The Health Benefits of Advasana (Reverse Corpse Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

May 5, 2018

Ask anyone, friends, colleagues, or family members about their favorite way to unwind the day and we are flooded with responses like reclining on a couch, binge-watching, catching sleep, etc. Of course, these relaxation activities leave us with a feeling of being rested. However, many times, several of us still feel sluggish and perennially tired. That’s because we have rested physically and not mentally.

Many physicians and health experts state that Relaxation is a mentally active process that leaves our body, mind, and soul refreshed, calm, and focused. Therefore, we need a deep relaxation technique that allows our body and mind to recover from the daily stresses of life.

Advasana (reverse corpse pose) is an ultimate relaxing yoga posture beneficial in rejuvenating the body, calming the mind, and energizing the soul. Traditionally, advasana stretches the entire body and helps a yogi truly enter a relaxed state that is innately nurturing in itself.

In order to reap the benefits of reverse corpse pose in a right manner, it is imperative to have an adequate knowledge of advasana (Reverse Corpse Pose). Take a look at the steps below:

1. Roll out a yoga mat and lie straight on your stomach on it.  Extend your legs behind and keep your arms by your side.

2. Bring the arms in front above the head and join the palms together in a prayer position.

3. Spread your feet few inches apart and rest the forehead on the ground.

4. Make sure your body is straight from the crown of the head to the toe.

5. Take deep breaths and relax each part of the body.

6. Hold this posture for as long as you like and slowly come out of it.

Here is a list of health rewards of advasana. Please take a note of it:

1. Improves Digestion:  The resting action of the pose relaxes the vital organs of the body, including the digestive tract. When the digestive system in free from all the stress and disturbances it functions properly. Improved digestion further results in proper absorption and elimination of food along with increasing the appetite.

2. Unlocks the Stiffness: We all are aware of the harsh reality that modern living is highly stressful and sedentary in nature.  It adversely affects our health and well-being. Inactive lifestyle causes stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip region. The practice of corpse pose is effective in loosening of the stiff areas and intensifying the flexibility of those regions.

3. Beneficial For Back Problems: Yoga proposes a natural and painless method of treating various back problems such as a chronic backache, slipped disc, etc. The advasana is a safe and cost-effective technique of healing the back and treating the related problems.

4. Releases the Stress: Delve into a Corpse pose and release all your stress. A profound resting pose that revitalizes the muscles of the body and tranquilizes the mind. As you stay in this pose while breathing slowly, you experience an innate sense of equanimity and peace unfolding you.

5. Opens Ajna:
The Reverse corpse is believed to open the Ajna (third eye). By activating the ajna, it assists the yogi to tap into their intuitive nature. Ajna is the chakra of imagination, inner voice, and clairvoyance. You will experience a heightened perception in reverse corpse pose.

6. Activates Manipura Chakra: The reverse corpse pose activates the Manipura Chakra, one with confidence, self-esteem, and power. Located at the navel, this gem is a seat of the fire within a body that helps a person overcome all the negative aspects and bask in wisdom, clarity, and assurance.

7. Enhances Blood Circulation: The daily practice of reverse corpse pose greatly enhances the blood circulation in the body and nourishes the organs, muscles, fibers, and tendons of the human system. Improved blood circulation keeps the internal system healthy and strong.

8. Therapeutic for Depression:
The advasana therapeutically treats the disease of depression and encourages a person to lead a mindful life.

Advasana is a gift. Cherish it and live a conscious, relaxed, and opulent life.

To know about Advasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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