7 Health benefits of Agnistambhasana (Fire Log Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

May 7, 2018

Hips–the foundation of a human body and the mother of all movements.  The provider of strength, stability, and support to our spine and organs. Part of abdomen organs, urinary bladder, and reproductive organs all reside within the pelvic area and are furnished with blood vessels and nerves found in and around the hip area.

Our hips often become a site of problems due to varying motions and change of directions. Misalignment of sacroiliac nerve, pain in the groin area, damaged hip flex, tearing of the tendons of the pelvic region are some of the sufferings experienced by several individuals. Hip pain, whether caused by injury, infection, or inflammation can be treated with the help of Yoga.

Agnistambhasana (Fire-Log Pose) is a deep hip-opening yoga asana. It is known as Fire Log Pose for a reason. It creates intense heat in and around the groin and pelvic region. The pose intensely stretches the piriformis, the main culprit of sciatic pain. Deepen your pose by interlinking the movements with breathing techniques and awaken the energy centers located in the pelvis and navel area.

Carefully follow these Agnistambhasana (Fire-Log Pose ) Step-By-Step Instructions:

1. Sit on a yoga mat with feet on the floor and knees bent.

2. Bring your left foot under your right leg to the outside of your right hip. Lay the outer leg on the floor. Place the right leg on top of the left leg. Keep the right sole perpendicular to the ground.

3. Cross your shins in a Sukhasana (easy pose).

4. Exhale, bend forward at the groin. Locate your hands on the ground in front of you.

5. On another exhalation, fold deeper into the pose.

6. Stay in this yoga posture for 30-60 seconds.

As stated above, a highly beneficial posture for hips and groins. Observe the instructions carefully and garner the health benefits of agnistambhasana pose. Take a glance at the list of Fire Log pose benefits below:

1. Stretches the Groins: A groin injury can keep you off the feet and field for several months. Therefore, it is important to stretch and strengthen the groin area. The performance of fire log pose effectively lengthens the groin and hip area and prevents associated problems.

2. Increases Flexibility: Due to prolonged sitting, especially with crossed legs, poor conditioning may result in tightness in the tendons and groin. Stiffness in the groin area is uncomfortable as well as can lead to painful injuries. Tendons and groin proactively respond to exercises. Do yourself a favor by practicing the agnistambhasana and savor healthy, strong, stabilized tendons, muscles and groin.

3. Stimulates the abdominal organs: The abdomen of a human contains all the vital organs required for a smooth functioning of the machinery– the body. The performance of fire log pose actively stimulates the digestive system, liver, spleen, etc., thus controlling the digestive and metabolic process and helping the body work at its optimal level.

4. Opens the Hips: The hips are the connection point of both spine and legs. The fire log pose effectively opens the hips providing you with a greater mobility and an improved relationship with rest of the body. Agnistambhasana encourages to move the hip joint to its full range of motion that breaks the pattern of either underused muscle because of a sedentary life or overused muscle due to a neglected overactive life.

5. Strengthens the Legs: Make your legs strong and robust with a regular performance of agnistambhasana. Healthy legs help us lead a robust, active, and vibrant life as well as prevent various kinds of injury, disability, and mobility issues. The pose powerfully lessens the risk of developing a peripheral arterial disease and chronic venous disease.

6. Activate Sacral Chakra: Located in the pelvic region, the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra is the energy wheel of sweetness and well-being. The fire log pose harmonizes the sacral energy center and activates the intellectual power, creativity, and emotional aspect helping you develop a better relationship with others.

7. Calms the mind: The pose is effectual in stilling the wavering mind and fostering a sense of peace and calmness within. A daily practice of this pose reduces stress, tension, and activates the rest-to-digest response keeping the body-mind in good shape.

Ignite the health of your hips and overall body through a regular practice of Fire-Log Pose. Enjoy the process and relish the glorious health benefits of agnistambhasana.

To know about Agnistambhasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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