Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Yoga has certainly taken the modern world by storm, owing to the fact that Yoga retreats and Yoga TTC are among the most popular holiday options in the 21st century. With the passage of time, like all other things, Yoga has also altered its form according to the needs...
What Should Be the Diet Plan for Yoga?

What Should Be the Diet Plan for Yoga?

There are a lot of aspects of yoga practice, and surely they’re more than twisting, bending, and turning. Many yogis adopt yoga merely as another form of exercising, but many yogis study, adapt and practice the eight limbs of yoga for a healthy and meaningful life....
Top 5 Health Benefits of Malasana

Top 5 Health Benefits of Malasana

People in the gyming circles like to believe that “Sticks and stones may break your bones but squats will make you badass!” Squats show good toning results within a very short time of practice. Squats are versatile. Squats can be performed anywhere, with or without...
How to do mindful meditation?

How to do mindful meditation?

It’s a busy world. We hustle daily to accomplish the necessary tasks. And, in a rush, we feel disconnected with ourselves, with the present, and surroundings. Mindfulness is the practice to be fully aware of the present and not being overwhelmed by the unfolding...