How Yoga Helps You To Become More Successful

How Yoga Helps You To Become More Successful

Yoga as a philosophy triggers a sense of empowerment through its nourishing preaching that acts as fodder for both mental and physical well being. It is due to this reason an increasing number of workplace yoga classes, so that employees can learn things beyond the...
Why You Should Go for Professional Yoga Training?

Why You Should Go for Professional Yoga Training?

1. You Will Get To Learn The Correct Yoga Alignments That Suit Your Body: With yoga teacher training, you will learn about the correct techniques in person, from a yoga master, rather than from taking classes or online tutorials that are not as easy to understand or...
Don’t Fall But Rise In Love With Yoga

Don’t Fall But Rise In Love With Yoga

You sure are in love with yoga – it deeply connects you to your real self with a deeper realisation of things but there comes a moment of impasse with everything. The same may also happen to you if you are following yoga like therapy every day. Like the way wearing...
Yoga And How It Heals Cancer Survivors

Yoga And How It Heals Cancer Survivors

Yoga not only is something that connects us to our soul and renders spiritual ground but has proved to be an efficient therapy for cancer patients. Cancer patients who have undergone the therapy and survived the deadly disease have found solace and positive energy...
Open Your Heart With Yoga This Valentine’s Day

Open Your Heart With Yoga This Valentine’s Day

Today many parts of the world are celebrating St Valentine’s Day, sending cards, flowers and chocolates and dedicating the day to the one they love, or would like to love! We share our five reasons why yoga can lead to an open heart and blissful love life: 1....
Why Online Yoga Teacher Training is Not Good?

Why Online Yoga Teacher Training is Not Good?

With the world on the Internet, we have everything lined up with just a click away. The ubiquitous digital life is becoming quite essential leading to both boon and bane. Staring us in our faces are a wide rages of cons from the online world, out of which the most...