Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Yoga

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

February 12, 2018

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and, so is the much-awaited excitement and joy that this day brings along. A day that is celebrated as a symbol of eternal love across the globe is cherished with just as endearment each year. This is the day of love that conquers and fulfills its destination to be united together against all odds. Celebrated in the adoring memory of the Great Saint Valentine, a noble priest who devoted his life to uniting love and helping couples find their ‘happily ever after’, Valentine’s Day holds a special place in the hearts and souls that this day is a much-awaited day for entities across the planet.

Yoga is a science that expresses the eternal unification of a mind with its body and soul – much like two people in love as an embodiment of two halves of a single soul. Yoga for couples is meant to bring these two halves even closer. As mentioned in Tantra Yoga, the idea behind couple’s yoga is similar to its father concept, i.e., to further enhance the connection, expression, and emotion that two partners share with each other. If the desire is to deepen and further beautify the intimacy that you share with your partner then engorge in a heart-opening and soul-touching Valentine’s Day celebrations with Yoga.

Prepare Your Body and Home for the Day

Pick your favorite spaces in the house – a hall, the patio, the bed room. After a thorough cleansing of the spaces, fill the corner spaces with freshly-cut flowers of you and your partner’s choice. Decorate the spaces with tea lights and mild aromatic candles for a sensual invigoration. Keep the tea lights on and ignite the candles when you enter the room. Welcome your partner to the patio or the hall where you two can comfortably spread the mats for a sensuous yoga session. Play a soothing instrumental music in the background of your choice.

Make Sure to Dress Right for the Occasion

Do not undermine the delight of the ideal yoga wear in lighting up the entire day. A Red racer back with black or white yoga pants are great Valentine’s Day gifting ideas. Men can go with wine colored T-shirts with white track pants or black cargos for a brazen yogic appeal. Women can tie their hair into a braid to avoid any mane-intrusion during the practice.

Let the Celebration Begin with Sukhasana

Sit in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) in front of each other on the yoga mats as the first step of a Valentine’s Day special yoga session. Inhale and exhale in deep slow rhythms. Take your right hand and place it on your partner’s heart. Let your partner do the same. Observe each other’s breath and heart beat against the palm. Feel the rhythm of your breath and your heart fall in sync with the rhythm of your partner’s. For a more intense experience, you can practice this with your eyes closed. Remain in the pose for 2-5 minutes while gently inhaling and exhaling.

Now, rotate your bodies so that the backs are aligned with each other. Perform the Half Lord Of The Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana). The asana shall deeply energize you and flex up the muscles in your body. Perform 10 repetitions of this while trying to breathe in a single rhythm.

The next pose in this series is the Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana). Rest your body on your partner’s back as they gently form the Cobbler’s position. Close your eyes and relax for a few deep breaths. Now come into the Cobbler Position and allow your partner to rest and relax against the soft gentle curve of your back.

Turn to face each other and move into Naukasana (the Boat Pose). Let your feet touch your partner’s as you hold each other’s hands to support the drawn legs and torso. Take a few deep breaths. Form a stable gaze with your partner while performing this pose.

Gradually move towards the Ustrasana (the Camel Pose), an outstanding heart-opener to release any the pent-up log in your heart and to create brand new space for happier memories that you shall welcome with your Valentine this year.

After the heart-stimulating yoga session, relish a refreshing smoothie comprising of fresh fruits. If you are feeling adventurous then you can try the ‘Green’ Vedic Herbal Drinks too. Prepare a Valentine Day Special Yogic meal comprising of fresh fruits, organic cuts, prepared in Ayurvedic herbs for a light-hearted healthy supper.

Gift an Ayurvedic Massage

Reward each other a tantalizing Ayurvedic Massage infused with essential oils and blends to help each other completely relax, rejuvenate, and heal — both internally and externally.

Surrender into Oblivion Together Yoga Nidra Meditation

As a perfect way to wind up the evening, engage in Yoga Nidra Meditation together for about 15 minutes.

Bid adieu to the wonderful evening with a soulful smile on the face and a melodious tune in your heart for your Valentine – truly each other’s.

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