The Best Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

March 30, 2018

The nine months of expectancy coming in the way of your fitness? Well, it needn’t be!

Sure, it’s time to quit the exacting hours on the treadmill and also ease the hard crunches a little bit, but still no reason you couldn’t continue being your agile and active self. It is, in fact, a super good time to explore the restful and calming sides of yogic exercise. Not only can yoga unwind and refresh you physically but also make you resilient in fighting off mood swings, occasional cramps, and sickness typical of this condition, finally ushering you into the dreaded delivery hour that can be considerably smooth!

Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Bandha Konasana) with Bolsters

The heaviness in your abdominal area during pregnancy can result in a stiff lower back and bad circulation. While acute twists and full bend-downs like the Downward-Facing-Dog will be out of bounds for you in this condition, you can easily have some respite with the ever-so-gentle Reclined Bound Angle.


The posture is effective in creating a soothing inner stretch for the hips and groin up to the areas that remain neglected even in more dynamically flowing practices. It is also a reality that nervous tension resultant of a changing phase builds up in these planes of the body and the restorative quality of a posture like the Reclined Bound Angle can facilitate a meltdown.

Remember to prop your back and make an incline from your head as you lie with a few bolsters. Lying on the flat of the back during pregnancy is strictly unadvisable. Also, push a block between your feet to give a wider angle to the pelvic stretch.

Child’s Pose (Balasana) with Torso Support

The Child’s Pose is indeed comforting as an infant is in its sleep. A continuing sense of nausea and sickness happens from time to time in pregnancy, with the potential to put one well over the edge, which can be alleviated effectively with the practice of this pose.


The best part of this posture is that you can hold on to that delicious, nurturing sensation of bending your head down on the mat for as long as you want, letting all the calming energies flow. In pregnancy, owing to the girth of your expanding body, it can get difficult to bend and hug the floor. But you can replicate the same effect by propping your torso with a pillow.

The posture is especially recommended for alleviating digestive troubles associated with pregnancy as the inner tracts really receive a thorough massage with this exercise.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) at Slow Pace

The Cat-Cow lets the body assume a table-top position with the spine elongated and slowly alternating between a concave and a convex curvature. This posture is good for addressing a lot of areas under one command, bringing a thorough flexibility for the neck, shoulders, and spine, and passively touching upon the hips, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs with the movement.


The exercise helps the baby settle in a lower niche within the carrier’s body, one that is right for contractions at the time of delivery.

Caution: You should take this posture slower than usual.

Goddess Pose (Utkatakonasana) Opening Hip Joints

The Goddess or the Fierce Angle Pose is arousing of your feminine energy, making you feel more confident in your newfound role as a nourisher and life-giver. Trust this posture to build a lot of heat within and stretch out your strained hip joints with caution.


Growing further into the advanced stages of pregnancy also means a shift in the center of gravity of a woman’s body, which needs serious coping up to. In this posture, besides building of power into the hips, inner, and outer thighs, the expecting individual is also equipped to establish stability, making it a most recommended in the list of yoga poses for pregnant women.

Corpse Pose (Savasana) Resting On the Side


The Corpse Pose is as essential for rounding off a prenatal practice as it is for general sequences. Settling into this posture after doing out a few hefty numbers lets the parasympathetic nervous system cool off and this is when the balance in body-mind restores quite naturally.

Let your consciousness gather as you nestle in your self-contained cocoon of peace.

To know about these wonderful Yoga Poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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