Lessons You Can Learn Beyond Your Yoga Teacher Training

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

December 9, 2015

The Yoga Teacher Training Experience

Training as a yoga instructor is an eye-opening experience. It’s a domain like no other. Yoga is more than just a practice. It’s a medium that transcends us high above to look at the bigger reality of the world and the truth of our existence. It lets us meet our inner soul, which is often hidden under the noise of the meaningless chatter of the world.

Yoga teacher training can transform us from outside and within, but the learning goes on beyond that as we continue to discover more lessons from the world, whether in our student’s actions, wise preachings from an old yogi, or even a random stranger.

3 Valuable Lessons To Live By As A Yoga Instructor

Learning is a never-ending process

You might believe, “I’ve finished my yoga teacher training course. Time to start teaching now.” But what you really need to do is take a brief break.

Getting into the attitude that you already know everything is very simple. While this confidence will give you a positive energy and enthusiasm to begin your yoga teaching profession, it could hinder your development as a yoga instructor.

You must acknowledge that perfection is unattainable and that there are always possibilities for improvement and learning. No matter how well-versed you are in your profession, you may always learn something from others.

Visiting yoga seminars, joining yoga clubs, volunteering, etc., you can embrace learning, criticism, and new experiences by connecting with your yoga community in several ways.

Remember, this is not the end of your learning but, in fact, the beginning of a new phase of your life as a yoga instructor. Get ready to learn many new and exciting things and gain invaluable experience you will cherish in your lifetime. And finally, always stay humble. Never let your pride consume you and come in your way of learning. Remember, it was your hard work that made you reach here.

Practice makes progress

Yoga is a physical and mental art form we practice to keep our body and mind in equilibrium. The more we practice yoga, the more smooth and flawless our mind-body synchronizations become.

As a yoga instructor, you may have experienced how slacking in your yoga practice, even just for one day, is visible when you perform it while teaching. You feel stiffness and rigidity in your movements that should have been effortless.

Your body and mind need greasing through regular practice to come into a calming, meditative state without any exertion. A polished yoga practice comes with disciplined and consistent training.

Yoga as a Business

A rather harsh life lesson you may not like to know.

As much as we like to think of yoga as a spiritual journey, let’s face it. In today’s world, making a living is still a big deal. There are plenty of yoga schools and yogis out there who are highly skilled in how to sell their services smartly. To stay in the game, you have to put yourself out there and show off a bit. Even if you’re set about spreading good vibes and selflessness, you have to hustle a little through the worldy marketing strategies and planning.

All of this may seem like a tricky, confusing maze in contrast to yoga’s simplistic, mindful, and tranquil nature. However, it is an essential process towards creating a niche in the yoga community and thriving as a yoga instructor.

Don’t hesitate to charge your yoga teaching and invest in marketing and career growth as a yoga instructor.

Final Words

Yoga Teacher Training is a vast experience that cannot be outlined in a few paragraphs. To learn valuable lessons, one must experience the world of yoga themselves. It is a worthwhile discipline that can transform you into a wiser, more poised person.

Our Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala provides the same experience you need to create a better version of yourself and paves your way towards exploring life’s greater depths and meaning.

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