5 Yoga Asanas to Practice in Fall

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

December 9, 2015

Autumn is a transition time, visible in all forms. From the nip in the air to the fall of the leaves from the trees, and even the skin everything leads to a low or end, to begin again. Therefore, it requires extra support and concern. While practicing yoga asanas or following the Ayurvedic tips can be of great help, there are some body postures prescribed by Yog Sutras of Patanjali especially for winters. They help us in protecting ourselves from the cold temperatures outside and regulate a uniform approach.


Another school of thought, Ayurveda spells out that fall is the season of ‘Vata’ Dosha. Made up of air & space, this constitution reflects symptoms like: cold, dry, instability, roughness, imbalance and light, which are also the traits of fall season. This can directly affect our energy levels, nervous systems and even the mental state. So what should be done?  Here are some of the postures from yoga that can help bust the winter ills.

Sun Salutations

As the name suggests, Sun Salutations help the body receive sun’s energy in plentiful. During winters, sun hides under the heavy cloud, which might lead to a shortage of the energy received from the sun. If we practice sun salutation every day, depending upon th capacity & the level, it would be a great way for generating warmth, maintain the weight, increase blood circulation and keep us active.

Also practicing everyday at the same time and for the same number of hours can be beneficial. Creating a balance during winters would enable you to beat the winter blues.5-yoga-asanas-to-practice-in-fall-sun-salutations

Warrior 1 & 11

Just like the qualities a warrior possess, this asana is meant to create the same qualities. A firm, toned body, increased lungs capacity and strong legs & arms. Warrior pose can be beneficial especially during winters & can bestow advanced benefits. Apart from the obvious impact of weight loss, one can also breathe in more oxygen during this posture. This would bust lethargy and increase blood circulation in the entire body along with activating the nervous system.

Downward dog

An integral asana in today’s practice of yoga, this pose helps in creating mental awareness, increase the flow of the blood to the head, due to its inverted shape and much more. Heating up the body, reducing weight and increasing blood circulation along with strengthening the arm and upper body allows one to be vigilant and away from lethargy.

Another advantage of doing this pose is, it will help in busting the depression experienced in cloudy days.

Cobra pose

Just like forward bends, back bends should be practiced regularly too, to keep the winter stiffness at bay. Cobra and camel pose are deep, therapeutic back bends, which allows the practitioner to open up the heart chakras and filling up the lungs with fresh air. The spine flexibility , upper arms strength and a confident approach towards life can be maintained with this pose.5-yoga-asanas-to-practice-in-fall-cobra-pose

Pigeon pose

Another intense back bend and an excellent hip opener, this pose is considered to be one of the most suitable pose for the beginners. Regardless to the season, it can be practiced all year round to achieve open legs, hips and pelvic. While works on the hip joints, it further helps in supporting the body to sit for long hours in meditation etc. Busting the winter blues, it enables you to vent out and deal with emotions as well.

While these are some of the postures that can be practiced every day, it is advisable to find your own sequence that aids in coping up with the fall transition. Apart from these, some herbs can also be consumed to keep up the warmth in the body.

To know about these wonderful asanas in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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