bringing attention to the sensations of the body and directing it inwards. The goal is to become a neutral observer and to become aware of the present.

● Start the meditation practice by focusing on the breath
● Feel how you are sitting, the surroundings, and notice the thought patterns
● As you observe the feelings within the body without the intention of changing them, you naturally feel more aware of the present moment.

For beginners, these meditation techniques are simple and effective to start with. Slowly build your practice and embrace a serene self.

To know more about these wonderful exercises, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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