Why Online Yoga Teacher Training is Not Good?

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

February 1, 2016

With the world on the Internet, we have everything lined up with just a click away. The ubiquitous digital life is becoming quite essential leading to both boon and bane. Staring us in our faces are a wide rages of cons from the online world, out of which the most impacted is the sports or physical hobby industry. Many of us are turning to the laptop rather than stepping out in the open to practice yoga, gym, Pilates, and other similar sports. The trend of work from home has kicked in so much so that it has seeped into everything, which were otherwise necessary to be practiced in person with a coach or a trainer. A runner is now goggling techniques for enhanced performance while a yoga practitioner is looking for yoga teacher training courses online to become a certified teacher online itself.

Although there is no denying that the pros to the online world are many but every field cannot be juxtaposed to online ease. Something’s need to be done the traditional way and there are better kept like that. Yoga teacher training definitely falls under the purview of this exception. Practicing online is so much different than practicing in person with a certified teacher. Some of the pros might be lower prices, good for full time mommies or for those who cannot travel to places for the teacher training but here are some of the cons, you might want to weigh before you opt for an online yoga teacher training:

Yoga Teacher Training


Your time, your place, your attitude and your choices – All these look and sound very comforting but what about commitment. The odds to fall short on commitment are very high than any other thing. In a regular yoga teacher training you are committed to the practice and are dedicated to the classes because of constant motivation from the group and the teachers. If you lack dedication, chances are you will be disappointed with online yoga teacher training.


In a loop you might finish more than one class at a time and maybe find yourself excelling on the path. Great! But the quality control might go unchecked in your living room when you are practicing classes from yoga teacher training online. Anyone can be posting classes online without any assurance of their certification. When you are present in person, the quality definitely increases and also you are more inclined to watch and learn from your fellow mates.

Bipin Baloni showing poses


This is one of the undeniable points that the kind of exposure a personal one to one session or real life experience in a yoga hall can grant nothing can come close to that. We would recommend regular yoga teacher training courses because a real time setting can teach you so much more. The chances to experience the things, which are not possible on a 13 inches laptop screen, we need not mention them here. You are wise to weigh both the options.


Instructions on the laptop screen might reach your ears but the rate at which our eyes respond to the things we see is more than the response rate from the ears. We are more visually inclined people and when we see something happening in front of our eyes with the fellow mates and how they are dealing with challenges, we tend to learn faster, that is why a home schooled student will always be different from a regular student. Try taking a yoga tutorial and a regular group yoga class, you will know what we are talking about.

yoga teacher training courses


One of the biggest disadvantages of doing an online yoga teacher training is, not making like-minded friends. You might be active on the community and keep posting stuff on the forums but meeting in person with people from all walks of life and experiencing different cultures from different places is one of a kind experience. The support group will help you in your ups and downs along with motivating you to be a good learner and share your problems among yourselves. A group’s energy can be really shaking and motivating.

ganesha visarjan in rishikul yogshala


Okay, so you are regular at your classes, trying to derive best out of your days and having a good time, but did you account for days when there might be a technical failure. They might be a complete bummer and leave you annoyed as wells as at a halt. Thwarting your mood and motivation, technical issues can range from one to many. Avoid them by taking a regular teacher training with like-minded souls.

human anatomy in rishikul yogshala


At home, if you stay in a shared flat or with family, your family members, friends or guests coming over might distract you. All of which might be creating hindrances in your schedule. There can be a lot of interruptions in your path, which might lead to out-of-focus attention to your course. Avoid the doorbell, the landline, the cat or the dog and head to a place where you can meet your thoughts easily.

A practice with the teacher, under expert guidance is what we are looking for in a professional yoga teacher training course. Opt what is best for you and gain maximum from your efforts.

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