New Year Habit

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

January 11, 2016

New year and the first question is always, what is your New Years resolution?  The normal answers include eat less, drink less, exercise more and be happy.  Normally these will last the first few weeks and then old habits fall back into place.  However this year I feel that I may have a winning chance of sticking out 2016 with a new mind body and soul.  I have just completed a 200 hour teacher training course with Rishikul Yogshala in Kerala, India.  It has been hard work a gruelling schedule of lessons and practical and at times my body has been near to breaking but I have learnt new ways of life to make me a stronger,  better more spiritual person.  I saw in 2016 surrounded by new friends in a wonderful country with a leaner healthier body.

New Year Habit

It is said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit we have spent the last 28 days rising at 5am, replaced coffee with a herbal  tea, hours of asanas, pranayama, meditation, philosophy amongst some of the lessons.  Learned to sit cross legged on the floor for hours and study.  Our diet has been a healthy vegetarian Ayurvedic diet, bedtime has been early after reflection and journaling and not one drop of alcohol has passed my lips.  Yes I am exhausted but it is an energised type of exhausted.

It is a blessing that we have been able to connect to ourselves without distraction, pushed out of our comfort zones in a strange foreign land.  However this is part of the practice; where our growth and habit forming new ways will take place, cultivating a steady discipline leading to a steady relationship with ourselves.

I know that it is unrealistic to think that in my real life; cold London winter mornings and  long work hours that the this schedule can be stuck to.  However I do feel that some of the discipline that I have learnt will translate into my normal life and become a habit for life. As for 2016 I am starting it a much happier, healthier and spiritual form of my 2015 self and with the new teachings of yoga in my life- I feel that this is  going to be an amazing year.

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