Top 10 Health Benefits of Balasana (Child Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

March 28, 2018

As you dive deeper into your inner landscape, the ocean continues to gently rock you in a soothing way allowing you to become peaceful. Your breath becomes calm and the tensions leave your body uplifting your spirits. The sensation of being free, of floating in serenity, of ease, of sukha.

The feelings of relaxation, pleasantness, and ‘sukha’ are the essence of all the yoga asanas. It is a practice to tranquilize both mind and body. And, Balasana(child pose) is one of the best yoga poses to find the sense of sukha. A truly resting and rejuvenating posture that develops a great sense of mental, physical, and emotional solace. The practice of child pose on a regular basis is an excellent way to find grounding, introspection and rest. A highly effective yoga posture with tons of benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Balasana (Child Pose)

Spend some time in a child pose and savor the glorious advantages. Take a look at the top 10 health benefits of child pose:

1. Effectively calms the mind: Resting the forehead (namely the third eye or the spot between your eyebrows) on a yoga mat has an instant soothing effect on the brain. The forward fold of the body with eyes closed sends a signal to the nervous system that promotes feelings of safety, calm, and relaxation. It is an amazing yoga posture that helps you find a place of rest amidst the swirling thoughts of the mind.

2. Therapeutic for digestion: Improve your digestive fire with the regular practice of child pose. Performing the balasana with the stomach resting on top of the thighs massages the internal organs and helps move the digestion along. The long and deep inhales and exhales during the posture moves the abdomens into the legs and draw it back in gentle repetitive motions. The repetitive practice of child pose strengthens the intestinal tract and helps with acidity.

3. Lengthens and strengthens the lower back: Constant sitting at the desk or standing for prolonged hours can lead to a compression in the lower back. It happens because we put all our body weight on the lower back and do not engage the lower abdominal muscles all day long. Folding the legs backward immediately reverses the splaying of the tailbone that causes lower back pain. Child pose effectively stretches and opens up the lower back area.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Balasana (Child Pose)

4. Opens up the posterior: Just like your lower back, your hips may be suffering from the incorrect lifestyle. Sitting in a chair for long periods of time tightens all the muscles in and around the hips. By separating the knees wider than your hips so that your stomach can rest in between them in a child pose provides a rejuvenating stretch to the hips. The stance helps in alleviating the hip pain and maintains the health of the posterior.

5. Great for releasing fatigue: The overworked body gets too exhausted at the end of the day. Child pose is a natural and effective remedy for releasing all the body fatigue. The forward fold of the body and regulated breath helps release all the tensions of the body and transports the body into a relaxation state.

6. Enhances blood circulation: There are many health benefits of balasana pose if you practice daily. Increased blood circulation is one of them that helps in optimal functioning of the various organs and fosters an overall well-being.

7. Stretches the Shoulders and Ankles: The child pose potently stretches the shoulders and ankles thus improving their movement and flexibility. An enhanced flexibility prevents injury to the ankles and shoulders.

8. Strengthens the ligaments in the knees: Ligaments of the knees help stabilize the joints and connects to the bone. Without the strong ligaments, the knee joints will be too loose that give rise to various health issues. The performance of balasana gently stretches and strengthens the tendons and ligaments of the knees.

9. It helps fight insomnia: The child pose is a resting yoga posture that calms the mind and releases tension from the neck and shoulders. By releasing stress from the mind and various parts of the body, it helps a person have a sound sleep.

10. It energizes the body: Child pose is a great restorative yoga asana that relaxes the whole body and balances the mind thereby re-charging the person for the rest of the day.

Revive your body strength, vitality, and wellness with the regular practice of Balasana (child pose).

To know about the benefits of Balasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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