Things to Know While Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training in India

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

November 15, 2016

So, you have decided to indulge into a soul-shaking heartwarming yoga teacher training in the majestic land of India? Great! The next step is to find where to go to be able to undergo this wonderfully life changing experience. We say, the latter is equally as important as the decision itself because one bad choice can ruin this for you forever, and likewise, one good step can totally transform your life. If you have been to India before, you are already familiar with the diversities and cultural values of the country. However, if this is going to be your first time, we suggest you carefully read the next few paragraphs.

While choosing a Yoga Teacher Training in India may seem tough and hectic, it is, as a matter of fact, fairly easy if you keep in mind the following things:

  • Ask yourself why you need the teacher training
    Not everybody coming to attend a yoga teacher training wants to be a yoga teacher. Some simply come to learn yoga and meditation for themselves. Some already have the required knowledge and just need a formal certification. And, some just want to get over something from the past by investing their emotions and energy into something spiritual. Before you start looking for a teacher training school, find your reason behind wanting to undergo the teacher training.


  • Check everything – price, facilities, location, and curriculum
    Once you know your purpose of attending the course, the next thing is to do the fieldwork, i.e. to find the right school and course to suit your needs. Spend a good amount of time researching on the internet. Also, ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations if they have been involved into something like this in the past. Next, contact the school(s) via email or call them but ensure that you ask them all the possible questions – the course fee, what is included in the package, are there any excursions included, what is the surrounding landscape like, and most importantly, which form(s) will be taught during the training.


  • Find out if the school is Yoga Alliance certified
    To invest into something as time-taking and serious as a Yoga Teacher Training course is a big deal. You want to ensure that you do everything right. It’s not just time and money that you are investing, you are also investing your own self. The one thing you want to ensure while choosing a yoga teacher training in India is that the school is Yoga Alliance certified. Not only does this prove the credibility of the school but it also gives you the chance to register yourself as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) so you can officially train others in the future.


  • Prepare yourself mentally and physically
    Indulging into a month long teacher training program in a country other than yours imply that there will be days, at times more than one, where you won’t be able to connect with your friends and family back home. Also, an experience like this requires you to only focus on yourself and devote yourself to the path of spirituality. Ensure that you are ready to be away and disconnected from your usual life back home and that you are able to leave the excess baggage back home. Also, a bit of physical exercise or yoga (if you have been practicing) beforehand will ensure that your body has the flexibility and readiness to be a part of an extensive yoga study and practice.


Before you decide to be a part of such training, read – a lot! Contact everybody you can think of who has been on a similar journey. And, above all, stay positive and open about the learning.

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