Yoga And How It Heals Cancer Survivors

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

February 20, 2016

Yoga not only is something that connects us to our soul and renders spiritual ground but has proved to be an efficient therapy for cancer patients. Cancer patients who have undergone the therapy and survived the deadly disease have found solace and positive energy drive with regular practice of yoga. Yoga therapy has greatly helped in healing from the disease and fought for quick recovery against the agonising disease. With continuous radiation and chemo therapy, the patients tends to become weak both physically and mentally, yoga helps in building strength through its holistic approach of doing things and letting one see positive aspects.  Here are few reasons why regular yoga practise can help quick recovery of cancer patient.

Yoga And How It Heals Cancer Survivors

Flushes Out Toxins:

Yoga has immense healing power because it helps in clearing out toxins that has accumulated through various chemical and radiation therapy while treating cancer. It stimulates entire system and with its regular practise intertwined with posture and proper breathing, it helps in internal purification of blood, enhance the lymphatic system and assist body to eliminate toxins.

Boost Immune System:

With continuous chemotherapy, radiation and medication of high dose, the immune system of a cancer patient starts to weaken with reduced formation of leukocytes. Yoga acts as magical syrup which helps in boosting immune system and strengthens internally to fight against infection and foreign particle.

Reduces Stress And Depression:

Cancer is not an ordinary disease but one is subjected to continual mental stress and physical discomfort. Although a person is cured through various treatments but weakness persist which tends to increase stress, anxiety and depression. Yoga practise through its holistic approach helps in scavenging negativity and bring peace to mind which helps in releasing our stress, allows one to combat depression and settles down anxiety. Yoga synchronise proper breathing which helps in calming both mind and body. With meditation practise, the fear and grief also starts to fade gradually.


Physical Strength:

Cancer requires a patient to be continually admitted to hospital during the treatment time which makes him or her physically weak, stiff and tired. After recovery, yoga has proved to be boon which aids in enhancing flexibility and motion along with strengthening core. Yoga involves posture and poses which helps in reviving physical strength and build stamina, which helps in quick and easy recovery from weakness. With yoga therapy a cancer patient and survivor can effectively ease their pain and enhances proper respiration.


Increases Acceptance:

Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases and if not treated at right time through right technology and therapy, it can be extremely fatal. Cancer survivors are very vulnerable because they fought against death and paved their way to survival. Yoga practise along with meditation helps them further in leading a positive life, moulds their acceptance towards themselves and allows them to accept the experience to be better human being.

Mental Strength and Happiness:

Cancer patients and survivors are very gullible when it comes to emotions because they have gone through a lot. Sometimes staying strong mentally helps a lot in quick recovery because the mind is a better controller of our actions and state. Yoga has helped in boosting mood and bringing happiness through its spiritual connection. Yoga practise brings a feel good factor which cultivates happiness and with greater release of endorphins there is instant boost of positivity. Yoga also leads to release of gamma – Amino Butyric acid, a neurotransmitter which helps in soothing nervous system and thus relieves of mental pain.


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