Five Yoga Poses To Help You Stay Fit On The Go During This Fall Festive Season

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

January 20, 2017

Many yogis and yoga enthusiasts come to the Indian subcontinent to experience the richness and positivity of yogic studies. The festive season is the time of the year that receives the maximum number of traveling yogi and why not, after all we all have ample number of leaves on our hand to pursue our dreams of becoming a certified yoga instructor. Also, Indian terrain is full of ups and downs and can leave a traveler weary and tired. If you are visiting India in the fall season of December near Christmas, we have to say, the stiffness in the body experienced around this time is higher than the stiffness experienced during any other time. The reason can be accounted to the Vata attribute of the fall season, which makes it dry, cold, rough and irregular.

These yoga poses mentioned below will help you experience a sense of calmness and harmony in mind, body, and soul. We recommend you to practice each pose for as long as you feel the need for the same.

Goddess Pose


A hip opening pose, tight hamstring and stiff hip joints are a common cause of stress and tension in the body, especially while traveling. This pose will allow the pelvic floor muscles to work and will be a way to open the hip joints. Indian roads can be challenging and leave your back in trouble due to excessive movement as the road conditions are variable and untamed. This pose will take care of the same and create space for the lower back muscles to rest and refresh.

Tree Pose


Often as we travel, we tend to throw our body balance off due to lack of proper care of the body. Tree Pose is a balancing posture which syncs in the breath with the body and refreshes the mind. As you work your way to stay up in the pose, it strengthens the legs, especially the ankles and the calves. Also, all the junk you will feed your body on the go will be worked out, because your abdominal muscles will work hard to keep you in the pose.

Half Moon Pose


Harnessing the tranquility of the feminine reservoir, Half Moon Pose acts like a compound workout move, often undertaken in the gyms. This is to say, it works with different muscle groups at the same and offer far-reaching benefits. Enhancing one’s sense of balancing, which is missing during the travel plans, the extending action of the back leg opens both the sides and back of the body. It strengths the standing leg, stretches the hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, and the spine.

Plow Pose


A form of an inversion, this pose is great to keep the excess weight at bay along with strengthening the back, the two main apprehensions suffered by a yogi while on the go. The action of putting the legs back on the floor, flattens the stomach and stimulates both the abdominal and the thyroid gland. Also, the inverted action, sends a rush of blood back to the brain, which removes fatigue, stress, headache, and insomnia. Plow Pose is great for back flexibility and backache as well.

Camel Pose


Another deep back bending asana, Camel pose is therapeutic and offers a wide range of benefits to the practitioner. The backward bend increases the lung’s capacity and also, opens up the heart chakra. This pose is great for those who have chronic backache and a stiff spine. Extra sitting and traveling creates a bad posture, but with this asana be assured of a great posture, open hip flexors and a strong back.

These five poses can be incorporated with Sun Salutations or Moon Salutations to experience deep relaxation and a healthy body.

To know about these wonderful Yoga Poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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