The Next Step To Becoming A Successful Yoga Teacher

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

March 21, 2016

So you have put in the hard work, long days, pushed your body, your mind and your soul and are ready to enlighten the world with the knowledge you gained through yoga teacher training. Now it’s time for you stand out from the many others across the world, in various institutes, who have also completed a yoga teacher training program.

Yoga is a personal affair of attainment, of balance, an art that never comes to an end and leaping towards making it your profession can be a challenge. The most important place to start is gaining the trust of people and creating awareness of why you would be the best teacher for them. Your success as a yoga teacher depends on the difference you create in the lives of students as well as things that are unique to you.

Here are the steps to take to create a good profession with yoga:

  • Identify Your USP (Unique Selling Point):What are your strengths? Yoga is a place of trust, an art that highly motivates honesty and relies upon principles of truth. Before starting as a yoga teacher identify your positive points and niche to brand yourself. Identify your target audience and keep them engaged through your originality. The form you teach your students being yourself, the less you have to worry about making any mistakes, find your voice. There might be something that you gained expertise on or places you traveled for yoga, mention them so that you engage your audience.


  • Start With Blogging:
    Blogging is an effective way to build a tribe of like minded followers, people will start knowing about you as yoga teacher, your voice and your truths. You can start by running your own blog, put up some interesting articles along with pictures, add real life experiences and use blogs that keep the interest of readers alive. The more people who read your blogs, the more you become popular and grow a following. If you find it hard to manage your own blog or are not getting enough traffic, you can start writing for established blogs that publish articles related to yoga. It leads people into reading your blogs and to know you as yoga professional.


  • A Website Is A Must:
    In this generation where people are continuously online a website is a very important step, to market yourself and communicate information about your yoga classes. Be creative and constructive while designing a website, express yourself and your voice. If you don’t excel in designing, get the work done by a website professional and use services like Google Adwords to advertise your website to bring more traffic. Ensure that the website is designed in a way that attracts aspiring yogis. Along with intro page, give clear information about classes and what one can learn.


  • Use Social Media And Partnership:
    We live in a world of social media, a very easy and free way to promote yourself, your message and your voice. Create a page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. and post things relevant to yoga. Use strong images and interact with your fans engaging them and starting conversations. Promote information about yoga classes and other information relevant to your yoga teaching. Contact people and corporate organisations to organise yoga camps and workshops which helps in rapidly building your name, leveraging from others examples and success. Take help of Local press such as newspapers, magazines etc. to advertise your classes and ensure you give proper contact information.


  • Organise Workshops:
    Since yoga has taken a major leap in popularity we find yoga studios in every town. Thus broadening the options for others enthusiast about learning yoga to learn more an extend there knowledge. In order to establish yourself as a successful yoga teacher contact various organisations and organise structured workshops. You can contact offices, schools, hospitals, old age homes, malls etc. and seek permission to organise yoga workshop. Once you get the permission be confident and teach people about the importance of yoga. Let people know what you have that others don’t and how you are different.


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