Things to ask from your students

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

December 9, 2015

One of the motives to start teaching yoga is, our belief in greater good and the will to spread the richness of the ancient science. Teachers are the guiding light and the students follow them with utmost faith, sincerity and sometimes even beyond doubt. While our students are satisfied with the lessons and teachings they receive from us but as teachers we usually overlook the benefit we can derive from our students. The motive behind benefit is not monetary but to learn more as a teacher and spread the awareness to maximum number of people possible.


Apart from one’s evolution from an amateur yoga teacher to an expert, there are many other ways your students can help you with:


Draw connections with your students as this step can prove beneficial in a longer run. Talk to about their jobs, lives and other subject you think they will be comfortable talking about. One thing is, this would lead to a long term relationship with them, other is you might draw some links, which might prove helpful in the future. For instance, a student can be a doctor’s son and he might help in getting you recognition with his father recommending you to his patients.


Time to time evaluation is the key to reaching pinnacles as there is always scope for improvement. Our clients or people we work with can give us an honest and genuine feedback. So yet another thing you can ask your students is to evaluate you in terms of feedback. Handing out feedback forms, or asking a few students on how they liked your classes can lead to a constructive feedback. Also, asking them how much are they reflecting on the lessons or have they benefitted from the classes can lead to a long term commitment with the clients and help you gage your level.

Word of mouth

The most reliable and effective form of publicity and appreciation one can receive is word of mouth publicity. Just like a chain reaction, when one client will be benefitted by you, they will surely be spreading the word around. As a teacher, your job is to ask them to spread the word as much as possible if they like the classes. Information coming from a reliable source usually leads into a conversion. Asking them to fill testimonial forms or writing testimonials on your Facebook page can also be taken up.

Electronic reach out

Internet has shorten our spaces and crept in our bedrooms. This has both advantages & disadvantages. We are connected to our friends and family through various means at all times. Another great help you can take from your students is their email address for sending out weekly newsletters, asking them to like your Facebook page and also sharing the same with their friends. Send out promotional offers or informative tips through the mails to keep them in touch and well versed with information you have to offer on health.

Referrals or leads

Our students are a great way to build up an enquiry base who might be interested in your classes. Asking them to bring their friends to classes for a free trial class or offering a group discount can also pose to be highly beneficial as well. Also, they might help you get more yoga classes elsewhere like for instance, some other group of people who are not willing to travel but are looking for a yoga instructor, can prove a potential market.

Try these methods in your classes, as each and everyone must benefit from an association. It is only then do the things run in a long run.

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