9 Soothing Yoga Poses For Back Pain

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

February 10, 2018

Having Back Pain? We Got You

Back pain can get unbelievably nasty and has a number of factors to blame, from negligence and poor posture to lack of exercise and nutrition deficiency, as well as psychological health and rising stress levels.

Once the back pain invades your body and begins to boom, there seems to be no way out other than taking a stash of painkillers. And what happens is the pain soothes out, only to crawl back again, accompanying other side effects of the medicines. 

But don’t worry because Yoga is there to rescue you. The therapeutic magic of Yoga soothes not just your physical pain but the mental tiredness and frustration that comes along with it, and all that in a natural way with no side effects. Yoga not only heals you but also replenishes your health and well-being. 

Have an achy back? Please don’t wait for your back pain to go away on its own because it won’t. Roll out your yoga mat. Bend, stretch, flex, and twist your hips and spine with these carefully picked Yoga asanas that will soothe the tension from your back in no time.

Yoga Poses For Back Pain When Your Back Takes All The Pressure

Say goodbye to your aching back with these 9 yoga poses for back pain!

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold

Hinging from the hips as you bend forward stretches the legs, hips, and spine. This provides immense relief from back pain involving sciatica pain that persists throughout the lower back muscles and thighs. It can help you return to your active, healthy back and enjoy your favorite sports with ease.


  • Begin with standing in the mountain pose. 
  • Inhale in and extend your arms up and overhead.
  • On an exhalation, contract your thighs, draw your belly in, and tilt your body forward, bending from the hips. 
  • You can rest your hands or fingers on the floor in front, beside, or behind your feet or grasp onto the backs of your ankles or calf muscles.
  • Firmly plant your heels on the ground. Your inner thighs should be slightly curled in. 
  • Relax your head, shoulders, and neck. 
  • Lengthen your spine as you inhale. Deeply relax into the pose as you exhale.

Trikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose

It is a side bend pose with several health benefits. As you bend to your side, your internal organs stretch out, relieving sciatica pain and improving flexibility and digestive functioning. Further, it opens the hips and lengthens the spine, thighs, chest, and shoulders.


  • With your right foot extended out and your left foot slightly in, position your feet 3.5 to 4 feet apart.
  • Inhale, and then exhale while bending your hips to the right and reaching your right hand toward your right toe.
  • Taking another inhale, extend your left hand upward. 
  • Open your chest, shoulders, and collarbone as you direct your attention upward.

Chakravakasana or The Cat Cow Pose

Chakravakasana is an outstanding yoga pose for treating back pain in minutes. All you need to do is imitate a cat and a cow while syncing your movement with your breath. As you curl your spine up and down in the shape of a cat and a cow, you create a flow that eases your back, alleviating the tension right away and easing out the rigidity of your spine, making it flexible.


  • Position yourself on all fours with your knees and palms aligned with your upper body. 
  • Distribute your weight evenly on all sides. 
  • Inhale and flex your spine inwards and your chin towards the ceiling, forming the cow pose.
  • Exhale and curl your spine outwards. as you contract your navel and shoulders in, forming the cat pose.
  • Keep this flow of movement as you transition from cat and cow synced with deep breaths.

Balasana or The Child’s Pose

One of the best yoga poses for back pain, this resting yoga pose not only quells your mental anxiety but is highly efficient in alleviating the muscular tension throughout your back. As you gently fold forward with your arms outstretched, you nourish your lower back, internal organs, and spine, improving digestion and enhancing flexibility.


  • Begin by sitting in the Vajrasana pose. 
  • Inhale in and on an exhale, bend forward, extending your arms to the front.
  • Meet your forehead on the ground and reach your arms further ahead, feeling a deep stretch in your lower back.
  • Feel the soothing sensations stirring in your lower back, lightening the ache in your lower back muscles.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Dog

Dogs always have our back, whether it’s our beloved pet dog or the yoga asana, the downward dog. Do you know that imitating the way your dog stretches can act as a yoga pose and actually soothe your back pain in minutes?

This inverted V, much resembling your dog, is a great transitioning pose, resting stance, and a core strengthening exercise. With the downward dog pose, your shoulders and upper arms will get firmly toned, while a tightened spine and painful back muscles will ease out. It is highly effective in relieving the sciatica pain by stretching the whole leg muscles.


