Karma Yoga: The Path of Spiritual Deliverance

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

June 2, 2018

Summary: Explore in depth the concept of karma yoga: the path of spiritual deliverance through this blog.

“The Best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

This quote by one of the greatest minds in the country surely holds a true meaning. A random act of kindness, paying forward, selfless attitude bring unconditional love and happiness to both the benefactor and recipient. Nobody ever loses by the act of compassion.

Since the time immemorial, living bodies are active and they cannot survive without action, by nature’s law. However, the altruistic portrayal of actions is the path towards elevation and happiness. It is the very essence of Karma Yoga laid down in the enlightening Vedas and Upanishads.

Karma Yoga– the yoga of action, selfless action aimed at making the practitioner achieve Moksha, Liberation from the bondage of worldly pleasures and psychological attachments. Karma Yoga is the performance of an action done with complete awareness, detachment, and love so that the practitioners can embrace higher spiritual contentment. It shows the individuals a way of fostering sacredness, spirituality, and significance in every moment of the life.

Karma Yoga: The Path of Spiritual Deliverance

Karma Yoga: Its Meaning and Significance

1 Seva: The Bhagavad Gita states the first step towards Karma yoga is understanding one’s duties. When a person is aware of one’s duties then only they can serve others in the most selfless manner.

2 Ego: The sole aim of Karma Yoga is to transcend one’s own ego. Our ego blindfolds our perception and understanding depriving us to act from a place of intellect.

3 Attachment: Practicing karma yoga means fulfilling your actions without any attachment. Karma Yoga provides the practitioners with the wisdom and inspiration to act from the place of detachment for the benefit of the humanity.

4 The Expectation of Reward: Karma yoga is the practice of selfless actions without any gains in return for spiritual upliftment.

How can Karma Yoga Help Us?

Karma Yoga: The Path of Spiritual Deliverance

1 Tread the path of liberation: The liberation of the soul is the way towards experiencing enlightenment as to our real existence. True. Liberation means attaining an inflated state that is devoid of ego and connecting with the supreme soul.  And, Karma Yoga is a credible path to achieve this. The wisdom of Karma Yoga is firmly rooted in renouncing the materialistic world and surrendering the self into the service of others for the experience of innate pleasure and upliftment of the spirit.

2 Attain Self-Realization: To come closer to the supreme deity and to immerse in the deep spiritual joy can be done through the practice of Karma Yoga. The karma yoga stands for knowing oneself through the actions performed. And, to indulge in altruistic actions is the way of connecting with the divine Self and the God.

3 Lead to Enlightenment: It is said that all the actions are intelligent vibrations. Evil deeds disconnect the man from the divine spirit whereas the good actions lead them to experience purity and joy. Karma Yoga is a path that prepares the mind of the practitioner for the reception of the light of knowledge. It encourages the person to indulge in good actions for the purpose of purification of the mind and oneness.

4 Spiritual Empowerment: There is no better way to experience absolute joy and contentment than a selfless service performed. When the individuals religiously devote themselves to the service of others, they overcome their own fears and feel the inner spiritual strength to live a life with a deeper meaning and a greater purpose.

5 Develop Positivity and Kindness: Love, Kindness, Humility, are not just emotions but they are the attributes to live a life in the realms of positivity and betterment. One of the best ways to develop and practice these feelings in everyday life lies in the act of Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga eradicates the sense of selfishness and helps entities adopt a broader, more receptive outlook towards life.

Aspire for self-awareness, spiritual bliss, and an enhanced version of the Self with Karma yoga.

To Know more about Karma Yoga, join yoga teacher training in India.

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