Open Your Heart With Yoga This Valentine’s Day

Open Your Heart With Yoga This Valentine’s Day

Today many parts of the world are celebrating St Valentine’s Day, sending cards, flowers and chocolates and dedicating the day to the one they love, or would like to love! We share our five reasons why yoga can lead to an open heart and blissful love life: 1....
Why Online Yoga Teacher Training is Not Good?

Why Online Yoga Teacher Training is Not Good?

With the world on the Internet, we have everything lined up with just a click away. The ubiquitous digital life is becoming quite essential leading to both boon and bane. Staring us in our faces are a wide rages of cons from the online world, out of which the most...
How Yoga Teaches You to Love Your Body

How Yoga Teaches You to Love Your Body

Yoga is science that gradually gives you the power of acceptance, the power to be seen and care for your body. It is a practice that co-ordinates all your body basics and parts into one single directional focus, teaches us to honour and be awareness of our body. Yoga...
New Year Habit

New Year Habit

New year and the first question is always, what is your New Years resolution?  The normal answers include eat less, drink less, exercise more and be happy.  Normally these will last the first few weeks and then old habits fall back into place.  However this year I...
Numbers behind the Yoga Practice

Numbers behind the Yoga Practice

A meandrous journey, yoga has seen many obstacles, faced numerous doubts and had to pass many tests, before it emerged as main stream art form both accepted and practiced by us. Wrapped in the cocoon of religion, culture, region, beliefs and much more, many people...