What Is The Importance Of Yoga In Our Daily Life?

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

May 17, 2017

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Life is hectic today. Human beings have become almost robotic – mentally, physically, emotionally. We run after money more than we chase after keeping our relationships. We put our mind and body through rigorous hours, days and months of work, and take pleasure in being termed as “workaholics”. We promise ourselves at the beginning of every year (that resolution time of the year) that this year, we will be better – we will live healthier, we will eat fresh, we will not overstress ourselves, we will care about our people more than worrying about materialistic things. One month into the year, we can’t even remember half the things we promised ourselves. Why?

Believe it or not, but life now has become materialistic, goal-oriented, competitive. While this should be considered positive and fruitful, where are “we” in all this? Where do we make the time for ourselves? Why do we have the need to take a leave once in 6 months to find some time for ourselves, when we can do it every day for 15 minutes? Yes. We can do that. And, no matter how difficult it sounds, it is just a walk in the park if you know where to spend that 15 minutes correctly. One of the easiest ways to give yourself that little time to unwind is to implement yoga in daily life. And, no, you don’t need to enrol into a yoga training class for that.

What Is The Importance Of Yoga In Our Daily Life?

If all the human advancements and technological innovations have brought us one good thing (although it also has its cons), it is the availability of information easily and anytime we want it. Platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo can help connect you to various free yoga lessons online. But, the question is how do you know what you really want or what is good for you? Let us help you with that.

  • Start with listening to a few videos for yoga beginners which highlight the importance of yoga and how it would affect your life positively. If you are using YouTube or Vimeo, the popularity of the video(s) will tell you how useful it can be. However, even then, listen to a few, and select the one which best connects to you. What you need in the beginning is motivation and to know the importance of yoga in our daily life so you can begin your yoga journey.
  • While looking for a yoga channel to tune yourself into, look closely for speakers or teachers who offer a regular program for your daily yoga practice. For example, there are some yoga teachers who offer free online video series such as “30-day yoga challenge” or “28 days of mediation” or “yoga series for beginners”. Play a couple of videos and see if you are still in sync with them.
  • Once you have found a routine to stick to, make a calendar or a diary so you can self-patrol yourself and track the progress of your daily yoga practice. If you think it will be difficult to keep yourself in check, have a friend or partner join you in this practice and train with them so whenever any of you wants to quit, the other can talk them back into the routine. Such a practice with your partner can also help you both come closer on a spiritual level.
  • A substantial importance of yoga that you will notice when you start practicing every day is the calmness you feel in everything you do. Make conscious efforts to stay happy and think positive, feel gratitude towards everything around you, big or small. Be happy that you are alive, that your loved ones are alive and healthy, and that unlike many others, you are still breathing. Realize, that we are all mortal beings and our time on this earth is limited, and that this life of ours is meant to be lived and not just survived. Don’t just tell yourself that you are important, feel that you are important.
  • When you implement yoga in everyday life, you would automatically feel the need to change anything that makes you unhappy. We know that at times “unhappy” constitutes a job that fuels your home, a relationship that is tied by blood or several years of togetherness, or a commitment that is hard to break. Situations like these will always be challenging and almost impossible to be excused off, but ask yourself this – “will the world stop functioning if you weren’t there tomorrow?” Your answer should tell you what you can do to eradicate those dissatisfying conditions.

What Is The Importance Of Yoga In Our Daily Life?

The most important thing that we all have in our lives is the ‘gift of life’. The second most important thing that we all have in our lives is the ‘ability to feel’. So, be aware of these gifts and be happy that you are alive and that you are a human full of emotions and feelings and the ability to change your life whenever you want it to change. So, smile when you wake up tomorrow, feel lucky, appreciate the miracle of life, and do anything that it takes to live the remaining days of your life with happiness, contentment, and love for yourself and for everybody around you.

To know about the Importance Of Yoga in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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