  • Begin on all fours with your knees under your hips and your palms underneath your shoulders.
  • Slide your palms to the front and spread your fingers wide.
  • Inhale in and, with an exhale, lift your knees off the ground, sending your hips up towards the sky, forming an inverted V.
  • You can bend your knees slightly. It’s okay if the heels don’t touch the ground.
  • Press back with your arms and reach your tailbone higher. 
  • Find support from the upper body as you press down from your lower body. 
  • Release pressure from the neck and hang your head heavy beneath your shoulders.
  • Stay in this position for a few breaths as you feel the tension in your lower back muscles soothing down.

Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose

As you gently lean back, forming a subtle arc resembling the crest of a Cobra, you absorb the majestic nature of a king within you and gain in the restorative effects this yoga pose has on your searing back pain.

The Cobra pose transmits calming currents through the entire region of the lower back muscles, gradually causing the pain to fade away. 


  • Lie on your belly on the yoga mat with your big toes together.
  • Bring your palms in line with your shoulders.
  • Root with your pelvis and zip up your legs straight down.
  • With a deep breath in, slowly lift your crown, neck, shoulders, and upper back.  
  • Feel a deep stretch in your abdomen and a soothing sensation in your lower back muscles as you further arch backward.
  • Keep breathing deep while staying in the posture.
  • Feel the stretch distributed evenly along the spine.
  • Bring your chest and forehead down on the yoga mat with an exhale.

Salamba Bhujangasana or The Sphinx Pose

The Sphinx pose is a gentle version of the Cobra pose, where the belly isn’t raised but lays flat on the ground with only the crown and chest lifted. Recreating the posture of the Sphinx of Giza, this yoga pose stretches the front body, involving the abdomen, and increases mobility in the spine. It relieves back pain and serves as a calming stance to lie down on and relax while enjoying the comforting stretch.


  • Lie down on your belly and bring your elbows underneath your shoulders as you rest your arms in front parallel to each other with your palms facing down.
  • Don’t hunch on your shoulders. Support your upper body by pressing back with your arm’s strength and lifting from your crown, reaching the shoulders back and the chest forward.
  • Breathe deep as you maintain this posture for a few minutes.

Rajakapotasana or The Pigeon Pose

Another asana inspired by another animal, or rather a bird, the pigeon pose is one of the best hip-opening yoga poses that helps stretch the thighs, hips, back, and psoas muscles.


  • Begin with the downward-facing dog.
  • Lift your right leg high. 
  • Then, bring your right knee closer to your chest, laying it on the floor in front of you with your right foot extended at an angle and the left leg and thigh extended straight behind you, coming into a shape much like a perched pigeon.
  • Slowly bend forward, meeting your forehead to the ground and your palms beside your head.
  • Breathe deep and relax, seeping in the nourishment in your lower back.

Ardha Matsyendrasana or The Half Lord of the Fishes

Concluding with Ardh Matsyendrasana, you shape yourself like a fish in this pose. Unlike other bending and folding postures, it is a twisting yoga pose that enriches the elasticity of the spine, making it flexible, opening the chest, enhancing respiratory functioning, and alleviating sciatica pain and back pain.


  • Sit straight with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Bend your left knee, cross your left foot over the right leg, and place it in front of your right thigh.
  • Bend your right knee and bring your right foot towards your left hip.
  • Reach your left arm upward on an inhale. Then, as you exhale, twist your torso to the right as you bring your left elbow to touch your right leg’s knee.
  • Reach your left arm behind and send your gaze behind your shoulders.
  • Hold this position while breathing deeply.


In modern times, many of us lead sedentary lifestyles for several reasons, whether it be due to our work demands or simply our bad habits. We must find ways to stay active to keep diseases and other health problems at bay, be they acute, like back pain, or chronic and severe, like cancer. These yoga poses serve greatly in back pain when done regularly.

Several people desire to create a lifestyle that revolves around being healthy and mindful. Becoming a Yoga teacher is a beautiful path that can fulfill your desire. 

At RishikulYogShala, we strive to provide Yoga teacher training from the guidance of the finest Yoga trainers amid a perfect learning environment in our Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala

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